Nolan Dark Knight Trilogy (BB/TDK/TDKR)

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One thing that always bugged me was why did Miranda sleep with Bruce? The only explanation for it is she already assumed that he would escape the pit and come for her, but that doesn't make sense since her and Bane threw Bruce into the pit because they knew he would not escape. That means she just slept with her enemy for no reason.

Deep undercover. Heh.

Maybe I'm getting the order-of-things wrong ... but wasn't that still during the time that she wanted control of Wayne Enterprises? Bane didn't have the bomb yet. Let him take her so he'll let her take the bomb. Then, Bane cracks him and throws him down a hole.

She may have anticipated his escape, though. Bane certainly didn't. But, she knew it could be done.

One thing that always bugged me was why did Miranda sleep with Bruce? The only explanation for it is she already assumed that he would escape the pit and come for her, but that doesn't make sense since her and Bane threw Bruce into the pit because they knew he would not escape. That means she just slept with her enemy for no reason.

I also think Nolan missed out on a great opportunity by not having Bane wait for Bruce inside the batcave with Alfred already knocked out just like in the comic books. Seeing him break Bruce in his own house and destroy the batcave would have made the whole "I am not afraid. I am angry" line more powerful.

that bothered me as well,

But the only way I could see it, was to make Bruce suffer even more by thinking that because of him Miranda died as well, I guess making him feel that he lost someone special all over again. Someone that maybe he could have loved if things were different?
But once you've put forth your argument there's not much point in going in circles about it endlessly.



Never looked at it that way.

TDKR feels like a poor man's Batman Begins and Dark Knight to me. It feels like they took the two of them and smashed them together like play-doh. I know how you feel about Terminator 2: Judgement Day Khev, how it's sort of a "rip off" of the original. And while I agree with you there as much as I love it, TDKR is way worse. In fact, it could probably recommended to just skip 5 hours of watching Batman Begins and The Dark Knight and just skipping to TDKR.

- The name "Dark Knight" is a household name now, just as good as Batman, INCLUDED IT IN THE TITLE AND CAPITALIZE OFF TDK.

- Hey, our unique 6 minute villain prologue in 2007 was so well received, let's open this movie like that too! But how? Rewrite it. Instead of a cool Bank Heist sequence, make it a showy plane scene to show off effects instead of caring about the story. Make the Bank Manager a CIA guy. Make the villains cronies willing to give their lives instead of being tricked by the villain. Have an "unmasked" reveal showing said villain.

- Start the movie after that with a cityscape shot and a Mayor Garcia voice over just like the last film. Maybe that will trick the audience into thinking this one is as good as that.

- It took us 50 mins to carefully establish Bruce Wayne becoming Batman in the first film, let's do that again, but this time make Bruce Wayne a mopey, POS and have Batman degrade. BATMAN GOES BACK!

- LoS 2.0

- Ra's Al Ghul 2.0 (I am da leuge of shedoooows)

- Ducard twist 2.0

- Villains nab Wayne Enterprises Tech, Wayne Enterprises Tech is used for the city's UTTER DESTRUCTION.

- Hospitals, Hospitals, Hospitals

- Remember how Bruce Wayne overcame his fear of falling into the well with the bats and his dad came in and helped him out? Remember how that was resolved in film one? Let's do that, BUT BIGGER. Now Bruce has gotta relearn da fear and instead of a backyard well, WE'LL PUT HIM IN A BIG HOLE PRISON THING.

- Bruce interacting with Morgan Freeman in every film is a running gag, pure box office gold, but just in case the audience didn't know already, LET'S REFERENCE DOES IT COME IN BLACK FOR HIS NEW BATMAN THEMED VEHICLE. Lol

- BUT WITH A TWIST! Instead of giving Batman Tumblers, Bane gets them and makes Bumblers.

- Shots and scenes lifted right from The Dark Knight of Alfred walking into Wayne's bedroom with breakfast, looking peeved, then going to his Bat Lair to ***** at him.

- Remember that chase sequence in Batman Begins with the cops and the Hans Zimmer music? LETS DO THAT AGAIN, ACCEPT MAKE IT BIGGER, FILM IT IN LA INSTEAD OF CHICAGO, AND DO IT WITH DA LOBSTER VEHICLE. What about the music? USE THE SAME TRACK, BUT MAKE IT LOUDER.

- How do we top that great scene of a terrorist playfully blowing up a hospital? Make a scene of a mumbling terrorist seriously blowing up the Steelers. Wait, what's that have to do with a Batman movie? Oh, Thomas Tull was a part owner and CEO of Legendary Pictures. Politics and $$$.

- Despite Batman Begins not relying on a IMAX prologue and montage ending and being it's own thing, TDKR shark jumps and rapes the Dark Knight with not just a prologue . . . but a BATMAN IS BOSS montage ending . . . . WITH THE SAME MUSIC. Zimmerman is so creative!

- $250 Million budget, gives Batman the same suit he had in the previous film. Oh, and he somehow conveniently had two of them at two different locations.

- The audience was stupid in 2008 and demanded flashbacks. GIVE FLASHBACKS FOR EVERYTHING. Who's Dent/Two-Face? SHOW IT. What's a Ra's Al Ghul? SHOW IT. FLASHBACK, FLASHBACK, FLASHBACK.

- What about the Joker, we keep regurgitating everything from the previous two films, what about him? He was great. "What's a 'Joker'?"

- How do you top two actresses playing the same preachy, undeveloped character? TWO actresses playing TWO DIFFERENT preachy, undeveloped characters.

- Joseph Gordon Levitt reenacts that great scene in Batman Begins where Bruce Wayne goes back into the well he fell into as a child and slowly overcomes his fear of bats, right down to the same torch light. The difference? Joseph Gordon Levitt isn't afraid of Bats and this isn't Bale, Bruce Wayne or Batman.

- Batman/Bruce Wayne lies to succeed, again.

Don't buy "full circle". Never have, never will.

Good stories move forward, even trilogies. The Dark Knight didn't heavily rely on Batman Begins and moved the story forward with NEW everything. Things we never saw before. It wasn't just a sequel to Batman Begins, it changed it up and advanced to another level.

TDKR is like, "well, here we are again, making our 'Batman' movie that we're going to END". It's fine the first time I guess, but for rewatchability, I'd rather see the first two. The scenes that they repeat in TDKR are arguably better in the first two films. Who would you rather see? A slow scene where Bruce Wayne is shown visiting the well, climbing back down, going into the cold dark, taking out his torch, seeing the Bats, fearing them, then slowly coming to terms with his fear and bracing bats OR, new comer, poorly developed character in a montage with 3 or 4 other things going on, kinda, sorta doing the same thing? How many times to I need to see the same "Alfred preaching to Bruce to not underestimate the villain and that he's more than he seems". How many times to I have to see "Batman racing to stop a doomsday device"? The best this series had to offer me was Liam Neeson mercenaries steal Wayne Tech and playing tricks on Bruce Wayne with "I'm a friend/lover, now I'm the big bad"?

Batman Begins was completely new. The Dark Knight is stand out and refreshing and I didn't even realize what I had till it was gone after 2008. A story shouldn't go backwards in my opinion and retread old plot points, it should move forward. The only aspect of going forward that they did was having Bruce "move on" and drop Batman as an alter ego. That feels like regression in my opinion, especially when Batman is one of the most obsessive and compelling characters out there. As soon as the pain is gone, as soon as the "MY PARENTS ARE DEEAAAAD" thing doesn't matter, and as soon as the cowl gets put away, I stop caring.

These threads are endless cycles. "Whah do we fawl, Mastah Wayne? So we can leahn to pick ouahsewves up, so we can leahn to fawl back down again."
lol Difabio that was an epic rant and I often like reading about you tearing DKR apart but LMAO chill babes. It's only a film.
Indeed. So why is everyone so upset about Ben Affleck?

I'm slowly coming to terms with it. I will open my mind. Let him have a go at being Batman then i'll make a judgement.

But there is being angry at a choice in a film = people annoyed at Affleck - and then there is a Difabio rant.
Difab still don't realize that the Joker was responsible for creating TDKR. Once that happens all crumbles.
The first time I saw DKR I loved it but as I saw it again and again I realized I was clouded by fanboy emotions the first time. Objectively, it doesn't hold a candle to TDK and the bar was set so high from TDK that DKR's plotholes and mistakes seemed glaring.
I just copied and pasted that post from previous posts. Whenever I see the same posts being brought up, I have long lists to include for any given response.

What's worse, "humorously" (sometimes even my own posts annoy me, truth) ripping a movie I've seen on occasion or being extremely butt hurt about a casting choice nobody has seen and therefor can't judge?

I'm just a product of the feelings in this thread. Don't fuel da fire and I won't come in a blazin'. Khev's post amused me, I went another step further. Come at me bro.
TDKR = RoboCop 3 with a budget. :lecture

They both even have high-tech ninjas.

The end of TDKR always reminds me of Enter the Dragon. You have the two sides... One is dressed all in blue.. The hero and villain have to fight their way through to each other and then finally have their big fight.

Robocop III works also :)
One small thing in TDKR I can never come to terms with in my head is that stupid knee brace thing. It seems like a small detail, but several big plots in the film could have been resolved if they had been consistent with it.

The two big questions I always ask myself are:

-If Batman had a device that was powerful enough to allow him to kick through stone, why didn't he ever use it in combat against Bane?

-And if he still had it when he was in the prison (im assuming Bane let him keep it for some reason since he didn't have a limp), why didn't he just kick himself some footholds along the prison wall and easily climb his way to freedom.

That, along with Bruce's insistence on trusting a woman who has done nothing but screw him over bug the hell out of me. I can sort of justify my way out of the other big plotholes for reasons of enjoying the movie.
The question I always ask myself is... where can I get one of those knee braces?
Just because you, or anyone else, don't like it, that doesn't make it any less valid. To say that it "sucks" is to say exactly what you said you weren't saying. Batman is bigger than the way you or I, or anyone else sees him, and there are various interpretations that are just as enjoyable as others with an open mind. It seems like the majority of complaints I see about TDKR are exactly like yours; that they don't like it because it's not "their" Batman.


TDKR is attacked left and right because it didn't follow the tone, direction and intent of TDK. Nolan went a different way with the 3rd film like he did with the second. Fine if you don't like the direction. This was his Batman and how he wanted to tell his story.

Having said that- IM3 is a good film- far better than the truly bad IM2:rotfl

lol Difabio that was an epic rant and I often like reading about you tearing DKR apart but LMAO chill babes. It's only a film.

Indeed. So why is everyone so upset about Ben Affleck?

Difab still don't realize that the Joker was responsible for creating TDKR. Once that happens all crumbles.


TDKR is attacked left and right because it didn't follow the tone, direction and intent of TDK. Nolan went a different way with the 3rd film like he did with the second. Fine if you don't like the direction. This was his Batman and how he wanted to tell his story.

Having said that- IM3 is a good film- far better than the truly bad IM2:rotfl

100% agree
Just because you, or anyone else, don't like it, that doesn't make it any less valid. To say that it "sucks" is to say exactly what you said you weren't saying. Batman is bigger than the way you or I, or anyone else sees him, and there are various interpretations that are just as enjoyable as others with an open mind. It seems like the majority of complaints I see about TDKR are exactly like yours; that they don't like it because it's not "their" Batman.

I find it a lot easier to swallow now that they closed the book on that series. Still don't agree with the ending, that's not even Nolan's batman. It's not even Batman. However, I would take some ridiculous rewrite to bring Bale back now

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