Chapter 2099
Super Freak
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Just watched the newest one wow i was floored with cranston’s performance here great episode.
I'm still in shock 24 hours later.

Just watched the newest one wow i was floored with cranston’s performance here great episode.
Hey now. Walt Jr's acting was spot on too.
I came across some rumored spoilers. Some of them are pretty outlandish and obviously not true, but there are some that could feesibly happen, imo.
My question is if I post them...Should I put them in a spoiler tag??
I'm not judging her just by an episode or season. Rather the entire course of the series.Yeah because like us (the viewer) she as a character is also supposed to know that Walt really did try to save Hank. So what if she believes her husband got her brother-in-law killed. She should have just listened to Walt and packed up her bags. Biyatch indeed.
Are there now people who also believe that Walt Jr. is a jerk for trying to defend his mother? I won't be surprised.
Yeah Walt likely knew about the phone being tapped, he put on that show as Heisenberg so Skyler would seem like the total victim to the cops. Even though he might have meant those things he said, he likely wanted the cops to know he was the one responsible for all things and not his wife.
Say my name!You're the worst kind of person.
Nice catch. Could be.Also, that reflection could be an omen.
Man, I love the little things this show drops on you. I would not catch most of these if it wasn't for other people pointing it out.
Didn't notice the parallel when watching. Both lost someone extremely close to them, and both(?) seek out revenge no matter how long it takes.
I guess it all depends on what is going to happen with Walt and his M60 in the flash forward (well, it's present time now).
Also, that reflection could be an omen.
wow. WOWoh my god that is clever.
Such an eerie Omen too....
Did they cut some footage from the first episode with the flash forward!? I've seen a lot of pics of Walt in a diner that was supposed to be from that episode but I never saw that footage while watching it. Any word on that?
I'm sure Walt gets killed but who shoots him? Only real candidates are Jessie, Skylar, or Walt Jr. I'm sure somehow he redeems himself in the end by saving his family and Jessie. I'm pulling for Walt to come out alive and leave an opening for speculation of did he make it or not. If he meets up with his family at a Los Hermanos and a Journey song starts playing, I'm going to lose it.
Okay my friends here's the long *** convoluted mess of rumors I read this morning.
Theres a lot of this that can't possibly be true because of the events that have already happened, but there are some interesting parallels. I mean I wonder if this could have been a rough draft of a script or a reworked one since a copy went missing earlier this year...or just someones wild imagination?
Anyways...Please don't shoot the messenger!
Episode 13: To'Hajille:The episode opens with Jesse and Hank having a mock conversation about Hank would defend himself if Walt were to accuse him of being involved with the drug operation. Hank struggle with the fact that he wants to finish Walt by himself but Jesse encourages him to take the case to the DEA now that they have built a solid foundation. Jesse is worried they wouldn't be able to deal with Walt on their own. Hank is skeptical but knows it is probably the right thing to do.*Skyler is struggling to keep her secrets from Marie as the IRS continues to investigate the car wash. It is being very clear to the IRS that something is wrong. Marie snoops through some of Skylers papers, which lead to Skyler admitting to Marie that they have been laundering Walts gambling winning through the car wash. After Walt believes he is being followed, we see him meet Lydia for coffee. He again brings the ricin to poison Lydia but does not. Lydia tells him that the Nazis wont let Todds death go lightly. Skyler visits Beneke but he denies talking to the IRS. His company is not under investigation, which leads Skyler to believe he sold her out for immunity. Skyler seems to accept benekes reasoning and walks away.*Jesse visits Saul and discusses their next move. Marie hints to Hank about the money laundering and this seems to give hank the push he needs to take the Walt case to the DEA. He calls Gomie. Walt meets Declan in the desert for their meeting. Walt makes it clear he with not return but Declan doesnt like it. I wont ruin this next part because you have to see it to believe it, but Walt manages to take out declan in his two men in a way reminiscent of how he killed Tuco and Gus (Yeah Mr White! Yeah science!) Walt returns to ABQ to discover that his identity as Heisenberg has been compromised and a massive man hunt is underway. We get a montage of Walt preparing his escape by contacting the disappearing dude meanwhile the Nazi guys busting into Walts house, trashing it and murdering Skyler out by the pool while baby holly sits helpless. It is truly the greatest and most horrifying scene in the entire series.
Episode 14:Ozymandias:*Walt is now living somewhere else in the states after his empire fell. We cant be sure where. In a hotel. it is nearly a year later and he has hair and a beard. It is clear that he struggles with what he has done, especially leaving ABQ while his family was in danger. However, he seems to be more hurt by the fact that his reign as heisenberg was foiled. throughout the episode we see many flashbacks to characters such as jane, crazy 8 and tuco. Walt regrets his actions and letting himself fail. We get a flashback to the grey matter days when gretchen introduced elliot to him. it is clear that he blames elliot for getting in between him and gretchen and destroying his future in grey matter. Meanwhile, back in ABQ, Jr and Holly are living with hank and marie. Hank no longer works at the DEA, a consequence he accepted when his brother in law was outed as heisenberg. We see hank obsessing over case files. They are consuming him. Jesse seems to be better off. He isnt using and is back together with andrea. However, he tells badger that he feels that this *beep* isnt over yet. Lydia is in jail now after the DEA investigate madrigal once again after walt was revealed to be heisenberg. After things cool down, one of the czech gang members visit lydia in jail. He demands another cook. She tells him jesse is the only other one. We see jesse kidnapped outside of his house by the czech gang. We see Walt in his hotel again. he gets a phone call from saul informing him of what has happened to jesse. he hangs up the phone and hangs his head in sadness. Suddenly, a fly buzzes by his head and lands on the table next to the bed. walts face turns from sadness to anger as he swats at the fly and kills it in one shot. He picks up his phone, dials and the episode ends.
Episode15:Felina:Opens with a panorama of the New Mexico desert: long time lapse shot that shows the sun rising and falling, various desert creatures stirring etc. Cuts to the daytime, the spot of Walt & Jesse's first cook. Walk parks his car and opens the trunk to retrieve a shovel - we see that the M60 is still there. Walt starts digging (where he and Skylar buried the money earlier in the season) and he quickly hits something: we see the money, which has been carefully shrinkwrapped, is still there. Walt begins to load it into the trunk next to his M60. (THEME SONG) Next we are at Hank's house, with Marie, Walt Jr. and Holly. Hank is distracted and seems to be in a hurry to get somewhere. The door opens and he tells Marie to get it: "That's Gomie." We hear a gun shot and we now see a NEW CHARACTER, backed by a band of Hispanic henchmen, step into Hank's house. They shoot Hank in the leg and demand to know where Walt is, Hank is crying and asking if Marie is alive and begs them to spare the children. They cut Walt Jr's throat in front of his eyes - this is one of the most brutal scenes that we have seen so far, perhaps only surpassed by Skylar being killed in front of Holly (one of the thugs picks Holly up and takes her to another room before all of this violence happens.) Hank asks the men again who they are and the only response that he gets is "la Caravana de la Muerte." We cut to a flashback that shows a much younger GUS FRING, in a foreign military uniform flying in a helicopter with these same men across the Chilean jungles. They land at a military prison and immediately begin slaughtering people. Through conversations in this long flashback scene we learn that FRING and these NEW CHARACTERS were members of Pinochet's death squad in the 1970s. It is clear that these men have come to avenge FRING's death in ABQ and they are incredibly brutal - probably the biggest badasses that we have seen on the show. We now cut to Walt, driving back from the desert with a look of extreme determination on his face. He gets a call from SAUL who says we need to meet somewhere immediately - he is absolutely panicked. Cut to Walt and Saul, Saul is completely disheveled and says he just got a call from HANK who was in tears - he is sure this is a trap but Walt seems concerned. He has Saul call back the number. Cut to a prepaid cell phone ringing on the table at Hank's house. There is blood everywhere and both Walt Jr and Marie's bodies are splayed out in the floor right in front of a tied up Hank. A bunch of henchmen are still there and one is holding Holly, he has a pistol to her head. Hank answers the phone and tells Walt he needs to come to his house, that Walt Jr and Marie are dead and they will kill him and Holly if he doesn't show. Walt breaks the phone in anger and leaves Saul's office. We see a closeup of his face: HEISENBERG IS READY TO KILL EVERYONE.Walt parks in front of Hank's house, removes the M60 from the trunk and storms in like Rambo, killing most of the Chileans immediately. He is now locked in a standoff with the leader who has two guns, one pointed at Hank and one at baby Holly. He dares Walt to kill him and says if he shoots him, he will kill at least one of the two first. Walt takes the bet and opens fire, killing him but not before he shoots Hank in the head. Baby Holly is unharmed and Walt scoops her up just as JESSE enters. Jesse is shocked and horrified at the violence and just stares at Walt and Holly. He asks him why he made him think he had poisoned him (at this point it is clear that he was not actually poisoned by Walt and Ted was - I won't go into details on that) and Walt says something like, "I Wanted you to know I had the power to kill you at any time and I didn't." Jesse tells Walt its over, that Saul called him and he called the police, and they are on the way now. Walt tells Jesse good, its all over anyway. He hands him baby Holly and the keys to his car (with all of the money in it) and says "I hope you have purpose in your life now, Jesse." We hear sirens and as they get nearer, Walt puts a gun to his head and pulls the trigger. Next we cut to Jesse, clearly weeks later in front of his house, baby Holly in his arms with a bottle. He opens the trunk of the car and sees all the money. We see a close up shot of his face, and the episode cuts to black.
well I did hear that the people behing the show came up with at least 30 different ending and they tried to justify them and then they started to mix them up, until they came up with what we have now.
So this might very well be a rough draft of some of those endings they were thinking of doing.