Re: Darth Vader (Mythos) Statue
Just received #79/5000! The paint job (which was the major worry of most) is amazing! Incredibly well done. So if that's holding anyone back, it shouldn't.
What I did find odd, was that the head is kind of looking...beside the helmet and not at it. I mean, if you pose if from the side, it'll likely line up properly, and maybe it's supposed to be an illusion and that's how you're supposed to view it, otherwise it wouldn't work; however, when you look at it head on, he's looking beside the helmet instead of directly at it. I have to set him up properly still when I get back, and I don't think it's a dealbreaker, but it's a bit odd they wouldn't just line him up with it -- again, unless it's needed for the illusion at the angle it's supposed to be viewed at.
One thing though: I received a lightsaber loose, and it has a circle keychain type hook on it. On Vader's belt, there's a there supposed to be a hook there? If so, mine may have broke and I don't see it anywhere. The body looks great though, with no real flaws, so I'd hate to have to request a new one just because the belt clip broke off. Maybe that's why they nixed it with Obi-way? Maybe it was just unlucky on my part...or maybe I'm just missing how it's supposed to clip in.
If anyone has any answers about this, please let me know

(again, it's not a huge hole, but it's a small square, which makes me think that there was supposed to be something there to latch onto. Again, maybe I just missed something.)