Gus was again punished for playing with his food at school. He made a set of ****s out of his mashed potatoes. The lunch lady asked, what's this on your tragus? You're welcome.I'm going to try to work 'tragus' into a sentence today.
Where do I post this picture taken today of Me and Gilbert Gottfried ?
If you're serious, the Let's See You thread.
I'm starting to suspect that The Ween is just a figment of our imaginations. Like some kind of mass hysteria, manifested in our minds from sniffing the toxic fumes of too many Hot Toys figures.
So, it raises the question that I must ask in this thread: does The Ween actually exist?
Dave has obviously put something in the water and we're all sharing a hallucination called The Ween. She must be an archetype of the collective unconscious, released into conscious awareness by the exorbitant geek vibes reverberating through the forum.
It's the only explanation.
How do I find this Thread you speak of ?