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Thief - 7/10 repeated loading screens and a lack of challenge for hardcore old school stealth players like me...
The Darkness 2 (PC) 9/10 Visceral gameplay, superb adaptation of the comicbook characters, great writting, I just love this game, didn't get a chance to play on consoles after finishing the 1st one, but it was a great sequel.

After that I need 3 things:

-A sequel to the Darkness 2
-A movie of the Darkness.
-Bring The Darkness 1 to PC please!
Gaspar- That's great to hear. The first game is on of my all time favorites and it's great to hear the sequel lived up to the first. I own the second but have yet to crack it open because of my serious backlog.

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Gaspar- That's great to hear. The first game is on of my all time favorites and it's great to hear the sequel lived up to the first. I own the second but have yet to crack it open because of my serious backlog.

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Yeah, as a fan, the 1st one was perfection, then the sequel is the natural progression, you know how comicbook stories expand the lore? Well that's exactly what TD2 does without getting too busy, if anything, it's a bit on the short side, but you know, quality not quantity.

The tone is just as dark, but it adds a bit more humor, the characters had me chuckling quite frequently and you're gonna love the darklings in this one.

The 3rd one is a must!!!
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Dark Souls II - 8/10 (@ 94% trophy)

I wasn't nervous playing it as I was in DS I. The bosses seem less intimidating.
The lore is presented more straight forward. Will have to go to NG+ and may
be ++ to understand the depth of it
Lego Marvel Superheros - 6/10

It's actually a lot fun but like all Lego games, it's not as smooth as it should be. Feels incredibly clunky and terrible controls on PC. Was worth the 4.99 on sale but I doubt I'll ever replay it.
The Last of Us - 10/10

Assassin's Creed: Black Flag - 8.5/10

Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition - 8/10

Infamous: Second Son - 7.5/10
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D - 10/10 One of the greatest games of all time, still remember finishing it on the N64 when I was 11.

Batman Arkham City - 9.5/10 Second time finishing it in the last year, also one of the best overall games I've played.

Bioshock: Infinite - 8.5/10 Story was amazing, I just wish they had incorporated some of the larger bosses a bit more, always felt like I was fighting the same enemies.

Playing through Dishonored right now and thoroughly enjoying it.
Papa Sangre: 9/10
Papa Sangre 2: 9/10

None of these two games have any graphics, only 3D sound, they will make you go to the land of the dead and stumble your way across it with your eyes closed and carefully listening to it's surroundings, being cautious not to come across any creature that can eat your soul and trap you there forever, saving any innocent soul you may encounter in your search for redemption.

Beautiful experiences, super immersive, if you have an iPhone or and iPad/iPod, this is a MUST play.
Deus Ex: Human Revolution Director's Cut 8.5/10

This is what an RPG should be. Engaging story, great character building, immersive world. Can't wait to start my New Game+. But now I am on to play Bioshock Infinite.
Doesn't deserve anything less :lecture

I agree. It was the best game I've played since the Uncharted series and the AC: Ezio series.

Naughty Dog has two great IPs.

To keep up with the thread theme, I finished NBA2k14 MyCareer on PS4. One season, many accolades, a few broken records and a championship ring to go along with my custom Nike shoes. Retired after one season. (drops the mic)

Waiting for Watch Dogs to hit the PS4 at the end of next month. :impatient:
Infamous Second Son = 6.5 - very pretty game, but boring story, repetitive gameplay - offers nothing new to the franchise other than the graphics.

Arkham City replay - 9.0 = still awesome

Arkham Asylum = 8.5 = still excellent as well - a smaller game but great for anyone that has yet to play this series

Tomb Raider PS4 = 9.5 = love this reboot. Uncharted gameplay entirely but I loved it

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