I had avoided this thread for some time to stay away from spoilers. I wish I had peaked and saved myself a bit of money.
Today I saw ASM2 and I can't get over how much I hated it. Hated the soundtrack. Hated the back between forth goofy and dramatic. Hated all of the villains. Hated the god-awful sledgehammer foreshadowing in Gwen's speech. There were a FEW little moments where the movie held the promise of something better (Sally Field's "You're my boy" scene was actually touching) but there's so... much... sh-t in the rest of the film.
Tobey Maguire's last Spider-Man movie is suddenly looking better by comparison.
This is an example of how out of touch I feel with another ones opinion.... And I am not saying you are wrong... I just can't in anyway see where you are coming from... It's unusual for me. I can usually get a feel or understand others feelings towards a film. I fail to understand the hate... even when it's spelled out because I completely disagree. But like I said I am not saying either party is right or wrong... Just an observation about myself and this film.
Word. We got a perfect costumed Spider-Man on screen (in look and attitude,) some great action and chemistry, an emotional death and an enormously uplifting and endearing finale. I find it amusing that people are trying to take a movie with such strengths and pretend it's worse than SM3 or B&R. All right go enjoy that crap, I'm so glad I get to enjoy the hell out of this one.
So far this year we got the best superhero movie
ever (TWS) and arguably the best Spidey film. I didn't see that coming. Bring on DOFP and GOTG!
TWS was so great. I was telling my friend that as far as first time viewings go.... I enjoyed TWS more then The Avengers. He looked at me like I had two heads LOL.. Now I am not saying that TWS will hold up as well to repeat viewings (I hope it does) and I will continue to enjoy it more then The Avengers but man I had a blast with that film.... Best Superhero movie ever??? I will have to see it a few more times... Top 5?? Without question.
S3 still blows for the most part, few good to great scenes mixed in.
Wife and I revisited ASM 1 today and we both agreed that ASM 2 blows it out the water, Lizard was such a horrible design and the movie is actually pretty boring.
I have to say, the urge to revisit ASM 2 remains strong.
I really believe had the Lizard been designed better (give him a snout) and I would have enjoyed the film 25% more

As is I still like it and think it's better then the 1st Raimi Spiderman (I will take Lizard design over Jet Jaguar... er.. I mean Green Goblin, any day) but not as good as ASM2 or SM2.
Just on a general note, to me I can't look at scenes that isolated. When I look at a film, I look at an entire film. The point of film as a medium is that it's a whole that exists because of the crafted chronology and attachment between the scenes you see. In written media it's true that it's way easier to highly switch tones and approaches, but imo that's not a good thing in a film and if you do choose to do it you need Coen Brothers level of directing to pull it off (which, I'm sorry to say, Webb just doesn't have, not anywhere near it). A film should have a through-line, a solid tonal foundation from which it can venture into different spots if done fluently.
ASM2 lacked that entirely for me. Not too hard a thing to understand I'd say...

But I'm glad you enjoyed it, I will remain here a sad panda that I couldn't.
Just to clarify... I am not saying I think you are wrong in what you are saying... Because who the hell am I to tell anyone their opinion about a film is wrong

But I don't get peoples arguments about the film as far as tone goes. Taken as a whole or as single scenes. But read on because you will see that I am not saying that I think that makes me right. It's just something I am failing at not you
It's like we saw two completely different films and I usually don't feel that way.
For me if a movie has a bad scene or two but the film succeeds as a whole I can forgive those moments, ie.. Nazi scientist, Riddler Max. It was not enough for me to complain about the changing tone or the awful acting. Not when the rest of the film nailed it so well. It's like when Roger Ebert allowed Deputy Chief of Police Dwayne Robbinson to ruin the rest of Die Hard for him (he gave it two stars because he hated that character so much) He liked the rest of the film but could not handle that character... A character I thought was just fine.... Die Hard is perfect and Ebert is an idiot but I am getting off topic

My point is Robinson was a small part of Die Hard and I can't understand how it ruined the rest of the film for everyone else.
Like I pointed out everything else in the film takes itself seriously except for when Spidey is being a wise guy. the film showed that being Spider-man probably would be fun... But that dark crap can happen even to the best of us.
I respect peoples opinion about films even when I don't agree with them (Except for JAWS, if you don't like JAWS then you are wrong and a jerk

) I just don't in anyway agree with these tonal issues people are having... Does not mean I am right and I am not being close minded.. It's just one of the few times that I don't "get it" Everything you said about Spidey I would hate about a film. I hate bad humor in my films. (Watch White House Down to see a great example of being all over the place tone wise) But I don't see that at all in Spider man. But like I said that is my issue not yours.... Or it is your issue because I get to enjoy Spider-man and you didn't
