Super Freak
Re: Days of future past wolverine hot toys?
The 70's "suit" is ANOTHER civilian outfit? zzzzzz
The 70's "suit" is ANOTHER civilian outfit? zzzzzz
this movie was THE comic book movie of all comic book movies! Honestly if HT sleeps on this license it would be a total crime. THIS is the ensemble cast, smart, suspenseful, action packed, exciting, brilliant movie that deserves 10 releases, NOT iron man 3....
After seeing the movie I REALLY want a Mystique/Raven two pack.![]()
I don't see why they just go through with the Prof. X they already have sculpted. They already spent the money on the sculpting process.
Marvel has the toy licenses of all of there products, including the X-Men. They do not want toys of DOFP being made for it will be free promotion on Marvel's part where they want the X-Men film rights back. That's why we have seen minimum merchandise from this film compared to Spidey and Cap2.
I don't see why they just go through with the Prof. X they already have sculpted. They already spent the money on the sculpting process.
Its been like this for awhile when X3 came out they had no toyline for it. They havent made movie xmen figures in years and if they are movie figures its either done by HT or diamond select. Its really sad.
Howard Chan, you can no longer fall back on the fact that sucky X-Men movies like The Last Stand are what's preventing you from going ham on this license. Days of Future Past got all of the franchise's ducks in a row, now, it's time for you to do the same. No more playing second fiddle to the Marvel studios stuff, I want to see both Wolverines, both Magnetos, Beast, Raven, some Sentinels; the whole shebang. I doubt I'd buy them all, but I'd love to see them. I'd totally buy the two Wolverines, though, if they could nail Jackman's likeness and give us 70's and super-suit versions.
I just assumed because of the divisive nature of the previous films, he's always played it safe by just making Wolverine figures. I think it shows when you know that they made First Class Xavier, and, yet, he never saw the light of day.
Except that licensing issues have nothing to do with it, when he says "we have no plans, right now, to release Xavier; maybe when Days of Future Past comes out."
He said so in an interview. Which one, though, is up to you to find out.![]()
I have no interest in looking for an interview that probably doesn't exist. You're just yet another member who insists on posting his opinion as fact. And there is nothing wrong with opinion. Almost everyting I've stated is my opinion.
7. Why is there a delay on X-Men First Class figure line?, Even Professor X is delayed, will this line still be continued?
We will try to make it for next year, maybe release it together with the movie release of X-Men: Days of Future Past.