Wake up to yourself..I was being cheeky - & intentionally short, because of your naively blanket comment.
In context, an old school production team - likely consisting of multiple units at least, working with various mediums & techniques, is a long drawn out, time consuming, labour intensive process. That equates to a lot of man hours, & potentially - money, comparatively speaking.
Compare that set of circumstances, to nowadays what typically what consists of a generally modest team of highly skilled animators & associated crew, those that do render work etc, & the folks that oversee those relatively small units - COUPLED with industry standard tools / software etc (that many independent projects have the opportunity to use now as tech gets more compact & cheaper), that have made the whole nature of the business FAR more accessible, practical, & COST EFFECTIVE.
If you don't understand that.. then enjoy having you head up your clacker.![]()
yeah, bla bla bla.

Watch this if you want to learn something (they specifically talk about how practical is cheaper)