(FLOSI'S Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

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re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Yeah, Megatron was a turd. But so was the original too :lol
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

MP-10 is awesome. I like his look better than the MP-01 and that he fit in with the new scale that's been established with the line. I've never seen the Takara version, but the TRU Rodimus Prime didn't look too good either.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

MP-10 is awesome. I like his look better than the MP-01 and that he fit in with the new scale that's been established with the line. I've never seen the Takara version, but the TRU Rodimus Prime didn't look too good either.

Yeah, the MP10 does look sweet. I never got into the line after I got MP1 & MP2. I was able to get Starscream much later for $50 for that was a no brainer.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Why is this sneaky Transformer thread hidden in the Star Wars section? What are you grown men doing in here?
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Quick trip down on Friday, September 5th and back up on Monday the 8th. Hopefully there will be time to meet up!
A weekend business trip?!?!? The only people who have weekend business trips are sports athletes and pimps. And you aren't no athlete! :lecture

I believe its 6, I didnt get preview night so I have to wait until tomorrow to see the Sideshow booth. :(
It sucks that they charge extra for Preview night now. I remember when Preview night was not only free, but EMPTY!!! You could walk around anywhere, with no lines, and see everything in advance! I miss those days... Then it caught on, and everybody planned on being there in time for preview night. It slowly went down hill... I still don't believe it's a non-profit organization. Eddie Ibrahim and the others must get an awesome salary to eat up the funds they are raking in.

For those interested in the Walgreens exclusive Boba Fetts, they also have the exclusive My Little Pony and Agent Venom exclusives up for preorder now.
Walgreens is GENIUS!!! By taking pre-orders this far in advance, they can gauge the interest, and place a bigger order with Hasbro if they feel demand is greater than initially anticipated. I expect no shortage of these.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Why is this sneaky Transformer thread hidden in the Star Wars section? What are you grown men doing in here?
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

In case people haven't seen this SSAlex confirms both SSC and Hot Toys have the Star Wars licence.

It could just be clever wording though. She didn't say how long Sideshow has the license for. We know they still have the license... currently. But that doesn't mean they will 2 years from now...
Yes, I'm a negative nancy... It just doesn't make sense to me that two companies would both have the license concurrently for the same product line. And technically speaking, it is Hasbro which holds the license. They are renting the rights to Sideshow, and now Hot Toys apparently...

You know what I find hilarious? Hasbro stopped producing 12" because they just couldn't keep it up for the $20-$30 price point. They let Sideshow have it, who started them at $45 IIRC. Then they kept increasing the prices. Hasbro should be thinking to themselves, crap, we should just keep the rights ourselves, and sell $100 figures. We'll make a big profit, and consumers will be happy to pay only $100 instead of $175-$250. Hasbro could suddenly have a very profitable 12" figure line!

I'm not saying I want this to happen. I'm just surprised it hasn't happened...
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re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

It could just be clever wording though. She didn't say how long Sideshow has the license for. We know they still have the license... currently. But that doesn't mean they will 2 years from now...

re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Damn, the Cantina's been hopping :lol

But a lot of great announcements today... I'm gonna be spending a lot of money it seems.

I remember back when getting pre-orders at SDCC was a big deal for them! Nowadays, I don't even think they take written pre-orders there anymore. They just have PC's set-up for you to order.

Yeah, doesn't seem like there is any insider advantage to attending the con when it comes to orders... although really it's not like anything at the con was not possible to also get by sitting at home.

BTW, so no exclusives this year for Sideshow? Did they have any last year?

I wonder if the Evil Dead 2 Ash will be part of the Sideshow 1/6 display. That would be awesome.

I believe SSAlex said no to Evil Dead being at SDCC or Jason. I think those are just announced this month and who knows when we'll actually see them.

Ugh, I am not believing it until I have seen it. We have been promised too many times in the past.

Same here... I find it pretty unlikely that nothing would have been officially teased yet for this. And so far still nothing seems to be happening with the Indy LSF. Last I remember it was getting torn apart for the funking looking eyes :lol

No, because I would be compelled to track down Greedo and Hammerhead. :panic:

They're both awesome... but it's a dark path you will be going down once you start picking up the 2 minutes of screentime or less figures :lol

Just sayin....



Ya know, I was set to pass on this... but damned if it doesn't look great and feel like a great addition to an 80's shelf. Consider him and Doc bought. Pass on the Deloraean though... it would be awesome, but definitely no space for it. I'll be content with the 1:18 version I already have.

******* it! There is no way I can pass up a G1 Prime.

Fawk you Hot Toys! FAWK YOU!!!!!

I hope its $300 so I can pass cause its too expensive.

Not feeling it, but I understand you have a Prime Focus.... I'm going to stick purely to GI vintage for TF from here on out. Just sold off my MP Prime and Starscream last week.


Just when I was surely done with Hot Toys, the pull some ******** like this.

Last week I had 3 whole items on pre order, less than a week later it's looking like I will have adding at least 7 more, one of which is a premium format and one Hot Toys figure. What a difference a week makes :thud:

Yep, at this point I'm in for X-Wing Luke, Tie Fighter Pilot, C-3PO, Scout Trooper, Marth McFly and maybe Pinhead and the Speeder Bike. And not going to lie, I'm a bit tempted by the Mark III. I tend to prefer the original incarnation of a character so I might drop the VII and pick this one up if the prices line up well on the exchange.

My brother just emailed me and told me he's been scanning some old family photos of us as kids. He said he found one of me holding up my just-opened Star Wars Death Star. I can't wait to see that! :rock

Badass, can't wait to see it :rock

I'm kinda in shock right now :lol

My hobby life is in chaos and its all Hot Toys fault :lol

Our worlds got flip-turned up-side down :huh

Oh God. I just thought about the Marvel section and all the HT fanboys.

That's what the SW section is gonna look like now :monkey4

Hmmm... we might need to close the doors of the Cantina to new members. I don't want the rabble messing with us :lol

All of these recent SSC announcements, and the HT announcement, has me thinking that Sideshow lost the license at the end of 2015, so they are quickly pumping out all of the stuff they've been working on. Otherwise, why announce all this stuff at once? It just seems odd...

Didn't Sideshow just announce earlier this year (just a few months ago IRRC) that they had the extended the SW license again. I assume they have been aware of this development with HT and maybe even been involved in fostering it.

I really don't see this as being a direct competition between the two. Anything HT would want to release has already been done by Sideshow. The only holes they might fill first would be Dooku or Tarkin, which while important are not figures as likely to be huge sellers. I think HT will primarily release the main cast figures in versions already done by Sideshow. And I think Sideshow will continue to fill gaps and figures that will probably never be done by HT.

So I'd imagine them working pretty well in concert with one another and it not being an issue of one trying to beat the other. I said it in the other thread, but I think Sideshow will probably get around to figures like Dengar, a Hoth Trooper and Lobot... but HT will never release any figures that low on the popularity scale.

Yeah, Megatron was a turd. But so was the original too :lol

Yeah, that figure was total crap. I only kept him for a few weeks before dumping him back on eBay :lol

Yeah, the MP10 does look sweet. I never got into the line after I got MP1 & MP2. I was able to get Starscream much later for $50 for that was a no brainer.

I honestly prefer the look and size of the MP01 and 04 to the MP10. The MP10 looked a bit too modern compared to the clunkier and more animated look of the earlier version.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

A weekend business trip?!?!? The only people who have weekend business trips are sports athletes and pimps. And you aren't no athlete! :lecture

It's really just a day trip on Monday, but since my family lives there, I'm flying down Friday afternoon so I can spend the weekend with them. :yess:
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Forget the other threads, guys. Post whatever cool SDCC **** you find. :lecture
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

It's really just a day trip on Monday, but since my family lives there, I'm flying down Friday afternoon so I can spend the weekend with them. :yess:
That's cool. You might melt though. Isn't it hot in Houston in August?

There's an awesome crepe place downtown, but I can't remember the name. I've never had a crepe that good anywhere else... They have like 60 different flavors...