Alien Warrior legendary scale bust

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Lucky exclusive # 7 :)

Well, Overall I'm pretty satisfied with it.. No damage, paint job, size and colors are all okay.(Minus the teeth)
I took the inner jaw out to paint, but here's some pics anyway.

I think anyone on the fence on this? Should go for it, It's a pretty awesome piece.

Wow thats a shame. I guess if you recieved one with minor issues like a scratch or brush hairs you should count yourself lucky.i actually noticed looking at mine again that the top portion of one of the tendons isnt even connected. It sticks out maybe an 1/8 of an inch. But its saving grace is that its not the side its displayed from. So i have time to fix it and make my repairs. And python the p. Mett is definately beautiful. But if anyone ever considered getting into collecting tarantulas i would suggest they start with either a green bottle blue.. or a g. Pulchra. Or if you prefer out all the time crawling around then any avic would do. Any poecilotheria or babboon or old world tarantulas are not really the best to start off with hahaha
View attachment 129118View attachment 129119View attachment 129124View attachment 129125 these pics are really bad I apologize. But figured I would just post up a few. Included one of the darkness bust for size reference. And a few of it under different lighting in my entertainment display. Then just a pic of the display as a whole for now. Mind you this is not all my collectibles but instead just a few pieces I enjoy looking at hahaha

wierzbowski could you do me a favor when you have free time? you could take a picture of the trunk next to the polystone statue of the warrior 1/6 scale?
because my I would like to expose with this statue and wanted to give me an idea on the difference of degree, thank you very much ;)
If you dont mind waiting until tomorrow ill post a pic of them side by side. Ill post a pic of the bust with and without the base i have it on as well.

Circled the only flaws I found in the last pic. And I scanned all over this piece with a led flashlight. The right side of the head appears to have scuffs of some sort on the tubing. I doubt SS would replace this. And I don't think I'm going to even ask because #1 they likely won't replace it and #2 it's very minor. How would that even work if they did replace it? Since the exclusive number is on the base and the entire piece is the base I guess they'd take a blank replacement and just write the same number on it?

Wish the teeth were chromed because I like they way they look like black chrome in the proto pics when dark light reflects off but the silver isn't bad. And I don't think the tendons or musculature lol :lol look bad at all.
Yeah, they will have some unnumbered pieces for replacement.

Your pictures give it a very different look and highlight the colours used.
Can't wait for mine... :gah:
I think rustoleium chrome would look good on the teeth but masking them will be a challenge. Latex reacts badly with rattle can paints. Gotta think on this one.
Yeah, they will have some unnumbered pieces for replacement.

Your pictures give it a very different look and highlight the colours used.
Can't wait for mine... :gah:

Yeah I like how flash reveals all the different colors. I see blacks, blues, greens, browns and perhaps some subtle shades of yellow. Seeing it under flash shows me that this is indeed a good paint job. It looks like a lot more goes into it paint-wise than one might otherwise think.

Fantastic setup...that's something I'd love to have. You've got so many great pieces there. There's a lot of superb pieces here...fingers crossed we get a chance at a Queen of that scale! The facehugger is amazing too. And it's so nicely put together. I really have to get my display together so I can actually enjoy my collection...I'm so all over the place right now, it's just bad :slap :lol Again, beautiful setup! Colour me jealous.
IMAG0571.jpgIMAG0572.jpgIMAG0574.jpg they line up perfectlybif you include a base. My base is a 4 inch high styrofoam cake base from michaels thats zippered into an ikea cushion cover. It adds height and depth. Otherwise these pieces highly complement one another.

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