Re: Terminator: Genisys (July 1st, 2015)
Looks awful.
Looks awful.
Do we really need Arnie saying "I'll be back" every time?
Yeah, he was. I may have shed a tear during his death. I had no idea he was universally hated.I never realized he was Varro in Spartacus. He was great in that.
Yeah, he was. I may have shed a tear during his death. I had no idea he was universally hated.
Yeah, he was. I may have shed a tear during his death. I had no idea he was universally hated.
Christ. This would have looked ridiculous with a young Arnold T-800. It looks beyond absurd now.
It's why I haven't enjoyed a Die Hard movie since 1995, a Terminator movie since 1991 or any of the Expendables movies. The constant escalation of stunts and action despite the actors and characters being decades older. Old men doing superhuman things that even their younger selves wouldn't have done in the movies of the 80s. There's no restraint whatsoever, just a bunch of Rick McCallums saying 'Yes' to everything no matter how ****ing inane the idea.
And as Difabio said, the T-800 is going to survive this skydive into a helicopter. He'll lose some flesh and he'll have a limp. This same stunt would have demolished the T1 and T2 T-800s. The non-Cameron films have amped up the T-800's invulnerability to ridiculous levels. Sorta like John McClane in Die Hard. Seems the older he gets the more he can take....doesn't it go the opposite way in real life?
Script has leaked about Genisys 2.
It's about out a Terminator left behind at Skynet all by his lonesome during the nuclear holidays, mayhem ensues.
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I agree with all of this except I haven't enjoyed a Die Hard since 1990 & I thought Salvation was OK. & I'm a huge Stallone fan but those Expendables films are as much a parody of 80s action movies as T3 &, chances are this too, is of T1 & T2. I think that was why I ended up enjoying parts of Salvation, unlike T3, because at least, for all it's faults, it never felt to me like it was parodying T1 & T2.
The dozy thing is that I hated the first Expendables but still watched the second because I was curious to see Van Damme playing a villain again & I was mildly curious to see Chuck's cameo, which I thought was awful, sadly. But, of course, they were only lame in it through no fault of their own because they were only as lame as the piss poor script & poorly written blowy up scenes would allow them to be. & then, this year, I even watched part 3.![]()
It's not easy nowadays being a Sly & Arnie fan.
Probably won't find a working steel mill nowadays.
Let's see, climbing the fence and jumping off of the Empire State Building, getting pinned under a commuter bus and getting dragged through the Lincoln Tunnel, jumping in front of the 7, getting a Sabrett hot dog in Central Park....
Cosplay as a black terminator and put hands up don't shoot in a police station with a box of roses.
The last time these three franchises had movies released somewhat close to one another was 2001-2003 (JP3, AOTC, and T3.)
Let's hope that all the new ones are better than those.
Genisys, it's not looking good for you.
The photo is the best part of the movie.
Kyle tells Sarah that he had a photo of her and that he always wanted to know what she was thinking about when it was taken and that he loves her. Then at the end of the movie she states that in the short hours that they had together they loved a lifetime. Snap, picture taken. So it turns out that what Sarah was thinking about in the photo was the night Reese told her he wondered what she was thinking. That's beyond trippy and awesome.
The photo is the best part of the movie.
Kyle tells Sarah that he had a photo of her and that he always wanted to know what she was thinking about when it was taken and that he loves her. Then at the end of the movie she states that in the short hours that they had together they loved a lifetime. Snap, picture taken. So it turns out that what Sarah was thinking about in the photo was the night Reese told her he wondered what she was thinking. That's beyond trippy and awesome.