I know Chuck is busy but an update from someone in the know would really be helpful.
Agreed. If S+F is gone for good it would be nice to know. Or, if it can be fixed and will be back at some point it would be nice to know that as well.
I know Chuck is busy but an update from someone in the know would really be helpful.
we could all hang out at the original SSW messageboard The Argonath, on LOTRGuide![]()
we could all hang out at the original SSW messageboard The Argonath, on LOTRGuide![]()
Perhaps someone from Weta's IT team could help Chuck out? They have been involved with the forum on a regular basis, and the technical problem were acknowledged on their FB page.
I wonder if it's possible for Weta to include a forum on their own website?
I wonder if it's possible for Weta to include a forum on their own website?
I figure it is in their own best interest to support Chuck as good and fast as they can. I probably wouldn't have bought half of my Weta collectibles without all the entertaining talk and praise surrounding them on S&F!To think this board, home of the Wetaholics, could actually cease to exist...shudder!
this forum was the original home of the Wetaholics - somebody posted the tshirt a little while ago.
Really? Didn't know that! Well, both forums even have the same abbreviation, S(&)F!Anyway, I think the destinction between your Sideshow-centric board with a very broad appeal and the niche Weta board with its more intimite character works quite well these days. I surely need em both!
Jon they did have a forum of their own but was having issues in maintaining it (I remember a lot of spam postings) as well as attracting folks to it.If they can't be bothered to implement a flex-pay system, I doubt they'd want to maintain a forum site.