WETA forums problem

Collector Freaks Forum

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WTF! What The Flame is going on there ................................... this is worse than my walker acting up :gah:

Damn, first post here in a long long while, hello guys and dolls, especially the dolls :wave
I'm sure we will all straggle back somewhere at some point. I keep checking the S+F Facebook page, I think poor Johnny is going cold turkey! :lol
I don't want to jump the gun, but the other mods and I are thinking of a backup plan as well, if worse comes to worst. I know Stig is in contact with Chuck, I just asked him for an update. If I have any news, I'll share it here asap.
Perhaps someone from Weta's IT team could help Chuck out? They have been involved with the forum on a regular basis, and the technical problem were acknowledged on their FB page.
Perhaps someone from Weta's IT team could help Chuck out? They have been involved with the forum on a regular basis, and the technical problem were acknowledged on their FB page.

I figure it is in their own best interest to support Chuck as good and fast as they can. I probably wouldn't have bought half of my Weta collectibles without all the entertaining talk and praise surrounding them on S&F! :lol To think this board, home of the Wetaholics, could actually cease to exist...shudder! :horror
I wonder if it's possible for Weta to include a forum on their own website?

They did of course have one a number of years ago, but being pure Weta focused and I think somewhat unknown it had very few people and even lower activity.

After closing it a bit later they asked Chuck if he would like to make S&F the official Weta forum (among other things).
I figure it is in their own best interest to support Chuck as good and fast as they can. I probably wouldn't have bought half of my Weta collectibles without all the entertaining talk and praise surrounding them on S&F! :lol To think this board, home of the Wetaholics, could actually cease to exist...shudder! :horror

Uh, I'm going to stay out of this - but actually this forum was the original home of the Wetaholics - somebody posted the tshirt a little while ago.
this forum was the original home of the Wetaholics - somebody posted the tshirt a little while ago.

Really? Didn't know that! Well, both forums even have the same abbreviation, S(&)F! :lol Anyway, I think the destinction between your Sideshow-centric board with a very broad appeal and the niche Weta board with its more intimite character works quite well these days. I surely need em both!
Really? Didn't know that! Well, both forums even have the same abbreviation, S(&)F! :lol Anyway, I think the destinction between your Sideshow-centric board with a very broad appeal and the niche Weta board with its more intimite character works quite well these days. I surely need em both!

Amen brother.
So it's down for everybody? Thank the gods, for a moment I thought it was just for me, as I did a windows update and couldnt reach S&F after rebooting. Now that's bad timing. :p
If they can't be bothered to implement a flex-pay system, I doubt they'd want to maintain a forum site.
Jon they did have a forum of their own but was having issues in maintaining it (I remember a lot of spam postings) as well as attracting folks to it.

And as Dave mentioned, the owner and many of the original/senior members of S&F were originally Freaks. Back in the day, SS and Weta were putting things out together and this forum was much more Tolkien-centric. Once their partnership ended in 2005, SS started diversifying their franchises in earnest .....Star Wars was the most memorable to enter the Sideshow barn. As more non-Tolkien loving members showed up, the tenor of the site shifted and those of us still interested in LOTR/Hobbit/etc. decided to join a forum where Tolkien was still pretty dominate in our discussions and prone to being a bit more laid back in our interactions. Many of us maintained (and still do) dual citizenships.
Wetanut, thanks for that history. I always found it very inefficient to have SSF the SF board that basically do the same thing, plus the shadow and flame site which was always more laid back than either. Heck I popped onto the lotrguide.com the other day but it really saddens me see how few people are still interested in a lot of this stuff.

PS: I think they took the Weta board off of statueforum.