The Medi R2 is a nice little figure, so pity about the scale.
I don't know. I like lurking here & checking out the pics, but the SSC figure is disappointing as far I'm concerned. All the 'flimsy / cheap feeling / plastic-y' posts I've read just confirm what I've been curious about. This ain't the droid I'm looking for.
I'm as picky as hell (stupid picky sometimes) but I feel like people need their heads examined with the way they're going on about this fig.
I couldn't care less if it feels like a brick when you pick it up or is so durable I can throw it against the wall or is made of pewter and pearl - all I care about is how it looks on the shelf and posed with the lights on, this R2 looks pretty damn great (and can look even more damn great with some isopropyl to tweak the weathering.) That said... it's a little too small.

I've been busy with the Jabba throne room but I'll be breaking out the Tama 3PO in the next few days to take some pics with this guy (and to have Ree Yees grab 3PO.)