(FLOSI'S Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

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re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

SO much fail with that Joker. I almost can't believe it's real, except that DC seems to have no idea how to characterize their properties on film. Superman looks like a villain, Aquaman looks like Rob Zombie, Wonder Woman is anorexic, and the Joker looks like someone from the Movie section dressed like The Joker for Halloween.

I think I might just skip Batman vs. Superman so that I can still enjoy the Hot Toys Batfleck figure without seeing how they **** him up onscreen.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

SO much fail with that Joker. I almost can't believe it's real, except that DC seems to have no idea how to characterize their properties on film. Superman looks like a villain, Aquaman looks like Rob Zombie, Wonder Woman is anorexic, and the Joker looks like someone from the Movie section dressed like The Joker for Halloween.

I think I might just skip Batman vs. Superman so that I can still enjoy the Hot Toys Batfleck figure without seeing how they **** him up onscreen.

Oh man, this is by far the worst post of the bunch.

You do know this is just production. We're not seeing the final work yet, especially concerning the Joker bit... I remember how people were freaking out about seeing some dude in an Ultron helmet, parka, and tight spandex pants, saying it looks ridiculous. Yeah, it's filming... they haven't gone through all the stages it takes to complete a film. What we see now to the final product is night and day. Even then I was saying chillax people. It won't be the final product. :lecture

Or wait for the movie to come out before making premature comments. I remember when people said they hated the fact Heath Ledger was casted for the Joker and how his makeup looked lazy and bizarre for the character. Now everyone thinks he's the best Joker ever. He even won an Oscar, while that one is a wee bit of a head scratcher. Much like when Nic Cage and Marisa Tomei won their Oscars.

Who knows, maybe you're right and they all suck. I thought the last Superman film was a dud, and I never did like Heath as a Joker. Personally my favourite Joker was good ol' Jack's version. :)
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re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

We started packing for the move today. Oh my god how the hell can we have do many things? :p

The new apartment needs painting (how on earth can you paint a hallway in a yellowish white? Looks like someone urinated on the walls!) and I just got Word that my dada friend who is a painter will be able to do it over the weekend when we move. :) so we will only have to stack all the boxes in the room that doesnt need painting and then he will paint the whole place. saves us alot of time :)
Re: (FLOSI'S Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Personally my favourite Joker was good ol' Jack's version. :)

Quoted for this particular truth.

I could care less on the Leto choice. I can reserve judgement until I see it. I thought he was good in the few things I saw him in. Ledger, Snyder Superman, Netflix Daredevil, etc. have taught me that (though I didn't really like Man of Steel). I am more unsure because I am not a (current) Suicide Squad fan though their are some characters in the current line up I like as members. I think my favorite Joker is really anything that Hamill voices [emoji38] We will see though.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Oh man, this is by far the worst post of the bunch.

You do know this is just production. We're not seeing the final work yet, especially concerning the Joker bit... I remember how people were freaking out about seeing some dude in an Ultron helmet, parka, and tight spandex pants, saying it looks ridiculous. Yeah, it's filming... they haven't gone through all the stages it takes to complete a film. What we see now to the final product is night and day. Even then I was saying chillax people. It won't be the final product. :lecture

Or wait for the movie to come out before making premature comments. I remember when people said they hated the fact Heath Ledger was casted for the Joker and how his makeup looked lazy and bizarre for the character. Now everyone thinks he's the best Joker ever. He even won an Oscar, while that one is a wee bit of a head scratcher. Much like when Nic Cage and Marisa Tomei won their Oscars.

Who knows, maybe you're right and they all suck. I thought the last Superman film was a dud, and I never did like Heath as a Joker. Personally my favourite Joker was good ol' Jack's version. :)

Okey dokey. Thanks for explaining how film works.
Re: (FLOSI'S Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

At Ikea...mind blown. Haven't been here in forever. So...much...stuff. I have really been itching to display my vintage Star Wars collection again so I need shelves/detolfs.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

People on RS are selling full sets for $500

I wish they would do away with them. You can tell a lot of the people at the collector panels are just there for tots. They spend the whole time on the phones. :mad:
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I wish they would do away with them. You can tell a lot of the people at the collector panels are just there for tots. They spend the whole time on the phones. :mad:

Yeah. I think they fear that people won't come to all of them if they do. I like how they did it at CIV. Its was random panels not everyone. I may not enjoy all of them but they are a nice way to get off your feet and you never know you might enjoy it. I think the most entertaining one i went to was the Ewok on Sat.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Yeah. I think they fear that people won't come to all of them if they do. I like how they did it at CIV. Its was random panels not everyone. I may not enjoy all of them but they are a nice way to get off your feet and you never know you might enjoy it. I think the most entertaining one i went to was the Ewok on Sat.
Yes, I agree. Random panels would be better. Way too many people didn't care about the panels.
The earthquake that hit Nepal today is pretty bad. Im hoping my Unit can get mobilized and go help them.
I hadn't heard about it. Thanks sucks about Nepal. I hope you get to go help.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I only attend panels I'm interested from reading the descriptions prior to the event. Tots are a nice bonus. I'll prolly sell all the ones I got at this even aside from the Gonk I traded for. They do seem to clog up the panels I'd like to attend without the hassle of a line. Maybe I'm part of the problem now that I've decided to sell the little bastards. I'll never sell my Artoo that Ken got me from Germany, or my one pin which Rick gave me! I have such great friends here.

I'm truly blessed. :D
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I know nothing of these tots. Should I keep it that way? Probably should keep it that way.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

That's awful (what happened), and pretty awesome you care so much. I never can understand when people ignore such a horrific thing because it hasn't happened in their part of the world, or ignore it because it makes them feel uncomfortable. You have a good heart Cody thinking about them. I always feel bad for these sort of things. Loss of life is never easy, whether you know the person(s) or not.
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re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Okey dokey. Thanks for explaining how film works.

You clearly missed my point. Reserve judgement until the film comes out. It just seems to be the same old song and dance were people overreact in a negative way, and it's those same people who end up enjoying the films. It's not that you'll like this particular one. It happens all the time were guys do the extremes. I am at that point, were I wait until the movie comes out or at least see what the critics think of it first. For me, Roland Emmerich even rocks it most of the time with his trailers. It's unfortunate that his films never live up to them. I know now to stay away from his films all-together after the Day After Tomorrow. lol

Anyway, it's a silly conversation.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Agreed, as most conversations in these parts tend to be...

Off to the framer with my McQuarrie!

Keeping that Celebration feeling rolling... :D
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