(FLOSI'S Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

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re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Well that's a bummer. I heard this is the last Celebration they'd be attending and I don't think I'm ever going to go to another one anyway.
Yeah it could be since they lost the rights to the books about him. The last book they did they were not allowed to put any SW in it.

Let me ask my buddy if he knows a way to get them from them. He is in pretty good with them, to the point they put stuff aside for him to check out before the show.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

A crazy happy thing happened to me this afternoon. After barreling through some funds to frame my McQuarrie piece, and accidentally slipping into a record store and blowing some more funds, I came home and decided to buy a ticket for the first ever Wizard World to come to Vegas. I've never been to a Wizard convention before. Anyway, my local con friends had told me about a discount for 20% off, but when I went to use it, the code wouldn't work. Just on a whim I started typing in other codes. The original was vegas20, so I tried vegas10, then 30, then 40, and none of them worked, and I almost quit. But I tried one more, vegas50, and the damned thing worked! So instead of the ticket for Sunday being $40, it was only $20. I wasn't going to go for $40, but I can't pass up the half price to get out of the house, particularly since I'm still down from the post-Celebration blues, and see a con for a bit...

So, yeah, I'm being a bit of a Ken, but I thought it was a fun thing to share. :D

Nice, we'll be going to the Tulsa one in October. I'm not expecting to be blown away, but should be fun for a day and Bruce Campbell will be there.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Um, hello! :wave

Hook me up too. Although honestly, I'm not after anything at this point.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I know they weren't supposed to put any SW in the new book, but a quick cursory glance into my copy revealed at least one piece. I saw the novelization cover in there. Maybe more. Won't have time to sit down with the tome properly for awhile though...
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Yep. I love buying stuff from Japan. Now I need to figure out if I'm going to get those samurai Star Wars dudes.

Are you guys talking about the Figuarts figures? Can you point me in the direction of these good Japanese deals? I am very tempted by them all but NEED that Jedi Luke when he hits.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Are you guys talking about the Figuarts figures? Can you point me in the direction of these good Japanese deals? I am very tempted by them all but NEED that Jedi Luke when he hits.

Sure. This place has Vader and the Stormtrooper in stock right now. Stormtrooper is at low stock, though, so you should probably order soon.

Jedi Luke isn't available right now, but I bet he'll come back closer to release.

"Figuarts Star Wars" | HobbyLink Japan
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Yeah those look great. Between these and the Bandai samurai styled stuff I need more shelves.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

thinking about getting the Anovos Vader.

Are you secretly rich? I suppose you are talking about something life sized? Just a helmet?

I avoided the Anovos booth pretty much during the entire con. Mostly out of fear. :rotfl
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Are you secretly rich? I suppose you are talking about something life sized? Just a helmet?

I avoided the Anovos booth pretty much during the entire con. Mostly out of fear. :rotfl

No im young with no bills besides my car and 3 paychecks lmao. thank the madre and Army.


Also because I don't drink or anything I save a lot of money while working the weekends. All my money goes to SW or savings!
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re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I want an Anovos Force Awakens Stormtrooper helmet, but I probably won't get one.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I'm going to order the snow trooper helmet. Just waiting til may 4 to see if there's a sale. Also not sure if I want the clean or weathered version.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Ooh boy! I want to like that SHF Stormtrooper but those drooping jowls bug the **** outta me. I have Vader and the IM Mark 43 on the way, hopefully I'll have them in hand later this week. I recently picked up the Revoltech Stormtrooper, while the joint system is a bit antiquated I do think he's a lot of fun. I PO'd the Boba Fett but I may cancel. I also have the Samurai Trooper on PO, looks so cool.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

The samurai spear trooper and drummer look really cool. So does the Imperial Guard.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

I did think the new TFA troops looked a little dumpy when they came out at the panel but I like how they look in the footage. I like the design.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Yes slynger, I framed the Rebel Ceremony. I'd wanted a full sig RMQ for a long time, and Triple J helped convince me that this was the most appropriate piece for me from the few that remained. I had a Falcon print as well, and had planned initially to frame the two together, but it was a bit more than I needed. My dream piece from SW would be the Falcon on Mos Eisley with our heroes in front of it. Unfortunately, the only one they had was all framed up with a used paint brush for the jaw dropping price of $3500!

Congrats on tracking that down. It's a nice piece. Can't believe that other one was $3500, that's crazy. :horror

I want an Anovos Force Awakens Stormtrooper helmet, but I probably won't get one.

I'm not a big helmet collector, but I do like the design. Must resist, too many other things going.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Just changed my sig brother! :1-1:
Yea man. I'm on the fence right now. But I may do it if I can get some more sales done.
Oh, Ben. The two FA figs came to 90 shipped.... Vader alone would have ran me over 70 through BBTS! Power of the strong dollar!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The samurai ones will be the death of me.
They probably sell the expensive framed items during non convention times.

Especially now, considering this was Dreams & Visions last Celebration. :(

Other dealers had some signed items as well, but I found them to all be more expensive...
Glad we got to do this.
thinking about getting the Anovos Vader.
That would be a nice piece.

Enjoy this period of time. It is the best.
I want an Anovos Force Awakens Stormtrooper helmet, but I probably won't get one.
I will get TFA tie bucket one day.
re: (galactiboy's Cantina) "Where everybody knows your name..."

Yeah it could be since they lost the rights to the books about him. The last book they did they were not allowed to put any SW in it.

Let me ask my buddy if he knows a way to get them from them. He is in pretty good with them, to the point they put stuff aside for him to check out before the show.
I look forward to the upcoming McQuarrie book, part of the SW art series. I will get the LE, which comes with prints. I have all of them so far.
Nice, we'll be going to the Tulsa one in October. I'm not expecting to be blown away, but should be fun for a day and Bruce Campbell will be there.
If it is Wizard World, so definitely will not be blown away. They suck.

No im young with no bills besides my car and 3 paychecks lmao. thank the madre and Army.


Also because I don't drink or anything I save a lot of money while working the weekends. All my money goes to SW or savings!

You may be young, but you are wise as well. Glad to hear you are saving some, in addition to building an awesome collection.