Super Freak
^ What's the difference? 

I'm still thinking about a shooting web hand (which we already know) and a torn apart mask showing half of his face (one of his eyes and cheek)
Perhaps two different lengths of webbing? I really hope it's not an unmasked portrait. I want a statue of Spidey not Peter Parker.
It could be another masked head with just an exaggerated eye expression...
Yeah, but I think it was mentioned before (was it to your original post on it?) that it wouldn't make any sense to have his face half blown apart while the rest of him is perfectly clean.
(Side Note: I need to watch these movies good!)
It's possible, but that'd be kind of redundant. Not bad, but not really needed. I think the one we've seen is shooting out enough that it gets the point across. Anything longer could possibly droop over time. I think the one they've shown is the perfect length.
But again, nobody knows! Could be right! I was thinking maybe a web shield or something like that, but that'd likely block too much of it and not really flow with the piece. I clenched fist is my only other real guess for a hand piece!
I highly doubt it'll be an unmasked portrait, but even if it is, it's not like they'll force you to use it! If you just want a Spider-Man statue then just use that head!
Yeah, that's what I was thinking with the Spidey-sense look, with his eyes widened and all...that'd be the only real alternate masked expression I can think of aside from really slimmed down eyes...but that probably wouldn't look as good as the regular head.
^ What's the difference?![]()
I'm a little new to buying premium formats so I have a question when I bought my wonder woman exclusive I didn't see an option for a payment plan meaning that I had to put down around $400 right away at one time to get the statue. Do you guys know if it'll be the same for this piece? Will there be an exclusive for this piece? Will they offer a long term payment plan?
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Wow. It hit me. The perfect ex to make this a premium format.... A backpack as the ex...
I didnt have WW on waitlist. They had a lot of the exclusives so I casually came in and bought one. Had to pay 400$ up front. There wasn't a payment plan option. So, just to clarify, I should be able to set up flex pay for the exculsive Spidey PF. Because I really don't wanna miss yet another ex...
Wow. It hit me. The perfect ex to make this a premium format.... A backpack as the ex...
Probably because when he purchased WW, she was already in stock. SSC took payment right away and shipped him WW. Spidey will be a pre-order that won't be released until next year. So, he'll easily be able to flex pay the Spidey PF.Yes, if you can't see an option for it then come here and ask someone to help you out. The ES will be TBD so you'll have time to get it sorted out on Thursday without any stress. But there'll definitely be an option to FLEX pay it...I have no idea why there wasn't for Wonder Woman when you picked her up.