Masters of the Universe Classics

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Yes and what you "feel" is way off base. Mattel didn't hand over the Giants. Super7 approached them about doing the SDCC exclusives in funky colors and that's all they're going to do. Mattel has released 6 unique figures and I'm sure they wanted to do more but none of them have sold out yet which makes me think they aren't performing well enough to keep it going.

That abomination Baby Skeletor sold out very quickly and goes for $100 on eBay so clearly there is a market for it.

It seems to me Mattel doesn't want to take any more risks with the MOTU property anymore and is dumping it on other people who just want to cash in on it.

So is Hasbro doing the same thing by "dumping" their Transformers and GI Joe licenses on other companies such as Hot Toys, Sideshow, Loyal Subjects, and the GI Joe Club? Companies license their intellectual property to third parties all the time, especially when those companies are producing goods that they are not in the market to develop themselves. It's better to have the license fee and royalty income than no income at all.
The Super7 ReAction, MOTUSCLES, and Giant "test-shots" are all toys geared towards the adult collector market. They are definitely toys, but they are niche toys that Mattel isn't likely to ever produce. I wouldn't be surprised if Super7 end up producing more Giant figures down the road, or even a new line of Commemorative figures geared towards the adult market.
I am all for new MOTU product but I feel "artist interpretations" might be premature given we have no new media to really push a new look to the characters.
This statue along with incoming Skeletor was design by Stjepan Šejić whose an artist who loves MOTU and one I have great respect for. So this fact along with it being Sideshow make me interested to see it. My worry is that with the truly awesome PCS He-man statue (along with Battle) Cat due out, who will but an interpretation over something very familiar?!

Seem Mattel is becoming fast and loose with the MOTU license. This is very interesting.

I will!
Mattel didn't hand over the Giants. Super7 approached them about doing the SDCC exclusives in funky colors and that's all they're going to do.

Fine, I will assume you know that for a fact. Hey, Look at me giving you the benefit of the doubt. Pretty cool huh?

Mattel has released 6 unique figures and I'm sure they wanted to do more but none of them have sold out yet which makes me think they aren't performing well enough to keep it going.

So if they haven't sold out yet, why make fruity flavored He-Man and Skeletor??? It makes no sense to produce MORE giant figures when the other ones aren't even selling that well, and to add insult to injury they cost more than the ones on mattycollector. Why? Because it's a blatant SDCC cash grab. They know the lunatics at SDCC are going to eat them all up for whatever reason, Doesn't mean what they are doing is right.

There's probably two reasons why they aren't PERFORMING well enough to keep it going. They are not accurate to the vintage figures (like GG's Star Wars), and they are ridiculously overpriced for what they are. The giants were a blatant attempt (by you know who) to cash in on the GIANT retro figure phenomenon, only most customers were able to see that the product (which is low quality and riddled with cost cutting) didn't match the price. So with the exception of a few, people said no thanks.

That abomination Baby Skeletor sold out very quickly and goes for $100 on eBay so clearly there is a market for it.

It only sold out because it was marketed as being a VERY LIMITED run and endorsed by the creator of the TV show it's based off of, so naturally all the greedy scummers out there are going to buy them up thinking they will sell because it's a limited novelty, not necessarily because people actually like the thing. They may be on ebay for $100 but that doesn't mean they are selling for that much, or selling at all. Of course there will be a VERY small handful of people who like it but then they like anything with a MOTU logo on it.

So is Hasbro doing the same thing by "dumping" their Transformers and GI Joe licenses on other companies such as Hot Toys, Sideshow, Loyal Subjects, and the GI Joe Club? Companies license their intellectual property to third parties all the time, especially when those companies are producing goods that they are not in the market to develop themselves. It's better to have the license fee and royalty income than no income at all.

I don't know. Are other companies who are doing TF and GIJOE making fruity flavored versions of figures??? Are they making 1970's styled GIJOE figures with less articulation and no paint apps??? Are they making one piece MUSCLE type TF and GIJOE toys???

To my knowledge, Hot Toys and Sideshow are respectable, and don't make lame party favor trinket type garbage that Super7 and Funko make. They at least pay respect to the property by making COOL STUFF.

"especially when those companies are producing goods that they are not in the market to develop themselves."

Oh, you mean like Mattel not being in the market to develop things like Baby Skeletor? *pfft*
Oh, you mean like Mattel not being in the market to develop things like Baby Skeletor? *pfft*

The less said about Baby Skeletor, the better. Skeletor_MesmerizedbyToxin.gif

I don't see Mattel producing any more stuff like that in the future now that Scott Neitlich is gone. The Baby Skeletor was an experiment that failed. It was a novelty item that did sell a few at high prices on eBay, but there is no way that would have made money if they had produced a large run. If it had been a big hit, we would have got a Baby He-Man, and thankfully that never happened. I think companies like Super7 and The Royal Subjects will produce the more obscure stuff that attracts that sort of audience, while Mattel just focuses on the action figures.
Personally, I only care about what Mattel has to offer in terms of the Classics form factor, and I'm sure I'm not alone. I guess the only thing we can do is wait and see what Mattel has for us in a few days.
Kuwahara, I can't tell if you're mad at Super7 for making those garish SDCC exclusives or Mattel for letting Super7 make them? I agree that they look terrible and are overpriced, but this is a Super7 exclusive not Mattel.

Also, the Gentle Giant Star Wars jumbo figures are the same price or more than the MOTU giants. The most recent exclusives and the Secret Wars and GI Joe jumbos are near $100 each. Some of them are not exact replicas of the vintage figures either. They have some resculpted parts (Bossk) and the paint applications are noticeably different than the vintage counterparts in some cases.

Oh, and you might want to check eBay completed listings for "baby Skeletor." One auction sold for $100 + shipping from Canada, $160 for a BIN, $175 BIN w/ free shipping, and $100 BIN + shipping. I don't like the thing either, but with the limited number they produced it sold out quickly and is rare on the secondary market.
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I don't know. Are other companies who are doing TF and GIJOE making fruity flavored versions of figures??? Are they making 1970's styled GIJOE figures with less articulation and no paint apps??? Are they making one piece MUSCLE type TF and GIJOE toys???

Yeah,those fruity flavored MOTU product from Super 7 are overpriced JUNK! Nothing appealing or worth buying...
Kuwahara, I can't tell if you're mad at Super7 for making those garish SDCC exclusives or Mattel for letting Super7 make them? I agree that they look terrible and are overpriced, but this is a Super7 exclusive not Mattel.

Yes, I am a bit annoyed that Mattel is allowing Super7 to essentially MOCK the MOTU property, and yes I am annoyed that Super7 is making what they are making. They are disrespecting the property with these lame-ass products. Not sure why there is such a defensive posture with Mattel, maybe you work for them? I think both companies are treating the property like a dirty diaper.

Also, the Gentle Giant Star Wars jumbo figures are the same price or more than the MOTU giants. The most recent exclusives and the Secret Wars and GI Joe jumbos are near $100 each. Some of them are not exact replicas of the vintage figures either. They have some resculpted parts (Bossk) and the paint applications are noticeably different than the vintage counterparts in some cases.

I know the GG giants are not without their flaws, but at least they are made by scanning the originals, and are solid plastic (from what I understand). The MOTU giants are clearly new CG renderings and tooled with more pieces than necessary, thus making them completely inaccurate to the smaller counterparts. Even the package design is WAY off. So the way I see it, you have a half fast product that was made with no pride and attention to detail being sold at what is still a ridiculous amount. Mattel jumped on the giant figure bandwagon, but did them cheaper and still marked them up CLOSE to GG prices. So again, we see an example of Mattel disregarding quality in favor of maximized profits.

Oh, and you might want to check eBay completed listings for "baby Skeletor." One auction sold for $100 + shipping from Canada, $160 for a BIN, $175 BIN w/ free shipping, and $100 BIN + shipping. I don't like the thing either, but with the limited number they produced it sold out quickly and is rare on the secondary market.

Regardless of how well or how fast they sold, they are still an insult to the property. Baby Skeletor is no different than what Super7 has revealed.

I am all for new MOTU product but I feel "artist interpretations" might be premature given we have no new media to really push a new look to the characters.
This statue along with incoming Skeletor was design by Stjepan Šejić whose an artist who loves MOTU and one I have great respect for. So this fact along with it being Sideshow make me interested to see it. My worry is that with the truly awesome PCS He-man statue (along with Battle) Cat due out, who will but an interpretation over something very familiar?!

Seem Mattel is becoming fast and loose with the MOTU license. This is very interesting.

Better late than never. I welcome a bunch of different and random MOTU merchandise.
I agree, Kuzeh, the presence of merchandise doesn't sully the product. Look at Star Wars.

I collect dbz figuarts as well, and toei animation is lent their license to so many companies. Many garbage dumps worth of dbz tat has been pumped out over the years. Doesn't make me like my figures any less.

I feel like another motu series is around the corner.
Yep, it's not like MOTU never had ridiculous merchandise before... [emoji57]

In the 80's, it was a BOY'S (Childs) toyline. It was completely acceptable to see other MOTU stuff aimed at kids. Since 2008 all MOTU products have been marketed towards ADULTS, so as an adult I expect other companies with the license to make tasteful, quality merchandise.

It's bad enough Mattel has been marketing MOTUC as an adult collector line when it really isn't.
In the 80's, it was a BOY'S (Childs) toyline. It was completely acceptable to see other MOTU stuff aimed at kids. Since 2008 all MOTU products have been marketed towards ADULTS, so as an adult I expect other companies with the license to make tasteful, quality merchandise.

It's bad enough Mattel has been marketing MOTUC as an adult collector line when it really isn't.

One thing I've been noticing is that the paint apps are severly lacking on some figures. And some of the face sculpts are just boring. Gray faces with no emotion.
I just received my Multibot and that is painfully lacking in paint apps. After the amazing Modulok release last year I was pretty gutted as I expected a similar level of quality :(
One thing I've been noticing is that the paint apps are severly lacking on some figures. And some of the face sculpts are just boring. Gray faces with no emotion.

Yeah, on a lot of the She-Ra and Filmation figures generally, there is a lack of good shading and other paint aps. Female figures in particular are hit and miss in the face area.
Every year more and more MOTUC figures are neglected in the paint apps department. Some have plenty, while some don't have enough where it matters. The thing that always bugged me is the lack of equality. Every figure should be given equal treatment when it comes to deco, accessories, sculpting, etc. The blatant cost cutting is all too obvious in the classics line, especially the past few years.
Yeah, on a lot of the She-Ra and Filmation figures generally, there is a lack of good shading and other paint aps. Female figures in particular are hit and miss in the face area.

I think it was a deliberate move NOT to give POP and Filmation figures shading, to maintain their simple color look of the cartoons they are based on. I think they are also deliberately skipping paint apps on areas that need it. The upcoming Peekablue is seriously lacking in some areas.

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