Re: Current discount codes at SSC and other random rumblings SP00KY15 $20 code
Nearly everyone in the Spooktacular FB group were way too upbeat and happy all the damn time, and the ass kissing and brown nosing was rather intense. It was really hard to read most of the posts because I can't imagine all of these people were really like that in real life, lol.
You know I thought that last year of some folks but if you'll notice some of them are like that year after year and throughout the year, they seem to be kind hearted folks in general (barely a mean bone in them - admittedly I even blocked some brown nosers because they laid it on so thick it made me sick probably because I am generally not as nice) SOME of the folks if not the majority are totally trying to be noticed to get a prize, and they certainly were rewarded if you check the different outlets - amazing how hundreds/thousands enter and half are the ones that made the loudest/most posts - clearly if you continue to see the same ones who have been brown nosing getting rewarded with prizes on things that were to repost/repin/retweet (though this year they stopped announcing the twitter/FB/IG winners publicly on the verticals - there is clearly some nepotism/favoritism at play. To be fair - rarely do they say a winner will be picked randomly.
Can't be mad at the ones who put in the effort, and rewarded, I personally enjoy bantering back and forth with chicky - I feel like she is a bit more fair with her doling out who prizes and better at spreading the love to her followers, she has less folks to interact with so that could be why it seems more personal from her?
Hubby and I got all but one code, so we each got $55 RP on each of our accounts, HOLLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

thats pretty amazeaballs if you ask me!!! VERY happy with the free $$$$

and i will be entering our kiddos Costumes and my pumpkin (none of which are extraordinary but nonetheless, fun)
Hubbys been participating in spooktacular for almost a decade - he would stay up looking for clues and prizes on the site, back when mistress of the web had her own section on the site, when you had to pay for shipping on the prize, and he would decline certain prizes because it wasn't worth the shipping for a figure we didn't collect, but every year he was able to snag something, and he would get so excited for spooktacular, and now I took over, he only jumps in when I tell him about a good contest or giveaway. He's the old fart who refuses to change his stripes and join/understand SM.
Thanks to the early posters of NL codes, my NL comes an hour after the first folks receive their email blast.