[Toys-Era] DOFP: Master of Magnetism 1/6 scale

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I hope they do Apocalypse figures... Sophie Turner Jean Grey and Olivia Munn Psylocke
They'll get the license

... And do nothing with it :mad:

They made what they could with the permission they got. It's is NOT hot toys fualt that Fox did not secure likeness rights and then the ACTORS declined to grant them to anyone. The actor that did got figures.
All I wanted was Magneto so I'm done with X-Men figs now.

Hopefully everyone else gets the characters they want though.
Same. Unless Magneto is a standout in the film as well, I don't think I need anything else from the upcoming movie.
I would love a Hot Toys quality Magneto and Apocalypse (depending on how he ends up looking)
Quicksilver, Jean Grey and Psylocke would be good figures too... not sure I would get any though.

Hopefully Hot Toys will actually make a Deadpool though. :pray:
They made what they could with the permission they got. It's is NOT hot toys fualt that Fox did not secure likeness rights and then the ACTORS declined to grant them to anyone. The actor that did got figures.
Did Jackman give his rights for the figure? Looking at all the past wolverines, i highly doubt so. HT probably got the rights to just wolverine. Correct me if i am wrong though. Interested to know. Just like RDJ probably did not give his likeness rights to the figure or scarjo hence the less accurate sculpts.
Did Jackman give his rights for the figure? Looking at all the past wolverines, i highly doubt so. HT probably got the rights to just wolverine. Correct me if i am wrong though. Interested to know. Just like RDJ probably did not give his likeness rights to the figure or scarjo hence the less accurate sculpts.

You don't seem to understand how likeness rights work. At all. If the actors do not give consent then the figure does not get made, legally. Period. How well it's done has ZERO impact. If it's the character from the film, played by that actor then likeness rights have to be squired. Period. How good the sculpt then is does not matter in the least.

With MOST movies the actors relinquish likeness rights as pet of the overal payment and compensation package negotiated prior to the start of filming. With xmen films since first class fox has not obtained likeness rights for any of its xmen films. So if any company then wants to make figures (legally) based on the movie characters they have to get the movie rights from Fox..the owner of the property rights from marvel and individual actor likeness rights from EACH individual actor involved. And at least three of the actors have flat declined to even negotiate to allow any merchandise. (Magneto, Charles, Raven)

In contrast...all of the marvel studio is the sole point at which any company needs to obtain rights for its film. Marvel is the studio and owner. They obtain all likeness consent (rights) before allowing an actor to be cast. In rare cases the actor does retain approval power of what merchandise is made with their likeness(so products they don't support or condone don't get made with their face on it...and so they can approve sculpts but very rarely do they veto them), but it's only one or two actors that have the power to get that.

The accuracy of the sculpt has nothing at all to do with licensing or rights. Period. every single marvel figure (and DC ect) that hot toys makes is licensed and has actor likeness rights. Every one.
Motuxmen, can you try and speak a little nicer to other board members? All of your posts come cross as extremely rude and condescending. You are a HT apologist, like it or not. There is a hostile tone to your posts, and you jump down the throats of any board member that isn't as 'educated' as you are when it comes to likeness rights and contracts. We get you like to shoot your mouth off like you're Jackman's bestie but give it a ****ing rest.
Motuxmen, can you try and speak a little nicer to other board members? All of your posts come cross as extremely rude and condescending. You are a HT apologist, like it or not. There is a hostile tone to your posts, and you jump down the throats of any board member that isn't as 'educated' as you are when it comes to likeness rights and contracts. We get you like to shoot your mouth off like you're Jackman's bestie but give it a ****ing rest.
