1/6 Hot Toys - MMS 320 - Star Wars Ep.VII - Kylo Ren

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That was a great review! He was spot on when he said it looks good from every angle! Just love the design of his outfit and lightsaber so much. And that helmet! Damnnn.. I can feel the hype flowing through me.

Looks even better in video. I can't imagine how good it looks in hand. Honestly haven't been this hyped for a figure since my Deluxe Vader and Carnall Anakin. And with the movie coming in five days... Oh man. I'm so glad Hot Toys knocked this out of the park.
Nice review, the only think i didnt care for was the need to wear gloves to handle a figure.
I like the simplicity, and the details on the helmet are nice -- but no real excitement for this, having not seen the film yet.
Sideshow take my god damn money already and send me this crown jewel of TFA figures.


I was going to display my Star Wars figures in themes from their respective movies but part of me thinks having Vader and Kylo on one shelf would just be so eye catching.
Either lone wolf, by movie, or by affiliation. Already have a sick dark side shelf goin on with Vader (Apprentice and Sith Lord), Sidious, Tyranus, and Grievous.

But I'm thinking by movie would be best. Already have a ROTS display and an ESB display. Will pair him with Rey & BB-8, Snoke, and Old Luke when I get them.
that would be cool too. Ren did turn out really good and im hoping Phasma turns out just as good.
This will figure will sell-out and become very sought after. The movie hype will secure my prediction.
I'm glad I have one guaranteed then. Don't want to be left out in the cold with everyone waiting to see the movie. Though I imagine many of them will be ordering from their phones right after walking out of the theater. :)
I really wish JJA/Disney would have used this concept of Kylo:

I LOVE this yellow/gold coloring on this mask, as it`s looks more unique in a good ancient and sithy way!

But still a cool design, but i prefer Darth Revan and Darth Nihilus which seemed to influenced the Kylo Design...

Hopefully HT will bring all
"Knights of Ren"
for an uber epic display experience! :woo

As JJA seems to be a fan of the SW KOTOR games and the Legacy comics

(Kylo = Revan/Nihilus design, Phasma = chrome Sith Trooper, Rey = Bastilla/Satele Shan, KoR = Sith Acolytes)

i have a strong feeling in Ep8 we will see a Darth Talon influenced female Dark Side Charakter...another Artdesign everybody loves...:pray:

So glad i already ordered this guy, as i have a feeling the run of this figure will be INSANE after TFA hits the cinemas around the globe! :yess:
I really wish JJA/Disney would have used this concept of Kylo:
View attachment 228779

I LOVE this yellow/gold coloring on this mask, as it`s looks more unique in a good ancient and sithy way!

But still a cool design, but i prefer Darth Revan and Darth Nihilus which seemed to influenced the Kylo Design...

Hopefully HT will bring all
"Knights of Ren"
for an uber epic display experience! :woo

As JJA seems to be a fan of the SW KOTOR games and the Legacy comics

(Kylo = Revan/Nihilus design, Phasma = chrome Sith Trooper, Rey = Bastilla/Satele Shan, KoR = Sith Acolytes)

i have a strong feeling in Ep8 we will see a Darth Talon influenced female Dark Side Charakter...another Artdesign everybody loves...:pray:

So glad i already ordered this guy, as i have a feeling the run of this figure will be INSANE after TFA hits the cinemas around the globe! :yess:

Good Post! I agree. It seems like JJ has definitely played through KoTOR 1 & 2. I really get Bastilla vibes from Rey. And if one of the endings are any indication, Rey could be the female Sith Lord! What if Kylo is her brother and he seduces her with the promise of family. Unlikely, but would be pretty cool. It would turn the trilogy on its head.
I'd say there is about a 100% chance JJ has no clue who Bastilla is, and if you told him he wouldn't care. Same goes for Kasdan.

And as a Hawkeyes fan and Steelers hater I would have really disliked that gold look.
Kylo was my first Hot Toy I ever purchased. Obiwan, OT Stormtrooper, FA Stormtrooper, Vader, Leia, Phasma, and Rey are just the disease spreading from that original purchase. Lol.