V2 Ren will come with Driver Head, but no hooded cloak.
It really feels like that.

That's what the Disney elite line did.
V2 Ren will come with Driver Head, but no hooded cloak.
I'm displaying Kylo with Vader in the Detolf. It.....is.....my destiny.
Yup, maybe add Maul to the group, I think he was Anakin best friends sister's cousins boyfriend, who know this guy who hangs out with a kid at the cantina......so sorta related.
And I felt as if millions of hearts went a flutter... and were suddenly silenced by my joke in poor taste.
But that's what its gonna feel like if you don't order this one.
V2 Ren will come with Driver Head, but no hooded cloak.
Kylo Ren was indeed a disappointment.
when Kylo took off his mask my theater burst into laughter did that happen to anyone else?
"Darth Littlebitch", is more like it. I'm pissed that they gave me a masked villain who can stop freaking lasers in their tracks, only to have his ass kicked by a non-powered stormtrooper and an untrained, undernourished chick.
Kylo Ren was indeed a disappointment.
when Kylo took off his mask my theater burst into laughter did that happen to anyone else?
He's in his parent's basement, that's all you really need to know.
"Ma, get me a soda, I'm doing something important."
Yeah she really had to use the element of surprise and had to hit him with every nasty implement she could lay her hand on. And the scene drags on rightfully so because you can't bring down a big healthy guy that easily, especially if you're a woman who doesn't have force to back her blows.
That is why it is ridiculous to see a cutesie roundhouse kick from Rey's stick-fighting taking down all these guys when they're in a fight. most street fights end up on the ground really quick and if you're a petite woman, there is no way you can stand a chance in that scenario.
This is why it's laughable what they try to force feed audiences.
women are no match for a one on one combat with a male.. True.. But.. Even if the male is injured. They can be good shots. And good pilots as well.
But at the end of the day she is still out matched.
Youre meant to see a heroe's journey, that powerful mythic structure that resonates and is timeless. But oh no....we can't have a female lead be anything but strong and independent, so we see no growth or transformation. The force awakens in her and she kicks butt as the plucky feisty strong willed independent role model she is. Doesn't have to transform or work for it.Rey's "God-mode" skills had me shaking my head
He's in his parent's basement, that's all you really need to know.
"Ma, get me a soda, I'm doing something important."
You guys are right A woman can do anything a man can, and even better... with some help..
Imagine what J.J. ✡Abrams would have done with Lord of the Rings. Starting with a female Legolas who smirkingly bests the ranger Aragorn in everything related to tracking and survival in the wild. Boromir would be a sneering chauvinist, barking at Legolette, but she would easily best him too, and Boromir's death would be by Legolette's hands as she saves Frodo.
Rohan would be like Plains Indians and therefore good. No Celt/Viking style for them. Gondor would be a conservative society and therefore evil, keeping orcs as slaves. There'd be a scene where redneck Gondorians beat an orc slave in the street, but then they are stopped by the progressive Gandalf.
Both societies would have Blacks and Whites living together though, with no explanation for how the hell that would have happened. The officer of the bad White steward's personal guard would be a stoic Black man, the only competent man seen in Gondor's higher echelons. He would take Faramir's place in the story but do it much better, as "the room was the whitest you'd ever seen" in Abrams' words.
The Mines of Moria would have been invaded not by goblins but by humans, who slaughtered the dwarves out of greed. White humans, of course.
Mordor would be led by Nazist-style officers who used the orcs for their own purposes. In the final battle the defeated orcs would turn against their masters, kill them, and then run away to live free and In Harmony With Nature. The Fellowship's forces would let them go, but only when Gandalf and the other enlightened Fellowshippers held back the bloodthirsty Gondor rednecks.