Super Freak
A thing of beauty...

The girl on the booth said to me that she has confidence to say the final products of all alien busts will be very,very closed to the prototype( well, guess the city hunter bust proves it can be done). But all those prototypes are still under tweaking.
I aslo ask about the base, she said all alien bust may not come with neck or shoulder, but will have a similar style base for different movies.
I'm thinking the same.That's good to hear. I would love to have some of the shoulder parts added, but I actually quite like them as they are, a classy black base would be just fine by me.
FINALLY a Dog Alien bust! Man I'm so excited for this!!!
I'd love that. We need a good alien skull to display with Sideshow's predator skull.Freakin' awesome! The shoulders will complete the piece to give it a bust look, but this is very good already.
I'd also like Coolprops to do a skull version of any of the Alien characters, if they haven't already.