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Ok so uh, here's my piece. There's only one Star Wars movie I've seen more than once, and that's... Revenge of the Sith. I've seen it around 20 times. I used to watch it once every month when the DVD came out. So, yeah...



Empire is still my favourite, but... Revenge of the Sith is damn cool... Sorry not sorry.

No need to apologize :lol

ROTS is probably my favorite just based on terms of personal enjoyment. Critically though.... Empire is my top ranked. Empire is still my personal second/third favorite though :lol
Ok so uh, here's my piece. There's only one Star Wars movie I've seen more than once, and that's... Revenge of the Sith. I've seen it around 20 times. I used to watch it once every month when the DVD came out. So, yeah...


Kids today.......
I don't think that even counts as exposition, because it didn't make sense to a lot of people at first :lol I feel Kubrick just didn't know how to interpret what Clarke depicted in that part of the movie and some others.

Book or movie? I haven't seen 2010 till this day and don't quite feel like doing it any time soon, the book unfortunately follows the events of the movie and not the first novel, it was a decent sequel, but the scope in 2010 and 2061 was much smaller, they're building up to something bigger, and the characters weren't that good imo.

I did love the epilogue of 2010, or was it 2061? The one with the Europans telling legends about their world.

Haven't read Time's Eye yet either, I'm dying to read them.

Read them all, all worthy. I would recommend 2010, pretty fine acting in it. But I am. Roy Scheider fan. And love John Lithgow.

2010 gets a ton of hate....not sure why....if it because of the book, well rage for movies that don't follow the book is kinds silly.
Read them all, all worthy. I would recommend 2010, pretty fine acting in it. But I am. Roy Scheider fan. And love John Lithgow.

2010 gets a ton of hate....not sure why....if it because of the book, well rage for movies that don't follow the book is kinds silly.

Time's Eye? You've read them? Is it as good as 2001? Because the concept of those aliens doing the opposite of what the 2001 aliens do is exciting.

Yeah, I never complain about a movie not following the book, it's dumb to complain about that.
Time's Eye? You've read them? Is it as good as 2001? Because the concept of those aliens doing the opposite of what the 2001 aliens do is exciting.

Yeah, I never complain about a movie not following the book, it's dumb to complain about that.

Try dealing with LotR and Hobbit fans who ***** about the movies not following the books.
I too like the prequels, but rate ROTS best and TPM worst.

In other unpopular opinions, I also liked the Matrix sequels and Into Darkness.

Neglected to mention ASM2. And the fact that the SW prequels were conceptually superior to TFA (if not executed as well).

Yup, I'm a regular contrarian!

WWEJedi is one, he's very objective, ask him. :monkey3

Not wishing to begin again the flame wars, but if what he says is true, he is. It's rare to find someone (on these boards, at least) who's watched I-VI in order with zero prior exposure to SW.
Not wishing to begin again the flame wars, but if what he says is true, he is. It's rare to find someone (on these boards, at least) who's watched I-VI in order with zero prior exposure to SW.

Nobody who had the misfortune to watch the prequels before the OT suddenly has an "objective" opinion because of it. It just means his parents didn't do their job in guiding him on how to properly experience Star Wars. :nana:

No one needs to watch films in a certain sequence in order for their brains to tell them what was well made or not. Even if you think a story goes down a wrong path you can appreciate the execution if it is told well. I remember back on usenet in the 90's the amount of die hard ALIEN fans who were furious that James Cameron changed the lifecyle of the alien to be Queen based instead of honoring the deleted scene that revealed that humans get transformed into eggs. But as much as they hated that Cameron changed it they almost unanimously had to give their begrudging respect for how well he presented the idea of an Alien Queen and her worker drones.

And I've been one of the people to complain about changes Cameron made to the Terminator story with T2. But the execution of those changes? That's harder to criticize because he did a pretty damn good job.

But you don't see that with the PT. Nobody disagrees with what was told but still respects how it was told because the execution was crap. George took the story down a bad path and then to add insult to injury he didn't even present his stupid ideas well. Anakin as a 10 year old? Dumb idea. Hiring Jake Lloyd to play that kid and giving him stupid lines? Made a dumb idea even worse.
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Try dealing with LotR and Hobbit fans who ***** about the movies not following the books.

I've met some, and some Hunger Games fans too, I made them sit in a circle and patiently explained to them that movies and books and 2 different mediums, they were confused at first.
Time's Eye? You've read them? Is it as good as 2001? Because the concept of those aliens doing the opposite of what the 2001 aliens do is exciting.

Yeah, I never complain about a movie not following the book, it's dumb to complain about that.

I would definitely read the books that were published, if your a ACC fan.

Its very different. I like Clarke alot, these books were epic in scope, and therefore somewhat hard to grasp at times, who knows if we every get the actual end to the story either.

My personal favorite ACC book is The light of Other Days....that book goes from interesting to mind blowing.....
I would definitely read the books that were published, if your a ACC fan.

Its very different. I like Clarke alot, these books were epic in scope, and therefore somewhat hard to grasp at times, who knows if we every get the actual end to the story either.

My personal favorite ACC book is The light of Other Days....that book goes from interesting to mind blowing.....

So, you're talking about the Time's Eye? :lol I've read the 2001-3001 books, I love them, but I've had Time's Eye in my wishlist for a while now.

Haven't read the Light of Other Days, but it's in my backlog, it's the one about wormholes isn't it? Recently re-read Childhood's end because of the show, man that book is scary :lol
So, you're talking about the Time's Eye? :lol I've read the 2001-3001 books, I love them, but I've had Time's Eye in my wishlist for a while now.

Haven't read the Light of Other Days, but it's in my backlog, it's the one about wormholes isn't it? Recently re-read Childhood's end because of the show, man that book is scary :lol

Yup Times Eye.....

Read light of other days first ...its the wormhole one. That story is really good but will hurt your head a bit.

Childhoods End...wish I could read that again as if it were the first time......