Unpopular movie or tv show opinions

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Any single PT added far more to the mythology than TFA did. Even if TFA is better than any of them

Ehhh, it did more damage than good really so I'm not sure this is a plus in the PT's favour.

Maybe not some of the directing, acting or dialogue, but there are aspects that deserve respect (the "rhyming" approach, for instance, and the designs).

And we can still respect the PT overall. Well, some of us can. And the new directors have no choice. But the inclusion of PT elements in the NT doesn't have to stop prequel deniers from denying.

The rhyming thing - I think the PT failed to rhyme in at least one major area and that was depicting Anakin as a 9 year old instead of starting out with him being 19 like in AOTC and like Luke in ANH.
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Ehhh, it did more damage than good really so I'm not sure this is a plus in the PT's favour.

The rhyming thing - I think the PT failed to rhyme in at least one major area and that was depicting Anakin as a 9 year old instead of starting out with him being 19 like in AOTC.

Exactly and he was goody two shoes all throughout TPM- what was the point of even showing him at this stage other than to say "prepare yourself as our boy hero turns" ....oh really? Lucas wanted a kid hero to appeal to all the kids when a 20 year old would have done the same thing only far better
It woulda been better to show his Jedi training and trials and time throughout the clone wars too

One of the selling points of Episode III was his being angered at the Jedi morals and his being disrespected. Woulda had more impact if it showed all he went through as a Jedi in the wars and his feeling they lost their way rather than just dialogue to show that
Prime Clone you're doing a great job of stating your favorable PT opinions with your dignity intact. :)

Question for you: If you had to pick a non-OT SW film to be your desert island movie, which would it be?
Any single PT added far more to the mythology than TFA did. Even if TFA is better than any of them

That's a good way of putting it. Or as I'm wont to say, "PT wins for concept, TFA for execution".

Question for you: If you had to pick a non-OT SW film to be your desert island movie, which would it be?

That's a tricky one. While I openly admit TFA is better *made* than the prequels, I still think the PT is more original.

If I hadn't already watched the OT to death, probably TFA. If I had, probably ROTS.

Prime Clone you're doing a great job of stating your favorable PT opinions with your dignity intact. :)

(Thanks BTW! :) )
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Prime Clone you're doing a great job of stating your favorable PT opinions with your dignity intact. :)

So which is it, TFA or ROTS? It's the unpopular opinion thread so you can be honest. :)

Actually I'd probably plump for TFA. Despite my defence of the PT, the OT is still my favorite and TFA is more OT-like (only "faster and more intense"!)

(Though the downside of TFA as a desert island flick is that it's a setup and would leave you wanting resolution).

Thank you sir! :)
Prime Clone you're doing a great job of stating your favorable PT opinions with your dignity intact. :)

Question for you: If you had to pick a non-OT SW film to be your desert island movie, which would it be?

I wonder how small and meaningless your life really is if you continue with these jabs and digs at me.
BTW my thanks shouldn't be construed as complicity in any passive aggression, real or imagined. I assumed Khev was referring to PT fans in general (which is slightly better than singling out individuals!)
Unpopular opinion: TPM >/= TFA. The nostalgia and build up to TPM gives it the edge.

Changing topics. I hate horror films. I don't get the appeal. The only one I've seen that was mildly scary was Halloween. The creepiest moments were of him just standing and staring at Jaime Lee Curtis. It was mostly boring when it devolved into a by the numbers slasher flick. I think my appreciation for it lies with the fact that it predates most slasher films and was more original ( and therefore more scary?) when it was first released.
Still making friends I see.


tbf that was a passive aggressive dig

That it was.

BTW my thanks shouldn't be construed as complicity in any passive aggression, real or imagined. I assumed Khev was referring to PT fans in general (which is slightly better than singling out individuals!)

Never though that :lol
Nope. Anyone who has nice things to say about the PT runs the risk of losing credibility and Prime Clone has done a good job even if I disagree with him. Someone is just being paranoid.

There you go again with that "my opinion is better than yours" and how those who like a movie that you don't like lose credibility. Seriously, that is pathetic. Your logic is so flawed. Man....
1. No he didn't.

2. Who the hell here cares if if they have credibility with me anyway?

1. Yes he did. By your own logic anyone who has anything nice to say about the PT loses credibility. You like TFA. He liked TPM more. Therefore he lost all credibility.

Oh wait.... that was just yet another dig towards me when you said that.

2. I wouldn't want credibility from someone who looks down at others based on the movies they like.