You just lost all credibility with Khev.
1. No he didn't.
1. Yes he did.
Rabbit season!
You just lost all credibility with Khev.
1. No he didn't.
1. Yes he did.
Star Trek Ds9 is actually better than Next Generation.
It woulda been better to show his Jedi training and trials and time throughout the clone wars too
One of the selling points of Episode III was his being angered at the Jedi morals and his being disrespected. Woulda had more impact if it showed all he went through as a Jedi in the wars and his feeling they lost their way rather than just dialogue to show that
Credibility shot.
Sorry. Couldn't resist. Carry on.
You just lost all credibility with Khev.
I don't love Terminator, Alien, or Predator. I haven't seen all of the movies in each respective franchise and don't care to see the ones I missed. T1 is a great movie but I don't love the movie. I can't quote it and only watch out every few years. I actually think Terminator: Salvation is enjoyable but again I don't love it.
I have never seen nor care to see Robocop.
This isn't the heresy thread.
So many bannable offenses...
Hating the first Alien movie makes Baby Jesus cry.
Star Trek Ds9 is actually better than Next Generation.
You've never watched Saturday Night Fever.
TNG is better than TOS and, like Gene Roddenberry wanted, TOS should be stricken from the canon.
(Okay, I don't agree with the second bit)
"The Burbs" isn't that bad True
Bill Murray isn't that funny Most of the time
Tom Cruise is the most underrated action hero/star of all time I don't think so. He's just an brain-washed ass off screen
The Rock doesn't have a single good movie or character He wasn't bad in Doom
Paul Walker's best performance was his last CGI appearance on screen I loved him in Eight Below
Daniel Craig sucks as James Bond He's not bad, but doesn't fit the image
E.T. is overrated
Indiana Jones 3 sucks's better than the last one.
Coneheads is funnier than Ghostbusters and GB2 Better than GB2, equal to GB
The Matrix trilogy is better than the Back to the Future trilogy Too hard to compare the two.
Gangs of New York is underrated Yes
Falling Down is Michael Douglas best film Didn't see it.