Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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At the risk of coming off as a conspiracy theorist, however, I simply cannot fathom the unbelievable hate-hype this film has generated. It's entirely ridiculous, and very hard to take seriously, especially when I'm coming across people who haven't even seen it claiming it's worse than Batman & Robin. Which it's not. It's not even close to that bad.

BvS is down there with Batman and Robin in my opinion. The reason BvS got panned is because it's a bad movie, plain and simple. The thing is a mess. Are there cool scenes and moments in it? Sure. But they don't save the movie as a whole.

There's not a conspiracy here with people ripping it, it's just not well made. I think the response towards it is appropriate and fair. For me it was a frustrating experience because there are a lot of neat ideas at play in it. You shouldn't have to fight the movies horrible editing and plot to make it accessible though. They never allowed those great moments breathe because it is jam packed with other crap.
BvS is down there with Batman and Robin in my opinion. The reason BvS got panned is because it's a bad movie, plain and simple. The thing is a mess. Are there cool scenes and moments in it? Sure. But they don't save the movie as a whole.

There's not a conspiracy here with people ripping it, it's just not well made. I think the response towards it is appropriate and fair. For me it was a frustrating experience because there are a lot of neat ideas at play in it. You shouldn't have to fight the movies horrible editing and plot to make it accessible though. They never allowed those great moments breathe because it is jam packed with other crap.

If that's your opinion, fair enough. I find it very hard to fault the film at all, with a few minor niggles and exceptions (Wonder Woman's laptop scene is a pretty bad offender, and Superman could've used a few more scenes dealing with what he's going through beyond some pained expressions now and then). For me it got progressively more enjoyable when I saw it the second and third time.
Imagine Wonder Woman pulling off her skirt and bewb armor and going to town on Doomsday.

Look at that smile on her face during the fight, YOU JUST KNOW!
Nah, it's cool. You're right about T1 > T2 so I'll let your wrong opinion regarding ALIEN/ALIENS slide for now. ;)

For the Record I LOVE ALIENS. Both ALIEN and ALIENS are 5 star movies to me. I just prefer the look and style of the original. All those Giger paintings come to life.

Now we just got to convince A-Dev about T1 > T2

And I'll just let both your opinions slide I suppose....

SEE?? He's a stubborn SOB!!!

I'm coming across people who haven't even seen it claiming it's worse than Batman & Robin. Which it's not. It's not even close to that bad.

It's not even close to that fun, either.

BvS made MoS seem like a fairly well-structured, semi-coherent film at least.
That's something.

Also, since you're a Marvel lover, looks like James Gunn is the latest victim of the Marvel Studios treats their directors like dog**** shtick.

Gunn is currently interested in jumping ship after GOTG2 to direct SHAZAM (2019) or GREEN LANTERN CORPS. (2020).
Marvel definitely seems to frustrate their directors with all the constraints Feige places on them. But Feige knows how to put the pieces in place for good, fun movies. I'm glad he's there with the MCU, but I'm also glad he's not in charge of the Fox X-Men films.

"TFA is so derivative! Bring back George Lucas! The Phantom Menace was so much more original!" Um, no, he literally set out to copy the OT (called it "rhyming, like a poem" but ****ed them up so spectacularly that people actually had a hard time telling that they were supposed to be copies. Kind of like if someone who is tone deaf tries to sing a song they heard on the radio the previous day and they belt out some screeching horror that sounds like a cat being strangled while being raped that's just so bad you have no idea what song they were trying to sing. "Well that was the worst rendition of 'Living on a Prayer' I've ever heard but kudos for inventing an original sound." :lol
Though I'm not sure what the exact comments are praising MOS now, I think the prequel comments you are ridiculing make some sense. I share some of the sentiment. And it's not to say that the prequels are good. They are still considered terrible by most. Nor is it to discount the extent to which characters and themes from the other films are inserted into them. There was far too much of that, even with lame-o Django Fett and a child version of Greedo? But putting that aside, there was also a crapload of new ideas in them. Many of them (JarJar! Trade federation tax disputes! Midichlorians! Lame ass Qui Gon Jinn!) failed spectacularly. But as with BVS, I appreciate that Lucas was trying to be original in many respects, even if I don't like the outcome. Again, the alternative is Force Awakens or the MCU--good films, that are never going to be more than "pretty good" because they're so risk averse. And the fact is that I didn't appreciate the originality of the prequels very much until we saw the franchise go to the other extreme. So that, too, could be a reason why some critics retrospectively have new appreciation for MOS. Certainly, I appreciated Superman Returns a hell of a lot more after seeing MOS. Doesn't mean I began loving Superman Returns, though.

I like having a mixed bag, where some films take risks that may work or not, and others don't, where we know what we're going to get by and large and will likely get a moderate amount of enjoyment from them. Doesn't mean movies that are incredibly derivative and safe don't earn the criticism levied against them.

Terminator is for sissies:rotfl
Well, T2 for sure.
Man of Steel also had a better villain. I thought Crowe was really good in it. Good trailer material. Not sure if I have anything else positive to say. I was listening to an Eddie Trunk podcast when I was exercising earlier, and apparently Jason Bonham played drums on the score. So that's good.
BvS is down there with Batman and Robin in my opinion. The reason BvS got panned is because it's a bad movie, plain and simple. The thing is a mess. Are there cool scenes and moments in it? Sure. But they don't save the movie as a whole.

There's not a conspiracy here with people ripping it, it's just not well made. I think the response towards it is appropriate and fair. For me it was a frustrating experience because there are a lot of neat ideas at play in it. You shouldn't have to fight the movies horrible editing and plot to make it accessible though. They never allowed those great moments breathe because it is jam packed with other crap.

bvs compared to be the same as batman and robin lol dont know why that made me laugh so much.
Batman and robin was different, everything about it was cheesy, I remember the one line jokes more than I do the whole movie.

Plus batman and robin is associated with me because of the PlayStation game that came out with it. To this day it's one of the hardest of all time.

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What i still find funny, is the rage people seem t spew over "it was good" and " it was bad" comments.

some folks seem to have a problem removing their own opinion and enjoyment, from the criticism.

You can hate a good movie, it's not going to change the quality of the film, you just didn't enjoy it.

you can love a bad movie. enjoying it, doesn't however, magically make it a good film.

People love the terrible michael bay transformers films. The box office numbers show that. but most of them are still pretty terrible movies.

But they're good action films, much like MoS and BvS.

on the upside, atleast Batfleck himself was pretty good, even if the script wasn't.