Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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So is it the Marvel fanboys or the DC fanboys that **** each other over for a god damn percentage?

I don't understand the question.


Khev loves to quote Cameron :)
Seven people rallying against Civil War will constitute a "bloodbath?" ;)

Every single dc fan will come claws out ready to gut civil war.
Regardless if they even liked bvs or not. It's about defending the brand, specially after the beating dc just got
Every single dc fan will come claws out ready to gut civil war.
Regardless if they even liked bvs or not. It's about defending the brand

Not me. The Winter Soldier was my favorite Marvel movie, yet, and I don't think CW will be any exception.
I predict an audience rating of 50% for civil war with all those fake accounts that rated bvs so high.
I mean the movie is just ok at best. Can't we all agree on that? It was by no means a terrible movie but it had some big problems.

Aquaman's scene was laughably bad

Superman always being this angry guy instead of light hearted and level headed is sad. The way he just plowed threw that african terrorist guy. Did he really need to do that?

Batman was great but why must he be in this for 20 years? Why so long?

Why did you do doomsday now? In the second movie. Would it had killed them to use braniac or lex in a mech suit? They just had to use doomsday?

Why make Lex this jittery unhinged weirdo? Don't we have enough villians like that? His last scene in the jail cell was just silly.

Wonder woman was great but she doesn't make the movie any better. her entrance is the only thing that was amazing O and her lasso.

This was a catch up movie. The email proves that. Its like. "hey look at all these characters that exist. Ok good now that we got that out the way lets make a justice league movie".

No i'm not a marvel fanboy but DC could do better. They just never had faith in there characters and they think they are jokes. They said years ago wonder woman wouldnt work on the big screen and neither would flash and here we are.
I just picture several people in this thread tuning out about halfway through your post and then will subsequently make a post that says "I don't understand why people are hating on this movie" and that critics just hated this because they were on a bandwagon of hate or try to deflect back to the "well it's different than Marvel" mantra. There's only a few that'll actually say "I see what you are saying but I still enjoyed it". Like maybe 2 people.
Not me. The Winter Soldier was my favorite Marvel movie, yet, and I don't think CW will be any exception.

Ditto. The Russos delivered the best MCU movie so far with TWS so I'm expecting the same with CW & IW.

Marvel Studios can make great films, they're just far from infallible like critics make them out to be.
I mean the movie is just ok at best. Can't we all agree on that? It was by no means a terrible movie but it had some big problems.

Aquaman's scene was laughably bad

Superman always being this angry guy instead of light hearted and level headed is sad. The way he just plowed threw that african terrorist guy. Did he really need to do that?

Batman was great but why must he be in this for 20 years? Why so long?

Why did you do doomsday now? In the second movie. Would it had killed them to use braniac or lex in a mech suit? They just had to use doomsday?

Why make Lex this jittery unhinged weirdo? Don't we have enough villians like that? His last scene in the jail cell was just silly.

Wonder woman was great but she doesn't make the movie any better. her entrance is the only thing that was amazing O and her lasso.

This was a catch up movie. The email proves that. Its like. "hey look at all these characters that exist. Ok good now that we got that out the way lets make a justice league movie".

No i'm not a marvel fanboy but DC could do better. They just never had faith in there characters and they think they are jokes. They said years ago wonder woman wouldnt work on the big screen and neither would flash and here we are.

Excellent post that will be ignored.
We only deal in absolutes here. This is either the best movie ever made or the worst movie ever made.