Oh and one other thing:
I saw this tonight. Overall I enjoyed it quite a bit. Yes, it was incredibly derivative and full of plenty of winks and nods to the original trilogy. But it was still a well told story, with good acting and direction, good drama and action, likable characters, and it seems to be setting up a very interesting story to come. I thought that Finn may be the most relatable character from any Star Wars movie yet.
Not funny in that in all those auditions they still thought he was the best guy for the job. As I rewatched some scenes a couple of days ago, I was struck at how annoying his character is.
Difabio will have that shield down. We've gotta give him more time!
Yes I have two lists with everyone's name on them keeping track of how everyone responded to TFA and it gets updated regularly.![]()
He ****ed up big time.
This is not real life this is star wars.
Chewie should have hugged leia.
You ****ed up man , ****ed up baaaaaadddd.
He shouldn't have. I wish he stuck to his guns. There's no right or wrong way to react to a loved one's death. Anyone who has experienced it firsthand knows. Your mind doesn't immediately go "but does my spouse have a best friend that I've been out of touch with for years that I can comfort right now?" No, you're just in shock, even a daze, and usually blinded with grief. Abrams is a nice guy and is open to being shown where he is wrong but that wasn't the case here IMO.
I get that "fans" want to see their buddy Chewie have a moment but the way it played out on screen worked just fine.
So we're gonna get some quirky, Wes Anderson type scoring there? I can dig it. They should bring Anderson in to film the opening scene introducing the characters.Composer of Grand Budapest is doing the music for Rogue One.![]()
Nope, not buying it. Could they have had a moment at some point, possibly off screen prior to Rey and Chewie's departure? Sure. Did it need to happen the second he stepped off the Falcon? No. Leia and Chewie had a prior history, yes, but relationships can change massively over three decades, especially when a divorce or separation occurs and friends have to "choose" one of the spouses. Even when she arrived on Takodana and Chewie hugged her Carrie plays it as kind of her humoring him, she graciously accepts his hug but doesn't put her arms around him and when he steps aside immediately focuses back on Han and the issue of their son.
I get that Leia not hugging Chewie is this new fanboy "thing" not unlike him not receiving a medal on Yavin but it's not something that I see as a problem or mistake at all. Obviously if you want to wish that those scenes were staged differently then go right ahead.
That post didnt just happen. Khev has detailed files on all of us.![]()
Yeah he walked right by her. What a jerk.
*marks greedo737 down on the list*
Difabio will have that shield down. We've gotta give him more time!