David Ayer's Academy Award winning "Suicide Squad"

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Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

I'll say this, BlueberryJerry: I thought Boomerang was great, albeit extremely underutilized, though, in retrospect, perhaps that's to his benefit.:lol
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

Could you seriously see THAT Batman taking on Superman?? Nolan films belong in their own hyper realistic universe.

no, But I could also not see Leto being a good villain for a Batman movie either. I could not see Leto carrying an entire movie on his own either

Just what I'd expected: a try hard douche canoe who got off on trying to be edgy. The hilarious part is that the few tolerable parts of his were ruined by his forced, ****** laughter. Like, when he was laying in the circle of knives, pining over Harley, and he just starts laughing, or, when he's embracing her at Ace chemical, and, again, he just starts laughing. It's like, "for ****'s sake, dude. We get it, you're playing the Joker, just like you've been constantly reminding us, with the condoms, and the pigs, and the rats, and the "hahas" and the smiley faces, and the word "JOKER" TATTOOED ON YOUR ****ING STOMACH!"

I would've been so much happier had his ass roasted in that helicopter crash.

Also, Croc looking like a ****ing goomba from the Super Mario Bros. movie. Actually, he was kind of like the opposite of a goomba, with a tiny body and a giant ****ing head. It seems like they couldn't make up their mind whether or not they wanted the giant, monstrous Croc, or the more humanoid, realistic Croc, so, they just put the giant, monstrous Croc's giant ass head on an average sized dude's body and it looked weird as ****. I wanted to like that look, and I didn't entirely mind when he was clothed, but, when he goes for his swim, at the end, it just looked ****ing terrible.

:lol:lol this movie
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

Lol, thanks man.

I'm glad you enjoyed film as well!

My whole group I went with loved it and we're all big DC comic readers/fans.

My theatre was sold out! Positive vibes on the movie from everyone I passed on the way out!
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

Also, whose bright idea was it to have Enchantress and her brother, whoever that Aztec warrior looking mother****er was, be the villains of a movie about a Black Ops team of street level super villains doing wetwork for the Government? I mean, the most jarring part, for me, was that this crazy **** is supposed to be going on in the same universe that Snyder and co. created, which I'd posit seemed to be more "grounded" than, even, Nolan's trilogy. Crazy stuff happened (alien invasions, giant monsters, but it still felt "real"), but this just seems like, outside of having Affleck and Miller on the cast, it just seems like...uh. ****, these movies need a rebirth. Keep your heroes the same, toss out all the ****** villains, and pretend that this cinematic abortion never even happened.
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

Would someone who knows nothing of Suicide Squad like this movie?
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

I'd have more confidence in this movie if the only people saying it was good didn't happen to have Suicide Squad Avatars and sigs.

I'm glad I'm not the only one that has noticed this.
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

Would someone who knows nothing of Suicide Squad like this movie?

If the reason they know nothing about the Suicide Squad is because they've been in a coma for the past 4 decades, and are, thus, unconscious and incapable of most basic, cognitive functions, including being able to tell that a movie's playing, then, yes, they would like this movie. Of course, you run the risk of them slipping back into the coma, should they wake up and have this be their first sensory experience in forty years.
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

If the reason they know nothing about the Suicide Squad is because they've been in a coma for the past 4 decades, and are, thus, unconscious and incapable of most basic, cognitive functions, including being able to tell that a movie's playing, then, yes, they would like this movie. Of course, you run the risk of them slipping back into the coma, should they wake up and have this be their first sensory experience in forty years.
. . .why so serious?

Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

Just what I'd expected: a try hard douche canoe who got off on trying to be edgy. The hilarious part is that the few tolerable parts of his were ruined by his forced, ****** laughter. Like, when he was laying in the circle of knives, pining over Harley, and he just starts laughing, or, when he's embracing her at Ace chemical, and, again, he just starts laughing. It's like, "for ****'s sake, dude. We get it, you're playing the Joker, just like you've been constantly reminding us, with the condoms, and the pigs, and the rats, and the "hahas" and the smiley faces, and the word "JOKER" TATTOOED ON YOUR ****ING STOMACH!"

I would've been so much happier had his ass roasted in that helicopter crash.

Interesting, seems he's polarizing. Some people hate him and some think he's ok. I haven't seen anyone say they love his version though.
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

Interesting, seems he's polarizing. Some people hate him and some think he's ok. I haven't seen anyone say they love his version though.

I loved his version!

Lol, few pages back I posted my initial thoughts when I got home from the theatre. Leto is my favorite live action Joker for sure.
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

As of now it's officially tied with BvS on RT.
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

I loved this Joker. People are disregarding how he acts mainly in part to Harley. I mean it's pretty ****ing blatant. He's not Nicholson, thank God, and he's not trying to be Ledger. My favorite live action tbh. Never did care for Ledger or Nicholson.