Blitzway - 1/6 Scale Ghostbusters - Collectible Figures

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Re: Blitzway - 1/6 Scale Ghostbusters - Collectible Figures and ECTO-1

Has anyone else preordered at KGHobby? Just curious as to wether your order status is "Awaiting Fulfilment" - obviously it looks right, I'm just fretting 😐
Re: Blitzway - 1/6 Scale Ghostbusters - Collectible Figures and ECTO-1

TailBane :slap

Stop nit-picking. Everyone see's Murray yet you see otherwise. :dunno
Re: Blitzway - 1/6 Scale Ghostbusters - Collectible Figures and ECTO-1

The sculpt look's Amazing and once it's released there will be a ton of bill custom's. I Would LOVE A BIG ERN sometime ha ha...:lol
and a Roy Munson,
Re: Blitzway - 1/6 Scale Ghostbusters - Collectible Figures and ECTO-1

... and now I NEED that figure...
Re: Blitzway - 1/6 Scale Ghostbusters - Collectible Figures and ECTO-1

The sculpt look's Amazing and once it's released there will be a ton of bill custom's. I Would LOVE A BIG ERN sometime ha ha...:lol
and a Roy Munson,

Ditto! Kingpin would make some really interesting looking sixth scale figures. The comb overs, bowling outfits, Big Ern's rose filled bowling ball, Munson's rubber hand lol Sign me up!!!!
Re: Blitzway - 1/6 Scale Ghostbusters - Collectible Figures and ECTO-1

This set has grown on me I wasn't keen on Spenglers expression but it's kinda growing on me. Also it is confirmed the lights will cycle anti clockwise rather than be static. :hi5:

I only have 2 gripes but they are nothing major given how awesome this looks.

1- Slimer eyes looks more like the one from the film we don't talk about.
2 - Why a barricade? Give us a diorama cardboard, something todo with stay puft or the dogs or even Gozer.

But honestly it looks like a solid set! The detail on the proton Pack is insane! :)
Re: Blitzway - 1/6 Scale Ghostbusters - Collectible Figures and ECTO-1

I dig the sign, and the barricade, and Slimer...and everything really...damn near perfect....can see anyone really getting on this set for any problems....
Re: Blitzway - 1/6 Scale Ghostbusters - Collectible Figures and ECTO-1

This set has grown on me I wasn't keen on Spenglers expression but it's kinda growing on me. Also it is confirmed the lights will cycle anti clockwise rather than be static. :hi5:

I only have 2 gripes but they are nothing major given how awesome this looks.

1- Slimer eyes looks more like the one from the film we don't talk about.
2 - Why a barricade? Give us a diorama cardboard, something todo with stay puft or the dogs or even Gozer.

But honestly it looks like a solid set! The detail on the proton Pack is insane! :)


Any knowledge on whether or not the blue power cell light strip blinks also? Obviously not a big deal at all if it doesn't, but obviously even cooler if it does.

Re: Blitzway - 1/6 Scale Ghostbusters - Collectible Figures and ECTO-1

TailBane :slap

Stop nit-picking. Everyone see's Murray yet you see otherwise. :dunno

That's not true at all. If you followed this thread following the SDCC reveals, you'd see there was in fact a lot of difference of opinion regarding all the BW GB sculpts. These two comments truthfully summarize the mixed reaction:

I was noticing the same thing. One guy says Venkman is the best, next guy says he's the worst. One guy says Winston is the best, next says he's the worst.

The flip flop on likeness is pretty telling. So many collectors today consider highly detailed sculpts and mottled paint jobs "dead on" without looking at the actual likeness.

And others have seen "otherwise" re: Venkman, here's two I found with just a quick look back:

All look great but venkman, should have gotten Trevor Grove for him

Compared to their Tyler Durden, I think only Hudson is close to being as good. I hope they make a second (and better) head for Venkman with a more expressed HS.

It's always a little eerie when these threads turn into "negative comments unwelcome" mode. I have BW Venkman on order, the sculpt is decent, and has gorgeous HT quality apps, but like many HT sculpts, the ultra-realism hides the fact that the sculpt is pretty blank-faced (for Murray of all people) and the likeness decent but far from nailed. I saw another company's sculpt that looked like it captured Venkman/Murray better, so I posted it.

I get it - justified euphoria, and giddy high-fives at the stunning news that GB is FINALLY getting the ultra-high-end figure treatment after years of customs and possibles that went nowhere. Amazing news. But I'm looking very closely (nit picking?) at what my roughly $250 is buying, and whether after all the fanfare/euphoria has died down, I will indeed have the very best Murray/Venkman headsculpt likeness... or not.

**** your "nit-picking" comment - open forum, many opinions. Deal with it. :lecture
Re: Blitzway - 1/6 Scale Ghostbusters - Collectible Figures and ECTO-1

I wasn't keen on Spenglers expression but it's kinda growing on me.

I'm still not too keen on it. I'm pretty happy with everyone else, but I may be a bit biased, since Egon has always been my favourite. If anything, Egon should have the Venkman sculpts more stoic face, and Venkman should have that slight grin he does throughout the movie when he's being a smartass. If they had to give Egon an expression from the first movie I would have preferred the expression from the elevator scene.

Also it is confirmed the lights will cycle anti clockwise rather than be static.

It's confirmed confirmed they cycle counter-clockwise? Because they're supposed to cycle clockwise.
Re: Blitzway - 1/6 Scale Ghostbusters - Collectible Figures and ECTO-1


Any knowledge on whether or not the blue power cell light strip blinks also? Obviously not a big deal at all if it doesn't, but obviously even cooler if it does.

They look like separate leds for the blue strip. I can't see them going to the trouble of not just using one led then not making them cycle.

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Re: Blitzway - 1/6 Scale Ghostbusters - Collectible Figures and ECTO-1

I'm still not too keen on it. I'm pretty happy with everyone else, but I may be a bit biased, since Egon has always been my favourite. If anything, Egon should have the Venkman sculpts more stoic face, and Venkman should have that slight grin he does throughout the movie when he's being a smartass. If they had to give Egon an expression from the first movie I would have preferred the expression from the elevator scene.

It's confirmed confirmed they cycle counter-clockwise? Because they're supposed to cycle clockwise.

I asked bliztway and they said Anti clockwise.... might be worth shooting a pm
Re: Blitzway - 1/6 Scale Ghostbusters - Collectible Figures and ECTO-1

Jaws is out too. I've reached out to some people. It's not gonna happen.
Re: Blitzway - 1/6 Scale Ghostbusters - Collectible Figures and ECTO-1

Does that mean they won't ever make 1/6 Rocky?
I was hoping for that, too.

Not necessarily, it's just that the new licence about to be announced apparently won't be Rocky.

Jaws is out too. I've reached out to some people. It's not gonna happen.

Out as in out for Blitzway? I'm hoping that if it is about to announced (and it's not announced by BW) it'll be announced by QMX who've done very good work thus far.
Re: Blitzway - 1/6 Scale Ghostbusters - Collectible Figures and ECTO-1

The people I've reached out to said multiple companies were trying to secure likeness rights to no avail. So it's a no go. It's best to kill all hope before it spills over to DX04 levels. That was quite the fiasco.