Wonder Woman - June 2, 2017

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Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

NASA asked Gadot if they could land the space shuttle on her ass but it was already being used by rocket powered cars trying to beat the land speed record.
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017


Yes.... but no one is going to see WW for the acting, except SNIKT.


"Gal Gadot has transcended the art of acting by giving the most culturally significant performance since Marlon Brando's ground breaking role in "On the Water Front.

P.S. The MCU acting and Kevin Feige suck."

Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

P.S. The MCU acting and Kevin Feige suck."


Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

Man she's hot.

If only she could act.

Nicca please, you'd look better in that lingerie. Probably act better too.

Quick, someone post that "sexy" gif from the Fast and the Furious movie she's in. Dat bony ass makes me lol.
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

It's always hilarious when men debate what's attractive on the interwebz.
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

Do you think (((Gadot))) is hawt (((KitFisto)))?
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

Do you think (((Gadot))) is hawt (((KitFisto)))?

She's clearly an attractive woman. Hot is in the eye of the beholder. People have different taste. I just find it funny when guys who are most likely married to or are dating "normal" women are calling someone like Gadot unattractive. Have seen the same about many actresses who are clearly attractive. Yes, Gadot is very thin, but the standards men pretend they have on the Web is laughable.
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

I mean, I've never dated a girl that was a super model or in a movie or commercial before, but I do find them and their "normalcy" to be more appealing and attractive to me than Gadot.

True, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but I don't see how she has a career beyond modeling underwear.
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

Nicca please, you'd look better in that lingerie. Probably act better too.

Quick, someone post that "sexy" gif from the Fast and the Furious movie she's in. Dat bony ass makes me lol.

Oh gaspar my boy gaspar,
That right there sounds like an invitation :panic:
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

The only thing that makes her exotic is her accent, other than that she's balsa wood.

I do think she carries herself very well as WW.

No one would ever kick her out of bed.

They might accidently think she is part of the bed though.