Wonder Woman - June 2, 2017

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Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

Gadot has a certain "grace", and is "beautiful", but naw, she ain't "hawt". The thing is, she doesn't have any... "flair", you know? She has a very nice face, and a good enough body, but she's neither a "seductress", an "elegant beauty", a "hot bod" or whatever. She has a classically good-looking face, and that's it. And when we're talking about 7B people, chances are, there are tons of "normies" more beautiful than her.

As for WW, I prefer her to the classic American Sweetheart/Hawt Bod, because she's a tad more different looking. Not exactly "exotic", but moreso than say, Rachel McAdams (I love me some RM, but you get my point).
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

Now I understand why Marvel isn't doing a Black Widow solo film - the thread for it would create too much drama here. :lol
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017



Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

:goodpost: :exactly:My past girlfriends would be good examples. :lol

Ye-Yeah. Mi-Mine too. I, uh, I-I'm drown-ning in mad p-***** as w-well.

Personally, I think everybody has a certain "type", even if nobody wants to admit it. Each person has an ideal body/face/colour combo in his/her head. That's not to say we don't deviate from it, but I think we all have that "perfect" combination in our heads.
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

Ye-Yeah. Mi-Mine too. I, uh, I-I'm drown-ning in mad p-***** as w-well.

Personally, I think everybody has a certain "type", even if nobody wants to admit it. Each person has an ideal body/face/colour combo in his/her head. That's not to say we don't deviate from it, but I think we all have that "perfect" combination in our heads.

Yeah but most guys would sell their car to spend one night with salma hyek.
So there are girls that are Everybody's type. Girls that every man would turn twice in the street for.

Just like all women would sell the house for a night with superman... hes evernodys type too
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

Personally, I think everybody has a certain "type", even if nobody wants to admit it. Each person has an ideal body/face/colour combo in his/her head. That's not to say we don't deviate from it, but I think we all have that "perfect" combination in our heads.

I think people have certain "types" as well. I stopped stating my opinions about who I do and don't find attractive because I got a lot of s*** for it on other message boards, LOL.
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

Shes got an exotic cute face and pretty hair.

But yeah, body wise shes no different than emma watson or emma stone. Or kate hutson, the girl from twilight, olivia wilde, etc.
Thin long body, nice abs, athletic build.

The thing is if u saw any of them at a club you would think they are hot but u wouldnt really fall over heels.
U might talk to them and buy them a drink but u wouldnt mind if they turn u down.

I have a feeling that things like victorias secret and runway models and things like miss universe have conditioned us to feel elegance and attraction and desire to really thin athletic girls. I feel like super models have made our society see them as having grace.

I think we tend to idolize them because we see them in movies and we get familiarized with them. And we associate them with super models.

But i think every guy here would melt if they saw a non famous sofia vergara or salma hyek. Anyone would be like "daaaaamnnnnn"
Maybe it is our genetics to like that

Yes Gal's face is cute.

Selma Hyek is a ******* sexual tyrannosaurus goddess.
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

Yeah but most guys would sell their car to spend one night with salma hyek.
So there are girls that are Everybody's type. Girls that every man would turn twice in the street for.

Just like all women would sell the house for a night with superman... hes evernodys type too

True enough. But for some it's more of a "I'd 1000% tap that but..." thing. It depends on the peron. Some look at skin colour, ethnicity, education, lots of things when it comes to something other than a "I'd hit that with the fury of a thousand bulls" case. And Gadot, IMO, doesn't fall in the same category as say, Jessica Alba, Hayek, or even Penelope Cruz or Jolie. She's good enough, but she's neither Hollywood Hawt, Clasically Beautiful or "Specimen". She's just... good. Just like millions of people are... good.
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

I think people have certain "types" as well. I stopped stating my opinions about who I do and don't find attractive because I got a lot of s*** for it on other message boards, LOL.

Personally I can appreciate beauty in any woman that is, well, "dashing", but I've got a thing for brunettes, amongst other things. Not to say that I'll "yuck" at a dazzling blonde or redhead. I just have a preference for the former.

But Selma Hyek is a goddess.

True Top Tier:


PS: You know, I find it kinda "weird" how easy skin-tones "change" in actors and actresses that fall under the "white" umbrella. One day he/she is white as a Nord, and then you see a pic taken during summer, and their skin's turned olive! It doesn't have much relevance here, but I was checking CelebEthnicity, and reading a Tumblr discourse, and it just made it seem so silly to put so much stock in "shades", especially when they "change" so easily.
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

I think people have certain "types" as well. I stopped stating my opinions about who I do and don't find attractive because I got a lot of s*** for it on other message boards, LOL.

Name them bud, we wont mock. Im curious now
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

See....That small gif is already raising my blood pressure just now. U cant even see her face, and im already stiffy.
Gal is very pretty and has a nice athletic bod, but this gif..... it's like, damn bro, jeez... it brings the caveman out in me

Yeah, Hayek has a hot body but not in a "fake" way. She's truly hot, in every sense of the world. Gadot on the other hand could be classified as a classic beauty, but eh, I don't see it. She has a nice face, that's it. She can't be compared with Sofia Loren, Rita Heyworth, or, to go in a more recent direction, Eva Green. These ladies have that "grace", but also a smokin' bod.
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

Nicca please, you'd look better in that lingerie. Probably act better too.

I mean, I've never dated a girl that was a super model or in a movie or commercial before, but I do find them and their "normalcy" to be more appealing and attractive to me than Gadot.
This is true, but also, most of these girls would look pretty normal if it wasn't but the money they put into make up, surgeries and photoshop :lol which is why no-make-up paparazzi photos are so jarring.

Except my wife-to-be Jane Levy, she's perfect.


Look at her so cute with her soulless resting ***** face :inlove

I swear I have never been so into someone's knees.

Gadot has a certain "grace", and is "beautiful", but naw, she ain't "hawt". The thing is, she doesn't have any... "flair".
Not even Mezflair?
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

This is true, but also, most of these girls would look pretty normal if it wasn't but the money they put into make up, surgeries and photoshop :lol which is why no-make-up paparazzi photos are so jarring.


Except my wife-to-be Jane Levy, she's perfect.


Look at her so cute with her soulless resting ***** face :inlove

I swear I have never been so into someone's knees.

Ugh, sandals... Bad IRL!Waifu choice.

Not even Mezflair?

Nope. She's a skeleton with Spongebob Muscles and a pretty face. Good skin though, it's pretty smooth.
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

I'm not into Eva Green myself, she's meme-tier like Emma Watson, personally don't like her sickly pale skin and permanent stank face.

As jewfus go even Gadot > Green, sorry, no disrespect to your jewfu.
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

Lets not get crazy....


Isn't Megan Fox the one we have to blame for the fashion of girls painting on eyebrows instead of, y'know, using the actual hair they should have in that location?

The only thing that makes her exotic is her accent, other than that she's balsa wood.

I do think she carries herself very well as WW.

No one would ever kick her out of bed.

They might accidently think she is part of the bed though.

This got buried and went unacknowledged - I rate joke :lol :lol :lol