Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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Well he might turn out to be a mopey Yoda-Wan but technically he still walked away from it all and became an outcast so we got that original ending afterall, we just didn't see him walk away into the sunset like a samurai blondie.

Which goes back to Snikt's theory that Rey's burning temple vision was a vision into the future which as we all know from ESB is possible.

But if that was a vision of the future and he didn't lose the temple yet then why is he all mopey and secluded in TFA?

I had figured he was like that because things had already gone bad.

You don't care do you lol

Atleast Obi-Wan and Yoda had personality. Yoda had that whole crazy coot thing going for him.

Luke is basically like TDKR Bruce Wayne and Rey is John Blake. This isn't a good thing.
jye nooooo not uuuuu

mfw Jye hired me as the bull for his wife and my payment was Batman and Star Wars dolls

No, not like that. That's a fat loser that failed in life.

Something like this,

View attachment 336576

Something poignant where Luke doesn't return to his friends and dance with them on Endor, but instead goes off on his own like a cowboy or samurai or some ****.

What the ST has done to Luke is make him exactly like Yoda and Obi-Wan, and that's no fun. People are expecting him to be this cool bad ass again, but he won't be. You can already tell by the teaser that he's moping and being melodramatic like a little *****.

I've heard so much about Grand Master Luke


We got this instead



Luke is basically like TDKR Bruce Wayne and Rey is John Blake. This isn't a good thing.

Bruce actually won and defeated the villains, and is happy with a hawt girlfriend who wears leather. Luke couldn't even do that. Couldn't beat the empire and he's sad and alone.
Atleast Obi-Wan and Yoda had personality. Yoda had that whole crazy coot thing going for him.

Luke is basically like TDKR Bruce Wayne and Rey is John Blake. This isn't a good thing.

She just looked in his eyes and could tell he was Luke skywalker. For all we know that could of been some crazy weirdo at the edge of the cliff but nope she defiantly knew it was luke. Just like how John robin blake (throws up) knew it was batman from looking into his eyes.
Well he had been isolated for almost 20 years. I am sure he started going a little crazy and he wasn't all there to begin with since he talks backwards. "Around them a perimeter make" Had to confuse the clone army a lot. Imagine getting directions from the crazy nut.

Why was Yoda acting so silly in ESB?

Acting like he had never seen a flashlight or technology?

He was a city frog in the prequels and a floating chair.
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