Yes. There'll be more tomorrow. They're selling an allocated amount per day. You'll have to be there crack early in the morning to get some. I'm seeing people with 4+ Goku's on facebookAnd by that do you mean there will be more tomorrow?
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While it is wonderful that we get to see updated versions of so many figures and a couple new figures, it leaves me wondering about the other 10 figures they showed a while ago. Like the 2 Buus would have been perfect in the shelf named after their saga, Jaco, Vados, and Champa would have been perfect in the Super shelf, I would have loved to see a DBGT shelf, They could have changed the Xenoverse shelf to a games shelf and had SS3 Vegeta there or at least made it a dual shelf of games, maybe put Porunga next to Shenron, and Angel Goku could have just been there. I feel like it sounds like I'm complaining, but I'm just giving suggestions on what they could have done with their other prototypes. Now I am complaining that they didn't have Broly here in his own movie shelf or at least on the big display piece nor did they have Cell Saga Tien and Yamcha.
I would vote for Bulma, Raditz, Majin Vegeta, Cooler
Yeah I know, I knew from the start if they ever did DB it would be late DBZ style and they'd reuse the small bodies instead of making them accurate to DB art style.Thats just what tamashii does Gaspar, they have reused the Obi Wan mold three times now over on the Star Warts line too remember. If they can save money reusing some parts then they will, and nothing will stop them there. The dragonball section will be seen as a grey area for now, with them worried they might not sell. Only guaranteed sellers get the special treatment.
Master Roshi
Android 19
Android 20
Kid Goku
That's my list. Enough with the SSJ and movie characters.
I'm thinking Master Roshi would sell out in a heart beat.
Hopefully they pick a good costume if or when they make him. Maybe it can come with the turtle shell or the talking pig as an accessory.
I would release him individually and as a set with the pig and the turtle pet, for those who want more than just Roshi.
If hey can do those sets with Pokémon and GOTG, they should be able to do it with DBZ.
You realize "no more ssj" would likely kill the line off, right? super Saiyan is kind of important to the series and definitely their easiest seller [emoji38]Raditz
Master Roshi
Android 19
Android 20
Kid Goku
That's my list. Enough with the SSJ and movie characters.