Prometheus Sequel (ALIEN: Covenant)

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I didn't even have to read the script or plot spoilers to know that Promethemus was lame. :lol
I watch "Ancient Aliens" a lot so nothing seemed too revelatory to me in Prometheus. I liked that some ideas were getting to a wider audience is all.

Of course, the audience didn't end up being that wide after all.
This. If I had read the plot for Prometheus before seeing it, I'd have thought it was dumb as hell. Yet the actual film, despite its glaring script issues, was still a fun watch in the theater. It's an interesting movie which has some great design work, sparked lots of theory and speculation on release, and made me want to buy toys. That's about all I can expect from these things at this point. I mean, I love Alien 3 and it's been **** on more times than I can count. Predator 2 and Predators were fun. Even AVP was okay.

As long as Covenant is at least decent, I'll be happy. Because on top of a decent film, we'll get Ridley's iconic atmospherics and style, some cool-ass art direction, and that sweet Alien/Prometheus lore that I've come to enjoy (however ambiguous it may be). Together, those elements ought to make it a worthwhile flick for me.

While I am admitting to being a fanboy with this post, I will say that AVP Requiem is a steaming pile of naive, incompetent garbage -- and not just due to its lack of light. Lest people think I've no standards at all. :lol

I wish the guys involved in avpr were banned from working on movies forever.
If they messed up that bad anywhere else they would be chased by angry mobs
I didn't like Prometheus, no. I don't know what Alien 3 assembly cut is, but I'm not a huge fan of Alien 3 either. In hindsight, its better than everything that followed so who knew? On the plus side, it had a bald chick.
Movie been released in my country since Wednesday but I'm abroad lol
But but but it's released here today.
Hope I found a non dubbed version.

My expectations are low so I hope I will have a decent time.

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