loved the song
loved how hot the women are in this, very sexy
love how colorful everything was
love their outfits
this was bretty good. reminded me a little of the fifth element, this looks so good
Interesting you mention the use of color - well, I like watching directors and their use of color...*seems like* tho don't know if it's true that the films are moving from the more gritty use of "earth colors" to a more fresh? unworldly? palette starting with Dr. Strange e.g. sort of suggesting the opening of different worlds - maybe. Tho I am gonna really miss the gritty, feel-the-dust-in-your-face hand-held camera effect of TWS and some CW shots.
Tho after watching trailer multiple times I really like the natural + uber tech feel - seems so far to me as tho it's gonna be a successful, unique interpretation of the mysterious Wakanda - precedent setting, as well.
Some quick caps:
A favorite shot because it so evokes a panther!
IMO this is an amazing design for the pools....
Love FW anyway; love that he is T'Challa's advisor; love the sort of shaman character

....if this comes out as an HT I am SO getting this (tho I don't have a lot of hope as HT couldn't even do the Ancient One

) I don't have anything like a wise advisor/shaman in my collection.
Just IMO awesome....
Had to be on a trailer breakdown site to even catch this "energy pulse" it's not SO much like the CW chase - I figure this is just a teaser anyway and there's a lot more to it. Does show off T'Challa's flowing athleticism and general badassery.
Agree that the women are gorgeous and also badass, tho haven't had a problem with Marvel's depiction of women - or DC's for that matter *shrug*.
But, are we ever gonna know what this was.....
From Thor - unused scene - beautiful tho...what was this about????
And Where.Is.Bucky. I really was hoping (even tho this movie seems packed with at least 3 villains and a lot seems to be going on) that there was gonna be something more than a cameo. Biased of course as WS is my MCU favorite

, but still, IMO the does-he-get-a-new-arm-and-how-or-does-he-wake-up-at-all is kind of a leading point from CW and I don't wanna have to sit around and wait for some sort of reconciliation with Tony/Tony gives Bucky a Stark tech arm and like that. I'd like Bucky's new arm to come from Wakanda - something different; plus T'Challa gives Bucky someone else to trust besides Steve. Plz don't make me sit through IW1 and then another year for IW2 before THAT gets resolved.