Excuse me if I offend, but I was born before the days (way back before 2003) when a remake would not come for several years -if not a couple of decades.
Didn't this film just come out?? What is next? 2010; 'The Really Incredible Hulk -Honest Dude!'?? What are they smoking?!!!

As much as I like certain actors/actresses, I have no desire to see remakes of remakes of the same films every two or three years. I don't even want to see remakes of classics under those conditions. Why would I want to see more crappy CGI films that will only be remade in a couple of years??

Didn't this film just come out?? What is next? 2010; 'The Really Incredible Hulk -Honest Dude!'?? What are they smoking?!!!

As much as I like certain actors/actresses, I have no desire to see remakes of remakes of the same films every two or three years. I don't even want to see remakes of classics under those conditions. Why would I want to see more crappy CGI films that will only be remade in a couple of years??