The Hulk ...again! Are we really this stupid??

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Super Freak
Sep 11, 2005
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Excuse me if I offend, but I was born before the days (way back before 2003) when a remake would not come for several years -if not a couple of decades.

Didn't this film just come out?? What is next? 2010; 'The Really Incredible Hulk -Honest Dude!'?? What are they smoking?!!!


As much as I like certain actors/actresses, I have no desire to see remakes of remakes of the same films every two or three years. I don't even want to see remakes of classics under those conditions. Why would I want to see more crappy CGI films that will only be remade in a couple of years??

:google :google :google
Different story, different actors, different enemy. Awesome concept but I bit it will be a dud. The previews haven't been too exciting.
Kinda agree on this one though. But the first was such and Abomination (pun intended) that this deserves a new start.
Here's the thing... the first Hulk in '03 was such an abysmal mess that studios were guessing people had pushed it out of their memories the minute they walked out of the movie theater.

It's a reimagining... Take it like this: In comic books, every once in a while you'll have "ONE SHOTS" that have nothing to do with continuity. Take the first Hulk as the One Shot, and take this new one as Continuity (aka, the good stuff... at least from what I'm hearing).

From the sound of your comments though... I'd highly advise you not to go see this movie because if you go in with that bad attitude, you'll probably just hate it on principle alone.

I'm looking at this movie as if the first one didn't even exist (which in my opinion, that movie should just be burned).
I believe this was Marvel's attempt to quickly dispense of the Ang Lee version so that they could remedy the Hulk franchise the way they want to see it. That and it allows them to dovetail Hulk into an upcoming Avengers movie.

As much as I don't like recycling movies, this one I can absolve them for, especially since I'm hearing the reviews as good.

I kinda liken this movie as Marvel's "Damage Control".
Yeah the first movie was plain terrible to me. Had to fast forward to see the end.

This one, I am going in with very low expectations. It will be no Iron Man but I will probably be amused. :D
Excuse me if I offend, but I was born before the days (way back before 2003) when a remake would not come for several years -if not a couple of decades.

Didn't this film just come out?? What is next? 2010; 'The Really Incredible Hulk -Honest Dude!'?? What are they smoking?!!!


As much as I like certain actors/actresses, I have no desire to see remakes of remakes of the same films every two or three years. I don't even want to see remakes of classics under those conditions. Why would I want to see more crappy CGI films that will only be remade in a couple of years??

:google :google :google

I think you're missing the point. This is a remake because accross the boards, Ang Lee's Hulk is regarded a flop of a comic movie and Hulk movie, so instead of continuing that story with a sequel, they're starting anew to give the kind of Hulk movie fans want and trying to forget that the last film even existed.
And not to be rude or anything, but where the ^^^^ have you been :confused:

There are about 15 threads in the Marvel section dedicated to this movie
also Marvel is creating a Marvel universe in the movies by linking Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk and Captain America, etc. But there's money to be made and for the most part the hulk a few years ago was crap so why not. but if more people are like you and don't want to see it they won't make money and end of story.
The new movie isn't so much a remake as a do-over. It's like taking a mulligan in golf. Ang Lee's version hooked wide right and landed in the water, so Marvel's just stepping up to the tee again and pretending like that last shot never happened.
"It's not really a reboot. It's a new movie that could really start a new franchise. But it's important to me, because I respect Ang Lee tremendously as a director, I said this cannot be the absolute opposite of the first one. The two movies can coexist and eventually become a box set." -Director Louis Leterrier c/o the June 2008 issue of Sci Fi Magazine

The Hulk is one of my 5 favorite Marvel characters but the previews don't really get me excited for this movie at all. I don't know about the CGI in this one either. I think they could have made the Hulk look better. I don't want to say he looks too cartoony, but something just doesn't look right...
iirc, it's not an origin story in this so it's not really a remake.

The big difference is that Marvel is in the driver's seat this time 'round. If you're doubting in their abilities as a production company, look no further than Iron Man for proof that this movie will rock your balls off.
I think the title of this thread could be adjusted to say "Are we really this lucky??". :)

After seeing the '03 film I thought my hopes of seeing a good Hulk film were pretty well gone forever. I was flabbergasted to learn that Marvel was going to reboot the franchise with a fresh take, pretending that the Lee film never happened. I give Marvel major props for having the cahonies to essentially admit that the first one sucked enough to pretend it doesn't exist (I don't care what they politely say in the press releases). I can think of several other films that would benefit greatly from the same initiative by studios!

I've got my complaints with the character design, but overall I'm really looking forward to this one.
I've got my complaints with the character design, but overall I'm really looking forward to this one.

That's something inescapable with comic movies. With all the incarnations of the various characters over the years, there will always mixed feelings about designs.

I feared the new Hulk look might have the super huge body with teeny tiny head like a lot of the modern comics have featured, but thankfully that's not the case. I like the new movie Hulk design much better than the last one.

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