Things that I marvel at

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One of the most powerful guys in Hollywood. Can kill careers. Who'd believe them anyway. Took the FO & SU money.
Whatever happened to women punching guys in the nuts for touching them inappropriately? Now all these actresses are coming out saying they got groped, even raped by him. Yet not a single one of them stepped up to keep him from doing it to someone else.

So much for strong, liberated women.

The public always assumed this stuff "went down" in the business, but now you got actual confirmation of it. This is the same thing with the Cosby accusers, they valued paychecks over dignity. Miramax I would assume owns the rights to the NDAs, and I wonder if they would let any of those women out of the agreements.

You can cut the irony with a knife with all these preachy Hollywood jerk offs are so pro woman and wanting them to be empowered, when the gross majority of them just use them as a receptacle.
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One of the most powerful guys in Hollywood. Can kill careers. Who'd believe them anyway. Took the FO & SU money.

Rose McGowan took $10,000.

It happened for decades and no one came out and said a word till now. Even Jolie. A lot of them became powerful actresses and still said nothing.
Rose McGowan took $10,000.

It happened for decades and no one came out and said a word till now. Even Jolie. A lot of them became powerful actresses and still said nothing.

I've read it was $100 000.

No actor or actress is as powerful as Weinstein. One voice wouldn't have any impact. It takes a cluster of accusations before hearsay and rumours are worth reporting on or investigating. Who wants to be the lone accuser left without a chair when the music stops?

All this does is expose the hypocrisy of some Hollywood types - possibly Hollywood as a whole - and show how power can buy a lot of silence.
Sounds like the Bill Clinton of Hollywood, know wonder they liked each other and Hillary liked them both.
So all these women are to be believed about Harvey's evils but not the women who came out against Bill..?
How does that work again?
Sounds like the Bill Clinton of Hollywood, know wonder they liked each other and Hillary liked them both.
So all these women are to be believed about Harvey's evils but not the women who came out against Bill..?
How does that work again?

Nobody talks about his trips on Epstein's **** plane either.
If only they would have read Spider-Man's origin they would know not doing the right thing leads to problems

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I dunno, you guys know for a lot of stuff I am pretty liberal....but all this stinks of bull....

Woman slept with him to get ahead in the film they wanna come out and say it's wrong? Then why did you go through with it?

I doubt he raped them....more like he coerced them and they went along because they would do anything for "that one big break"....

I am sure a lot of Hollywood men did the same....
If you wanna be in that business that bad.....then I guess you will debase yourself to get fame?

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It's usually not a question of "that one big break". It's a question of "do I ever want to be able to find work as an actor in this town"

Hollywood isn't that big. It can be impossible to come back from being blackballed. It's easy to say these women shouldn't have tolerated it, but it's easier to say that applying leverage for sex makes you a pervert who deserves to lose their job and marriage.
Power corrupt and sex just makes it more enticing. This is nothing new but at least and hopefully more female is in position to prevent this kind of behavior. Maybe more women will get director and producer position like Patty Jenkins of Wonder Woman.
I dunno, you guys know for a lot of stuff I am pretty liberal....but all this stinks of bull....

Woman slept with him to get ahead in the film they wanna come out and say it's wrong? Then why did you go through with it?

I doubt he raped them....more like he coerced them and they went along because they would do anything for "that one big break"....

I am sure a lot of Hollywood men did the same....
If you wanna be in that business that bad.....then I guess you will debase yourself to get fame?

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I don't totally disagree with you but listen to that audio that was released and it's beyond pathetic.

It's like a real version of those fake casting couch videos...or so I hear

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I don't totally disagree with you but listen to that audio that was released and it's beyond pathetic.

It's like a real version of those fake casting couch videos...or so I hear

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Yes it is.....and everyone has free will to walk out and take the higher road...rather than debase themselves for fame and fortune.
Yes it is.....and everyone has free will to walk out and take the higher road...rather than debase themselves for fame and fortune.

I also have no sympathy for any of these well established women that came out accusing him. If they were worried about their careers, they've evolved beyond worries and any newspaper on the planet would of ran with the story.
I also have no sympathy for any of these well established women that came out accusing him. If they were worried about their careers, they've evolved beyond worries and any newspaper on the planet would of ran with the story.

That's what I think as well. You think Jolie would be ignored?

It's not that I don't think he's done horrible things. He probably has, but I think a lot of it is just a horn toad being a total *******. And so many of them still associated with him after the "harassment."

I've had guys man handle me and come on strong, but I don't consider it harassment. If you don't like it, you tell them. If that doesn't work, you punch them in the face. Usually takes care of it. And I certainly don't have anything at all to do with that person ever again.

That's what I think as well. You think Jolie would be ignored?

It's not that I don't think he's done horrible things. He probably has, but I think a lot of it is just a horn toad being a total *******. And so many of them still associated with him after the "harassment."

I've had guys man handle me and come on strong, but I don't consider it harassment. If you don't like it, you tell them. If that doesn't work, you punch them in the face. Usually takes care of it. And I certainly don't have anything at all to do with that person ever again.

Some women in that world have almost one hundred million dollar careers and could easily battle anyone in that town with equally good lawyers. As I said, I don't feel bad for them, but that doesn't mean Weinstein should go free. Although he already pulled a Polanski and fled to Europe for "treatment"... so yeah... he's never stepping foot in US soil again.
I've read it was $100 000.

No actor or actress is as powerful as Weinstein. One voice wouldn't have any impact. It takes a cluster of accusations before hearsay and rumours are worth reporting on or investigating. Who wants to be the lone accuser left without a chair when the music stops?

All this does is expose the hypocrisy of some Hollywood types - possibly Hollywood as a whole - and show how power can buy a lot of silence.

Sorry, I thought I read $10,000. Either way, since she now is claiming he raped her, she took a payoff to keep quiet and let others get raped as well. She's a *****.
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Sorry, I thought I read $10,000. Either way, since she now is claiming he raped her, she took a payoff to keep quiet and let others get raped as well. She's a *****.

I don't see it that way.

a) she's not complicit in what Weinstein does to other women.
b) speaking out carries the very real risk of not being believed, and worse, dragged through the public opinion gutter. If allegations are true, Weinstein has used his influence to smear at least one accuser in the press.
c) speaking out carries the very likely risk of being blackballed.
d) if these allegations are true - incredibly likely - than she's nothing less than a victim of a powerful sex predator who used his influence to present her with an ultimatum: stfu or forget about a career in film.

Suggesting that she could have fought back and won, or sacrificed a career doing what she loves for so-called dignity - and in not choosing to do either of these things then somehow she's to be treated with disdain - is pretty cynical.

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