Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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As bad as this movie sounds, it doesn't even sound as bad as TFA. And I think I've finally accepted why. What really bothers me isn't seeing my heroes die on the screen. It's that the filmmakers robbed them of the last 30 or so years of their lives.

Han didn't live happily ever after with Leia. He spent the last few decades of his life as the same selfish scumbag he was when he was first introduced in Mos Eisley.

Luke didn't fulfill his destiny and recreate the Jedi order. He failed more miserably than his mentors and spend the last several decades of his life hiding. Just hiding alone, in complete isolation. Drinking green milk out of a giant slug monster's teat. Broken and pathetic. All that potential and all that "destiny" just wasted on a whim cause Disney wanted to get younger ***** in the seats.

So both Han and Luke get to have one big final heroic sacrifice before killing themselves. Big deal. They both wasted the primes of their lives. It's more sad than just seeing them die. It's seeing them die as failures that really ruins it all for me.

Same thing with Twin Peaks. We waited 25 years to see Agent Cooper again. And we found out the poor bastard was sitting in that room for twenty five years. The hero of the show that all TP fans love more than anything and he had his life ripped away from him, just sitting in that red room til he was an old man. And we finally got to see Cooper, the REAL Cooper at the end, but it was only for 10 minutes. In my head, all these years I imagined Cooper going on adventures and solving cases and falling in love and all that, but no. He was just sitting in a room. Tragic.

Same with Luke. Sitting in that cave alone drinking green slime.

These movies, these mythologies, are supposed to be better than real life. Of course characters should live or die. But seeing them condemned to wallow in loneliness, isolation, failure, and misery? That's just depressing. Our heroes deserve better.

Repped and I want to bump this aswell.

'Be careful what you wish for' has sadly rung true with this sequel trilogy. Haven't seen TLJ yet but I can already say it based on TFA alone.
Where do you think they go from here? It almost feels like TFA and the OT are meaningless, like they are making things up as they go.

No idea at the moment. Seems like nearly a fresh slate for Episode 9.

I still believe Rey is connected to Kylo thru blood but that's still not clear.

One thing is clear -- Disney is clearing house and making Star Wars their own thing. The last scene, the last shot is ALL DISNEY. When you wish upon a star. They may as well have played the theme right then.

I don't know, I feel uncertain. I'm still wondering if all the leaks are lies.

Either that or the leaks are true and it really does work within the film when you watch it, and people that have not yet seen it are just overreacting to something because they have no context?

Your mileage may vary. What one person doesn't like you may find amazing.

Wor-Gar certainly is someone who would appreciate a good trolling (and thus add his touches to the Pawn's claims).

I would never lie about my movie opinion just for laughs. Stoking the fires about dolls is another thing.

But look, there will be tons of people here who will leave the theater exhilarated and thrilled with what they got. I bet you can already tell who they are. Its always that way. Same with early reviews. But time heels all misconceptions. When the dust settles, it will be clear.

The movie has some great things in it. Like all Star Wars movies. But its rife with... unsatisfactory moments and scenes and characters. I really wanted to like it, as I always do for Star Wars, but I am passed the age of fooling myself into forced enjoyment.
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This was probably Disney's plan from the start. Give the fans one last look at the OT characters before pushing them aside for newer faces. A year ago I went to Disney Studios and you could see the change coming. More first order troopers than storm troopers, Kylo Ren and BB& were everywhere. They had a few of the OT characters sprinkled in but it was mostly all ne stuff. Now Han is gone, Leia will probably be killed off screen and Luke . . .
This was probably Disney's plan from the start. Give the fans one last look at the OT characters before pushing them aside for newer faces. A year ago I went to Disney Studios and you could see the change coming. . . .

Absolutely. All good things come to an end.

One day, not so long from now, Disney will be brushing Kylo and Rey aside to make room for the next generations Star Wars.

Bumping this so people will use it, since now there are some who have seen the film. :)
Absolutely. All good things come to an end.

One day, not so long from now, Disney will be brushing Kylo and Rey aside to make room for the next generations Star Wars.

Does Snoke do anything in the movie that shows his abilities? Does he use telekinesis or beat up someone?

Besides holding Rey

Was able to catch an early screening. I loved it! will be divisive for sure with the direction it takes. But everyone complained that TFA was too safe and a copy of ANH. Well those same people will complain that TLJ changes things too much. LOL I won't post spoilers yet. Rian Johnson has done something no other director in the SW saga has. You have to see it. It is a shame some of the big twists were leaked online and have created quite a stir. The way they are handled on screen are so much better and you understand why and it resonates. Quite an emotional film. My wife who could care less about SW was tearing up. Whatever you have read cannot be properly given the right context on a forum.
It was always going to be about the next generation with the OT characters in more of supporting roles. That's not the problem. It's their treatment of the characters and the legacy. It looks like an attack on the old fanbase and Lucas.

I see a lot of OT fans, especially the EU fans being very vocal about the **** Disney/Kennedyfilms pulled. I wouldn't be surprised if there is a campaign against those negative "star wars nerds" about how they need to "move on" and let the "new fans" have it.
Why is everyone so bitter on here ? Your lucky your getting such high quality movies. Alas the most recent comments definitely are right on the money. It's time to get rid of the old folks and create some new stories. Just like Lucas probably shouldn't have control over the franchise anymore, neither should the "ot nerds ".

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You're lucky you're getting such high quality movies.
Depends on what the word "quality" means to you.
To me it means good story and character development, well balanced humor and proper dramatic moments.
Maybe to you it means good looks and flashy visuals, I don't know...

Whoa!! Easy with all those details, man! I don't need to watch the film now.

It's one of the better scenes, so I don't want to spoil it for you. Have at least something to be curious about.

I bet they love the movie.

They are the target audience after all.

Sounds very mixed. 2 of 3 insisting they need to "see it a 2nd time" to see if the flaws stick. If you can't make up your mind the first time around, you shouldn't be a movie reviewer.
It's one of the better scenes, so I don't want to spoil it for you. Have at least something to be curious about.


Come on, I not giving Disney Wars more money.
Ign gave this a 9.7 and everyones excited... The Power of Disney is great with this one

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Do you guys know Snoke has magic slippers and a ring with special powers?

What did you think Wor? Not a replicate, not a throwback, just a new Star Wars movie that stands on it's own. There was one little thing that bothered me, but not a big deal.

Depends on what the word "quality" means to you.
To me it means good story and character development, well balanced humor and proper dramatic moments.
Maybe to you it means good looks and flashy visuals, I don't know...

FDA at least had well balanced humor. Good character development . And dramatic moments. Maybe not a great story. And yes flashy visuals are a plus for .... a Star Wars movie. Which owes most of its success to good looks and flashy visuals

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Was able to catch an early screening. I loved it! will be divisive for sure with the direction it takes. But everyone complained that TFA was too safe and a copy of ANH. Well those same people will complain that TLJ changes things too much. LOL I won't post spoilers yet. Rian Johnson has done something no other director in the SW saga has. You have to see it. It is a shame some of the big twists were leaked online and have created quite a stir. The way they are handled on screen are so much better and you understand why and it resonates. Quite an emotional film. My wife who could care less about SW was tearing up. Whatever you have read cannot be properly given the right context on a forum.

I sat next to two pretty big dudes who wouldn't stop crying throughout what felt like the whole entire movie lol.

There were definitely two moments for me that had a lot of emotional value. But overall, I liked how it stood on it's own two feet as well. I like that it didn't cave to what people expected or wanted, the story lead it's own path and it felt like a rollercoaster at times. So good!
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