What people seem to forget is that ALMOST EVERYONE was primed to love this film going in. TFA, while criticized for lack of originality and not exactly loved, was widely liked and was percieved as a decent enough foundation for the ST. Rian Johnson was a popular choice, with almost everyone really liking Looper. And it was the return of the heart of the OT Luke, this time as the mentor, and a swansong for Carrie.
No one was expecting Justice League to be a great film given where DC was. Given the various issues, people were cautious about Suicide Squad, and perhaps poised to hate. But TLJ? Other than some mutterings from Hamill, EVERYONE expected TLJ to be a great film, certainly much better than TFA.
A lot of what is going on in this thread is working through shock - people's shock at their own reaction, shock at a wider backlash (than the media initially acknowledged,) shock that things could have gone this wrong compared to expectations, shock about what it all means for SW moving forward and the ST specifically.
There's this garbage attitude that what's going on here is "hating ad nauseum" and "people should say they didn't like it and just move on." Mods perhaps understandably stressing over another Suicide Squad "hate-fest" thread. When in truth, there's a TON of things to discuss about TLJ, FAR beyond your actual opinion of the film. The idea that people who are discussing (even for days or weeks) their issues with this film, the repercussions and/or Disney's choices are troublemakers is also utter garbage.
We are SW fans, some almost life-long, and many SW fans had many issues with the film, and more importantly, the decisions made by a guy who has been given the reins to a whole new SW trilogy that will define SW for the next decade. There is a LOT to discuss, and no, telling people to express their dislike and move on (to let the "non-haters" have their discussion) is the last thing people should be being told to do.
To be honest, some of the "hate-the-haters" comments have been the most trolling, judgmental/insulting or clueless - politically offensive caricaturing, dumb "but it made a billion!" defenses (with zero understanding of the market context of TLJ,) blaming "the internet" and "whiny nerds." Silly Leia/Poppins, shirtless Kylo or Lactating Sea-cow gifs come across as clever or fun in comparison to that bitter, pontificating boredom.
And frankly, what IS there to positively discuss at length about TLJ? What questions were set up in TLJ that people are burning to have answered in Ep IX? The movie pretty much burned to the ground the Force, the Jedi, Rey's lineage and Snoke and took Phasma, Finn, Poe and Luke to the scrap heap (though it can be argued that BB-8's agent did well for that little-person actor, whoever he may be.) And Leia got pretty much the same treatment she got in RO - strange and leaving a bad taste to say the least.