Action Figure Mezco One:12 Collective - (1:12 scale) DC Comics Figures

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I actually don’t mind the white boots. Normally, I’d be way more critical, but seeing as how they’ve already Mezflaired the **** out of it, as is their usual MO, I feel like the uniformity of the white boots with the white gloves actually works a little better, if it actually is a space cop’s Guardian issued get-up.
I just got the PX Acending Knight and the Catwoman. First Mezcos, they are absolutely amazing. I was wondering if we’ll get another version of Superman and Flash? I’ve kept up with Mezco so I know they do make different versions of characters and not just color swaps and a couple new parts. Personally I love the MezFlare, and the Superman and Flash are just to classic for me. I could live with the current Flash, but I’ve seen that the Superman is rather small, another reason I’d like a different one. When do you guys think they’d tackle that? I’d like it if they finished off the League though. After Batman and Green Lantern I’d like to see Aquaman, Wonder Woman, then either Cyborg or Martian Manhunter, then after that a new Superman and Flash.
Now that the Lantern Corps is being addressed, I'd like Hawkman, Aquaman (Classic) along with Kid Flash and Robin from the DC line.....I agree, Flash and Supes need revisited.
Yeah, didn't they say Robin doesn't fit their universe or whatever.

It's a shame too because that early 90s Robin is the coolest the character has ever looked. DC kinda did their "Mez-flair" take on him with armor, black/yellow cape and ninja inspired look already. A figure like this would be insane.

I sincerely hope they did not say that. It is insanely ignorant to think Robin would not fit in any version of Batman’s universe. Just look at Titans and the “Fork Batman” Robin, he’s not my Robin but he’s “dark”. If they really did say that I may just return my Batman and Catwoman, as amazing as they are I’ll never feel I’ll have a complete DC collection without any version of Robin regardless how deep they go with the characters.
Robin doesn't fit Mezco's universe is absolute crap. Like you guys say he is essential to any Bat universe.

It has to be a licensing thing it just has to be. I am sure I read somewhere (years ago) that another company had the same issues and be all and end all it wasn't worth it. It explained that was why the general lack of Robin figures over the years even from Dc Direct and Dc Collectibles.

Somebody help me out here, I am pretty sure I didn't dream that.....?
I’ll hold out hope for now. I just went back and found the interview and in it he says they want to do more male and female Bat Family and bat rouges. I feel once they’ve gotten Nightwing, Red Hood, Red Robin, Batgirl, and five more villains the pressure will be hot for a Robin. I’m sure they’d be able to make a profit on him regardless of how much they have to pay to make him after that. If they don’t want to take the chance and he’s like $120 because licensing I’ll pay it though.
I doubt it has anything to do with licensing. If they have, and they do, access to the DC vault of characters, Robin is a part of that. Mez has stated, I think Pierre confirmed, that Robin is currently not a character they plan on making as he doesn’t fit their aesthetic of real world heroes.

Of course, that could change at any time. They did change their Mez Flared Brown Wolverine shorts. So who knows.
I doubt it has anything to do with licensing. If they have, and they do, access to the DC vault of characters, Robin is a part of that. Mez has stated, I think Pierre confirmed, that Robin is currently not a character they plan on making as he doesn’t fit their aesthetic of real world heroes.

Of course, that could change at any time. They did change their Mez Flared Brown Wolverine shorts. So who knows.

You are correct, Pierre did confirm that Robin doesn't fit in what they are trying to do....that just doesn't make any sense to me. Space ghost got his Monkey? Is that more real world than Robin? IDK maybe I am reading too much into it but SSC haven't given us a Robin (PF statue or 1:6 figure) and Mezco for the reasons stated above. Just seems like there is some hurdle with the character that companies seem reluctant to get over.
Well HT tried and Robin didn’t sell, but I don’t think that’s any excuse for Mezco. The recent Damian Wayne looks and Arkham Series Robins have shown that he can be realized in their tech trooper aesthetic. Their will to produce it is something else entirely. They are clearly hyper risk adverse with the line considering the short life of the Star Trek series.
北京国安;9969295 said:
Custom drape cape



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Looks great!!

However... how did you get the figure? Mine is still on pre-order and being pushed out month after month after month.
I doubt it has anything to do with licensing. If they have, and they do, access to the DC vault of characters, Robin is a part of that. Mez has stated, I think Pierre confirmed, that Robin is currently not a character they plan on making as he doesn’t fit their aesthetic of real world heroes.

Of course, that could change at any time. They did change their Mez Flared Brown Wolverine shorts. So who knows.

I'm just guessing it has to do with a teenager being a superhero and how literally unrealistic that would be? Otherwise it's just a character, who cares. You're making super humans lol.
You are correct, Pierre did confirm that Robin doesn't fit in what they are trying to do....that just doesn't make any sense to me. Space ghost got his Monkey? Is that more real world than Robin? IDK maybe I am reading too much into it but SSC haven't given us a Robin (PF statue or 1:6 figure) and Mezco for the reasons stated above. Just seems like there is some hurdle with the character that companies seem reluctant to get over.

Maybe Mezco could do the Titans Robin - that would fit their real-world aesthetic, and would go well with the BvS/JL Batman.

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