I win with both movies, Godzilla and Hulk are in my top most favorite characters.
Darth Maul
Jack Sparrow
Which one doesn't belong?
I win with both movies, Godzilla and Hulk are in my top most favorite characters.
2019 is a huge movie year for me, Godzilla, Avengers and Rambo 5.
I thought Solo suffered from repeat viewing on 4K![]()
How so?
I found it to be a bit boring and lacked a true SW feel.
I found it to be a bit boring and lacked a true SW feel. Unlike RO which felt like SW, Solo was missing something. I hate the way it was filmed with its dark grey look.. I really think that effected the feel of the film.
I don't think its bad. I just did not enjoy it as much as I did the first time. I think I was just so happy that it was not TLJ and not the mess it should have been with all the drama surrounding it that I was pleasantly surprised. I mean I was on a SW low when I went to see it. Trailers did nothing for me and the taste of TLJ was still in mouth. Like I said before, it was the first SW film that I did not see on opening weekend since I have been able to take myself to movies. So it defied expectations.
But watching it again I really wish it had some more "real" space battles and not just the Kessel run which does not really count for me. I wish the action that was in it was a bit more exciting (and easier to see) and I really hate Lando's droid. I did love the Train heist though.
Perhaps when I watch it again as I probably enjoyed it a bit too much the first time and was bound for a let down with my 2nd viewing.
If the PT are in my SW collection you can bet your damn ass the ST and Solo will also be.
I was ready to write it off after seeing how dark it looked at home but simply changing one of my TV's brightness settings for that film alone worked wonders and allowed me to fully enjoy it again.
In jye’s dying last words he says....
last breath taken.
I don't think it was the cinematographer, just a bad disc transfer for the home release. I've read multiple reports that the 4K is noticeably darker than the blu-ray included in the exact same set. Someone dropped the ball with the transfer. Its annoying, yes, but easily remedied IMO.