I can't decide whether to keep my BBTS order or cancel. It's my last PO with BBTS and I must be down at the bottom of their "delivery list" so I'd be lucky to get this in March. I also think I might get a better deal on ebay. Decisions...
I also think I might get a better deal on ebay. Decisions...
I dont see “early notice week” on any of my calendars....
Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
Really? They're like $300 or more on Ebay.
Well yeah, now, but I mean after it drops. Once its been on ebay for a month or two after all retailers have received their stock, then prices are usually at their lowest on ebay.
Hell, even retail with eBay's bi-monthly 15% off code would be great.
I see, knowledge IS a curse. Now your dilemma is my dilemma. Thanks, Wor. Thank you very much.
I can't decide whether to keep my BBTS order or cancel. It's my last PO with BBTS and I must be down at the bottom of their "delivery list" so I'd be lucky to get this in March. I also think I might get a better deal on ebay. Decisions...
you won't get a better deal off ebay. the guy's sold out most places better keep your PO at least you have a chance to get it, or cancel it if you can secure a in stock deal of similar price as your preorder.
Well, he's still available at Sideshow right now. I imagine he will go quickly. Small run no doubt. That's why there's no Smith.
But then, do I really want him if there's no other character to go with him? That's my dilemma. Just having Neo feels very incomplete to me for The Matrix.
I will keep my PO for now (as you said, just in case). Curious to see how his arrival affects prices on ebay. There's going to be a lot of small retailers and e-tailors who have 6-10 of these and will have trouble unloading them quickly I think. Plus there will be cancelations... like mine potentially.
But then, do I really want him if there's no other character to go with him? That's my dilemma. Just having Neo feels very incomplete to me for The Matrix.
I don't know about you, but I'm also getting John Wick, so Neo won't be alone.![]()
But you will thank me if you get this shipped free for under $200 or less.
It's a gamble -- patience -- but it does payoff more often than not.
I don't want to take any chances with Neo. Iron Man, or any other MCU character, fine...every year there's a new updated version, but Neo, he's...an anomalyD), he's ONE
D) of a kind, so I don't want to miss out on him. Maybe the figure will be another Crow, Tonto, Sweeny Todd or Jack Sparrow, and not sell out, but I'm not...an oracle
D), can't see the future. What to do? The problem is....choice
Waiting it out gets you burned every once in awhile though. Then you either have to live without or pay the price and there goes a lot of the past savings.
Plus waiting really sucks. Especially when you have already waited 9-15 months already.