1/6 Hot Toys - MMS681 - Episode II: Attack of The Clones - Mace Windu

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There will definitely be a 2.0 of Mace. It’s just a matter of when. Although, expect it to be the ROTS version, which is about 90% indentical to his AOTC look.

Hot Toys doesn’t like to take this big of hit on the criticism of their sculpts. They may not fix it for this release, as it never goes down like that, but they will make sure to fix it and sell it to you later. Of course, it will be attached to a full figure that you really don’t need, because they’re too greedy to offer up the head by itself, in conjunction with the 2.0 release.
And then you’ll be stuck with the dog **** first version cause no one wants to buy it from you.

Exactly why I’m NOT keeping this. I’ll wait for another Mace, even if it takes a decade.
…A missing hand and a face that actual resembles the character.

Well, the person I was responding to was talking about the source, not the figure.

But you’re telling me you’d want a figure of Mace with an expression of him in pain (strong likeness) to pose holding his hand-less arm?
I think we'll eventually get another one, but we may be waiting a while. His look was not so different in ROTS and he's already got the armour here. Also, my supplier in HK tells me the preorder volume for this was underwhelming. So, similarly to Hot Toys Qui Gon, I think this is the only one we get for a few years.
I think it's almost worse if Hot Toys puts out another Mace figure within the next 12 months. This crappy head sculpt is a massive middle finger to their buyers, but putting out another one sometime soon just shows they don't care about their customers. They clearly know the feedback, they have to. Rather than fixing it or offering a separate sculpt for a reduced price, they'd rather charge full price for a new figure.

At this point I think I'd rather just keep this figure, get the Dean Tolliver sculpt and have it painted. If I'm going to drop another $300 on Mace at least I'm not putting that $300 in Howard's pocket.

Well, the person I was responding to was talking about the source, not the figure.

But you’re telling me you’d want a figure of Mace with an expression of him in pain (strong likeness) to pose holding his hand-less arm?
Not necessarily saying I want it but, if that very specific sculpt actually looked like SJL, I’d ‘upgrade.’

At least looking at the figure would then evoke a memorable moment from the prequels as opposed to eliciting rage over how often HT drop the ball- maybe even intentionally…
I think we'll eventually get another one, but we may be waiting a while. His look was not so different in ROTS and he's already got the armour here. Also, my supplier in HK tells me the preorder volume for this was underwhelming. So, similarly to Hot Toys Qui Gon, I think this is the only one we get for a few years.

If their marketing team told them that Mace isn’t priority due to lack of interest, wouldn’t it make sense if they…oh, I dunno, put some more effort into making it SO people that weren’t interested in Mace before will go “huh, that actually looks really good. Maybe I WILL get him after all.”

When you don’t give a crap and put in as little effort as possible into the overall product on a character that had low interest to begin with…you lose sales. But if you actually gave a damn and made a figure look just like the actor, you GAIN sales.

That’s how I see it.

I think it's almost worse if Hot Toys puts out another Mace figure within the next 12 months. This crappy head sculpt is a massive middle finger to their buyers, but putting out another one sometime soon just shows they don't care about their customers. They clearly know the feedback, they have to. Rather than fixing it or offering a separate sculpt for a reduced price, they'd rather charge full price for a new figure.

At this point I think I'd rather just keep this figure, get the Dean Tolliver sculpt and have it painted. If I'm going to drop another $300 on Mace at least I'm not putting that $300 in Howard's pocket.

But proudly sticking the middle finger is on brand for HT. Look at the Batman armories for example. They don’t give a crap 😂.

He likes anything SW they come out with no matter what and lacks the “eye” but if you allow others’ opinions to shape your own, more power to ya.

I don’t mean to be rude, just how I see it

I THINK he’s being sarcastic 😅.

with the release of NWH’s latest Spider-Man that features a PHENOMENAL Peter portrait…

Like…HT can do amazing sculpts. It’s proven. The respect, TLC CLEARLY given to this version of Spider-Man is the same treatment I and other Mace fans would’ve hoped HT applied to their Mace figure.

I sincerely don’t know how anyone that purchased this Mace can just accept it for what it is, when you have a Peter Parker sculpt so awesome it leaves little room for interpretation on who the figure is based on.

The MOST frustrating thing about all of this:

HT will take this sales data as ‘proof no one wants Mace’ and will likely never make another one.

Rather than try and get “250 customers to purchase Mace figures with a solid portrait” they instead opted to make a crappy figure, sell it to the 80 or so people that purchased it, then claim lack of interest and most likely gaslight us thinking we’re the problem. 🤣🤣

If their marketing team told them that Mace isn’t priority due to lack of interest, wouldn’t it make sense if they…oh, I dunno, put some more effort into making it SO people that weren’t interested in Mace before will go “huh, that actually looks really good. Maybe I WILL get him after all.”

When you don’t give a crap and put in as little effort as possible into the overall product on a character that had low interest to begin with…you lose sales. But if you actually gave a damn and made a figure look just like the actor, you GAIN sales.

That’s how I see it.

But proudly sticking the middle finger is on brand for HT. Look at the Batman armories for example. They don’t give a crap 😂.

I THINK he’s being sarcastic 😅.

with the release of NWH’s latest Spider-Man that features a PHENOMENAL Peter portrait…

Like…HT can do amazing sculpts. It’s proven. The respect, TLC CLEARLY given to this version of Spider-Man is the same treatment I and other Mace fans would’ve hoped HT applied to their Mace figure.

I sincerely don’t know how anyone that purchased this Mace can just accept it for what it is, when you have a Peter Parker sculpt so awesome it leaves little room for interpretation on who the figure is based on.

The MOST frustrating thing about all of this:

HT will take this sales data as ‘proof no one wants Mace’ and will likely never make another one.

Rather than try and get “250 customers to purchase Mace figures with a solid portrait” they instead opted to make a crappy figure, sell it to the 80 or so people that purchased it, then claim lack of interest and most likely gaslight us thinking we’re the problem. 🤣🤣
It's funny, because for a while, it looked like Hot Toys was going to step up their game. They way overproduced and overpriced figures, they had a few lazy figures sent out the door, and stuff was sitting around not selling. Then InArt came into the game. Suddenly, things started look better, producing runs got smaller, prices (somewhat) stopped climbing. Sort of like AEW entering the pro wrestling game and making WWE clean up their act with competition after being a monopoly, now Hot Toys had a reason to try.

But now we're seeing Hot Toys start to pull their usual **** again. This figure is lazy. It's bare bones and hardly comes with accessories, there's just no reason to be putting out a sculpt like this. People were asking for this figure for years. This should have been a slam dunk, home run, huge run, but Hot Toys mailed it in. For what?

That's why I'm tempted to just get the Dean Tolliver sculpt and have it painted. At least that way the money is going to someone else and not Hot Toys, and I never have to worry about the character again.

Hot Toys is getting frustrating to be a customer of to say the least. I'm at the point that I'm glad I have the core characters I want from them. I don't need another Luke ever again, I don't need another Padme or Qui-Gon or Ahsoka ever again. What I have works. Will I be sucked back in if they make Cassian Andor or Wedge Antilles or Admiral Piett? Yes. Will I be splurging on characters like Shin Hati moving forward? No. Not until they show they're not going to pull this again and that good will is going to take time to build back.
The difference in realism and accuracy between Shuri and Windu is kind of crazy. So easy to tell which figures got the A Team and which ones got tossed to the B Team. Similar difference you see with the Holland figure recently released compared to Tobey and Garfield.

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Maybe it's just the pictures but it feels like the Windu sculpt has the longest neck ever on a sixth scale figure.
A good chunk of it's seated into the body. But yes, looking at it without being attached it really does look hilariously long.
It's funny, because for a while, it looked like Hot Toys was going to step up their game. They way overproduced and overpriced figures, they had a few lazy figures sent out the door, and stuff was sitting around not selling. Then InArt came into the game. Suddenly, things started look better, producing runs got smaller, prices (somewhat) stopped climbing. Sort of like AEW entering the pro wrestling game and making WWE clean up their act with competition after being a monopoly, now Hot Toys had a reason to try.

But now we're seeing Hot Toys start to pull their usual **** again. This figure is lazy. It's bare bones and hardly comes with accessories, there's just no reason to be putting out a sculpt like this. People were asking for this figure for years. This should have been a slam dunk, home run, huge run, but Hot Toys mailed it in. For what?

That's why I'm tempted to just get the Dean Tolliver sculpt and have it painted. At least that way the money is going to someone else and not Hot Toys, and I never have to worry about the character again.

Hot Toys is getting frustrating to be a customer of to say the least. I'm at the point that I'm glad I have the core characters I want from them. I don't need another Luke ever again, I don't need another Padme or Qui-Gon or Ahsoka ever again. What I have works. Will I be sucked back in if they make Cassian Andor or Wedge Antilles or Admiral Piett? Yes. Will I be splurging on characters like Shin Hati moving forward? No. Not until they show they're not going to pull this again and that good will is going to take time to build back.


Your AWE vs WWE comparison is appropriate AF 😆😆.

HTs “all of a sudden-out of nowhere-totally not because of InArt” improvement makes this figure all the more depressing. On top of HT past s***** behavior, “The Batman” rivalry revealed there’s nothing holding HT back from revising their products. What that rivalry also taught us is HT are only willing to do so if there’s competition. Could you imagine if InArt acquired an “Asia only” license to SW? I think some of us here can agree that this whole Mace debacle wouldn’t have been a thing 😂 and we’d all be receiving a figure that actually looked like SLJ.