EXO-6 Star Trek "The Next Generation" Figures

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I'm good with the Essentials in the Darmok jacket. The accessories are great (I would've gladly ponied up if the "Standard" was the only offering), but given the option, I can leave 'em on the table and throw the savings at another figure.

I also don't need the standard TNG tunic, I've never placed them high in my ranking of Starfleet unis. It's always taken a modicum of belief-suspension to go along with the notion that they were comfortable enough to basically live in despite requiring constant readjustment after any semi-dynamic movement, as implied by how little we're exposed to the crew's horrific tastes in civvies when off-duty :p

He'll also stand out better next to Riker and Ro, who will likely be my only other TNG-era figures. I stuck with FC for Data, Worf will be DS9/FC, holding out for PIC3 or FC Geordi, and I have no interest in figures of Crusher or Troi at all.
Wasn’t the black part of his Darmok jacket a shiny leather?
Unfortunately the shine became a nuisance for set lighting, so they changed it to a suede similar to the rest of the jacket. I would much prefer that look for this figure (and the show for that matter), but to avoid entropy-enamoured pleather, they'd probably have to use a somewhat-stiffer plastic which could look pretty bad if you wanted to pose him with his arms raised beyond a certain point. Like playing the flute, or aiming a phaser. Or aiming a phaser at someone playing the flute.

That's speculation though; it could just be a matter of downward pressure on the MSRP. Something Exo should be commended for in a lot of instances. Instances that don't involve us being happy to ante up to get precisely what we want. ;P

Bev Head
They probably are since McCoy is going to come relatively soon I believe.

I'm glad they're not doing "Real" hair with Beverly. Hope they don't with Khan or Deanna either. As much as it limits posability, I don't care. Dealing with Barbie hair is a nightmare and IMO it doesn't look good until you spend way too much on these things (like 1k+ range). Sculpt all the way.
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The iris on the Exo-6 eyes are too small and that certainly doesn't help the likeness.
The one on the far right looks like a completely different sculpt than the others. But when I found the source of that image, they say it's the prototype sculpt for Exo's new Picard?
I know lens/focal length/distance can change a lot, but the shapes of the philtrum and upper lip look different to me, along with the chin dimple and nose. I'm so confused, there are very noticeable differences.

Perhaps this is a case of the final production paint doing the sculpt a disservice? The production paint seems to add more upper lip, it shrinks the irises, and generally neglects a lot of detail around the eyes and mouth. Some loss of detail is always expected when moving to mass production, but it also seems to be straying from the example set by the prototype quite a bit.

Paint can drastically change the impression of a sculpt and I still wonder what this thing would actually look like in-hand.

It's not 100%. I still want it and like it.
If I'm honest I swear pretty much all the eyes on EXO-figures seeeeeeem a tiny bit too small. I think Patrick Stewart's epicanthal folds look off. That might be the sculpt mainly, maybe paint can help.
I think the eyebrows are another point that's probably fixable with paint. His eyebrows kind of fade off towards the outside and I think making that a tad better would help tremendously. Nanjin seems open to improving the paint before final on Facebook.

I thiiiink the shape seeming wider is because of the photo lenses used. Also it's from slightly below (maybe) and we almost never see Picard from that angle.

Anyways, if we get it as is it's not the best figure representation, but far from the worst. And I think it'll look better in person like all my EXO-6 figures do.
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The iris on the Exo-6 eyes are too small and that certainly doesn't help the likeness.
The one on the far right looks like a completely different sculpt than the others. But when I found the source of that image, they say it's the prototype sculpt for Exo's new Picard?
I know lens/focal length/distance can change a lot, but the shapes of the philtrum and upper lip look different to me, along with the chin dimple and nose. I'm so confused, there are very noticeable differences.

Perhaps this is a case of the final production paint doing the sculpt a disservice? The production paint seems to add more upper lip, it shrinks the irises, and generally neglects a lot of detail around the eyes and mouth. Some loss of detail is always expected when moving to mass production, but it also seems to be straying from the example set by the prototype quite a bit.

Paint can drastically change the impression of a sculpt and I still wonder what this thing would actually look like in-hand.



Wooooow! What a huge difference, the one on the far right is at a whole other level x10, that’s what I call “museum-grade”!

If only that was what were getting.
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Sounds like Nanjin is really struggling with Worf because of the sash. It’ll be really cost prohibitive to do it properly and he doesn’t want to make it out of plastic. Curious what he’ll come up with.
So I asked the question on FB…and it seems like that Picard paint up has been done by the official painter for EXO-6 before it goes into production. I don’t think that the mass produced Picards will have this level of detail, but hopefully will come close to what we’re seeing here. That underlying sculpt looks pretty awesome to me. ☺️
So I asked the question on FB…and it seems like that Picard paint up has been done by the official painter for EXO-6 before it goes into production. I don’t think that the mass produced Picards will have this level of detail, but hopefully will come close to what we’re seeing here. That underlying sculpt looks pretty awesome to me. ☺️
It’s hard to believe that they are the same sculpt, wow. I guess doing a repaint down the road is always an option to get it closer to the official painters if the production piece really misses the mark.
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The iris on the Exo-6 eyes are too small and that certainly doesn't help the likeness.

Hey MF! Great to hear from you! It's been a while (or maybe I just haven't been active on the same forums as you recently). I still consider you the reason I joined SSF/SF way back in the day!

Anyway, between the two images in the middle, its QMX for the win all day in my book (which is obviously the only book that counts - and assuming that actually is the QMX sculpt 😬). It's a little soft in that photo, but it captures J-L P the best to me, and it's not close.