InArt - The Batman 1/6th Figure

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I ordered right after Influencer videos came out. So likely April. To clarify, as I was quite excited, the shipping updated but it hasn't shipped just yet they told me June/July for it.
Still shocking. That's when I placed my order with them as well. Checked my email, but unfortunately nothing so far.
I’m also surprised kit doesn’t even have the batsignals. Not his fault but why would ToysWonderland get them first. Doesn’t make sense to me.

Apparently nagging them long enough they will ship the figures, which is terrible, not guaranteed, and shouldn’t be experienced by anyone. I’m to hear that man :/
Been going back and forth with them via email since last August and it's just one pitiful excuse after another.

Shocked InArt are doing any business with them.
I can understand why many would end up canceling their order, all of this is annoying and frustrating because it's almost like a "yall can't have it yet except for a few tools who make it look like ****" approach. Regardless I'm trying to hold off from giving up and canceling mine, though I'm losing thr hype for it now and idk how much more time we'll go by before I finally say screw it.
False Alarm.

Is anyone interested in taking my preorder for the Premium Batman from Kit? PM me.
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I can understand why many would end up canceling their order, all of this is annoying and frustrating because it's almost like a "yall can't have it yet except for a few tools who make it look like ****" approach. Regardless I'm trying to hold off from giving up and canceling mine, though I'm losing thr hype for it now and idk how much more time we'll go by before I finally say screw it.
The entire process of rolling them out is very cumbersome, but not a reason to cancel. Ultimately it comes down to whether you want the figure, or not.
I'm seeing lots of cancellations / transfer requests. I imagine Kit will have plenty extras for anybody who missed out.

Aragorn on the other hand, I'm seeing more people trying to get a 2nd, than trying to let go of their order. lol

Could happen also with Aragorn if the delay between influencer batch and peasant batch is just as long or longer.
Could happen also with Aragorn if the delay between influencer batch and peasant batch is just as long or longer.
I understand more with The Batman since HT has a version out there and people can just pick that up if tired of waiting. There isn't another solid version of Aragorn to do that.
Still don't really understand losing interest in a figure because of a delay. If you plan to have the figure on display for years to come what's an extra few months wait?
Not me personally, but it seems that most are taking issue that it isn't a delay in general, but that "influencers" and other QS/Inart "priority" are receiving their figures months in advance compared to the general customer base.
The entire process of rolling them out is very cumbersome, but not a reason to cancel. Ultimately it comes down to whether you want the figure, or not.
That's true but I believe it's mostly how this whole thing is being done that is upsetting the majority. And definitely it is about whether we want it or not at this point when HT version has been out some time. Ultimately it does come down to what is worth spending on. I'm still holding on to it but I'm definitely feeling tired with the whole thing but will still hold on to it.
I’m kind of curious: how many people do we think really, intensively futz with their figures out of the box? I think the rooted hair thing is just really interesting because I see people praising the novelty of it, but then it’s like Chicken Little and the sky is falling every time one of these videos comes out with Battinson looking like he’s got a Merkin on his head. I don’t like to speak in generalities, but, in all my years of seeing other people’s collections, there are very, very few that I vividly remember having that “wow” factor and I think it’s specifically because they were the ones who took that less is more approach, had one or, max, two figures on their shelves, and made sure that everything from the lighting to the pose was maximizing the figures’ realism.

Conversely, I feel like I’ve seen a lot more “here are 12 Hot Toys Iron Men crammed haphazardly into a single Detolf shelf” displays and I can’t help but wonder if the reason so many people freak out is because they either don’t want to take the time to intensively work with these figures or are scared to. That last part may be a bit of projection because I’m still intimidated and worried about breaking ****, all these years later, but it does make me wonder. I don’t think any of these figures look the way we want them to, straight out of the box, and I don’t think the rooted hair is any exception.
Not me personally, but it seems that most are taking issue that it isn't a delay in general, but that "influencers" and other QS/Inart "priority" are receiving their figures months in advance compared to the general customer base.
I understand that and hopefully something InArt learn from. Still, it's not going to spoil my enjoyment of the figure over the next 5-10 years.
I'm just going to make a positive assumption and believe that InArt is just trying to reduce the batches into two instead of the three / four they have been doing for other figures. At the same time, I've been seeing people on facebook and youtube saying they've received theirs from Toys Wonderland (a bit skeptical).
I'm just going to make a positive assumption and believe that InArt is just trying to reduce the batches into two instead of the three / four they have been doing for other figures.
Pretty sure that's exactly what they are doing. I believe John said the first batch for this should be big. Gandalf's first real batch was incredibly small before folks had to wait another 1-2 months for the next one. Their goal with increasing their production team is to reduce the number of batches.