Jazzinc Dioramas 1/6 Ultimate Catwoman (Batman Returns, 1992)

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Absolutely the wrong painter for this, it’s like we’re back to 2015-2016 customs again. Hate to be harsh but I’m a bit surprised Michelle and WB would sign off on this so early with only old custom work shown and still no professional level experience on the painters behalf. If he wants the same success for this figure line as the vehicles then he’s going to have to nail this. I don’t care how long collectors have waited, the figure will appear outdated on the assembly line if it looks like the aforementioned work. I want a Michelle Pfeiffer, but I won’t blindly accept one, licensed or not.
The staggering amount of feedback and by extension - publicity - this is getting...

This won't be a sub $400 figure. Done made a mountain out of a mole hill. Yall won't be happy until it's $1K+.
The staggering amount of feedback and by extension - publicity - this is getting...

This won't be a sub $400 figure. Done made a mountain out of a mole hill. Yall won't be happy until it's $1K+.
Yeah, i feel this may be the case.

The demand for this will be larger than Jazz may be prepared for, i think a higher demand and feedback on additional features will drive cost up for it. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing if they can pull it off, but i think the wait and cost of this thing really isn't going to be staying anywhere near $400. Unless they do a high count on basic versions and a VERY limited deluxe run.

Guess we'll see.
Yeah, i feel this may be the case.

The demand for this will be larger than Jazz may be prepared for, i think a higher demand and feedback on additional features will drive cost up for it. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing if they can pull it off, but i think the wait and cost of this thing really isn't going to be staying anywhere near $400. Unless they do a high count on basic versions and a VERY limited deluxe run.

Guess we'll see.

To you perfectionist, please wait for InArt. I'd like to be able to afford this. Thx.
If this was any other character, from any other company even remotely suggesting similar paint apps for $300-$400 per officially licensed figure in 2024 it would get laughed out of the room no question. Let’s keep our standards up.
If this was any other character, from any other company even remotely suggesting similar paint apps for $300-$400 per officially licensed figure in 2024 it would get laughed out of the room no question. Let’s keep our standards up.
They're early pics. Anyone basing their standards off these deserves it tbh.
If this was any other character, from any other company even remotely suggesting similar paint apps for $300-$400 per officially licensed figure in 2024 it would get laughed out of the room no question. Let’s keep our standards up.

Agreed. I like the previews of the work being done, but i think they need to be holding off to showcase this closer to the finished product tbh.
Agreed. I like the previews of the work being done, but i think they need to be holding off to showcase this closer to the finished product tbh.
Yeah definitely, focus on showing off that you can get the outfit correct and in scale first with a body type that accurately reflects Michelle’s proportions without unsightly joints peering through. If he can tackle that, an artist will probably offer a more accurate 3D printed sculpt later if Joost can’t deliver on her likeness.

If we blindly accept this at any quality, we’re doing Joost a major disservice when we don’t show up for the other characters he has planned later on at a similar quality.
If you look at most HT Batman figures there is depth to the sculpt because of multiple layers. It looks as though an actual person is underneath the mask. This is how Catwoman needs to be tackled. Hollow cowl, faceplate, separate eye pieces and then movable eyes. The more they show the more it resembles a custom figure and it should not seem like that. Hopefully they stop tossing ideas at the wall and come up with something that actually sticks.
Makes little sense to have three separate heads but if that is what is offered then that is what is offered.
We're still about a month out from preorder. Not a fan of them needing to rush a proto out for preorder solicitation right around the corner. Feels not right. Rushed.

I guess we'll see.
One great head is all I need.
Exactly, one sculpt that has variety via rolling eyes and multiple mouthplates. The less I have to think about the box the better, I don’t want to go back into it for anything let alone to shuffle between multiple sculpts. I don’t want this to be a mars toys Riddler situation where we get two sculpts but neither hit the mark.

Put all of your focus into one stellar sculpt and true to scale latex suit with proper stitch work on a custom body and it’s a home run.

Add a battle damaged sculpt with rooted strands along with a torn suit figure and that’s all you really need here. I would like r&d to be on point for this, the less resources that go into packaging, the base, and accessories the better.
Well, the licking tongue sculpt is a waste of an option. No one will really use it. I mean, there's always "that guy" who might, but he's not driving the business. Everyone else chiming in that they want it are the same ones who, on PO day, start back-peddling with excuses not to buy.

Most collectors want to display Catwoman from the movie, a recognizable Michelle Pfeiffer -- probably legs straight, spread apart, a hand on her hip and the other ready with her whip -- mean sneer or sexy smirk work either way. I imagine most will end up posing her in a variant of that.