Hot Toys MMS 692 + 693 BATMAN (1989) 1/6 scale Batman 2.0

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These two sculpts being released within 2 months of one another is crazy. It's a gamble on which character Hot Toys will put the proper time and attention to.

It’s absolutely crazy! What is going on in Howard’s factories? The fact that they’ve listened to all of the issues with Tobey and corrected them on this new Holland suit so quickly is wild, but that’s Hot Toys, and we’re collectors. We complain about something, then they fix it, then we complain about having to replace with the new upgraded product. I’ll keep accepting these 2.0s so long as they’re quality, the other companies never promised us 2.0s in the future. It’s quite possible InArt doesn’t give us a 2.0 Ledger, they’ve stated that wasn’t their interest and they’ve got a lot of back logged product.
Yeah sorry, I don't buy that Holland came out as good as it did because people complained about Tobey. Tobey's prototype already looked rough and was simply released as is. With an even sloppier neck seam than Garfield, which released months and months earlier. Holland's prototype already looked great when announced and was then upgraded even further midway through production around the time they started upgrading The Batman when INART came into the field.

Doesn't have to do with them going "Hey, people are complaining about Tobey, which hasn't even released yet, let's go upgrade that Holland Spider-Man figure!" They're simply lazy on certain releases than others, like Tobey, Mace Windu and the two Avatar figures. Same way they're reusing the inaccurate suit and body on the Black Suit Tobey figure, which probably won't change.

Their recent prototypes have been great though. The competition they've gotten in the past 2 years has definitely helped, which only benefits us. I don't doubt that a Catwoman by them would be great, especially when it's a figure that they deem is in competition with another company, ie Joost. They've already shown to be petty against him when they teased the Batmobile and Vulture to steer people away from preordering when they never had any intentions to produce them. They would probably go all out on a Catwoman.
Yeah sorry, I don't buy that Holland came out as good as it did because people complained about Tobey. Tobey's prototype already looked rough and was simply released as is. With an even sloppier neck seam than Garfield, which released months and months earlier. Holland's prototype already looked great when announced and was then upgraded even further midway through production around the time they started upgrading The Batman when INART came into the field.

Doesn't have to do with them going "Hey, people are complaining about Tobey, which hasn't even released yet, let's go upgrade that Holland Spider-Man figure!" They're simply lazy on certain releases than others, like Tobey, Mace Windu and the two Avatar figures. Same way they're reusing the inaccurate suit and body on the Black Suit Tobey figure, which probably won't change.

Their recent prototypes have been great though. The competition they've gotten in the past 2 years has definitely helped, which only benefits us. I don't doubt that a Catwoman by them would be great, especially when it's a figure that they deem is in competition with another company, ie Joost. They've already shown to be petty against him when they teased the Batmobile and Vulture to steer people away from preordering when they never had any intentions to produce them. They would probably go all out on a Catwoman.
I agree about the red suit Tobey, had him on order, canceled. Awful representation of a good character, but at least it wasn’t their idea of revisiting Rami’s trilogy with him and that even worse Doc Ock, perhaps one day when the well has dried a bit we’ll see proper Rami releases. I do have Black suit Tobey on PO will wait until release videos to decide what to do on him, could always customize the body or sell him off. My Garfield actually came out pretty good compared to others I’ve seen.

I’d like to have more licensed options to choose from for Catwoman, HT being petty would only be a gift to the community with finally releasing this character, actually a bit appreciative that they’ve chose to hold off on her this long.
Probably our only hope to get one that looks like this Keaton, should ask about a Returns 2.0 Batman also. Hot Toys are on an absolute roll right now, couldn’t be a better time to get her from them.

I asked about a Pfeiffer Catwoman and DeVito Penguin too.

Howard will absolutely just say something like ‘These characters are very important to us and we really hope to release them so our Returns Batman can have some company.’

Just enough to sew the seeds of it being possibility and hurt JazzInc’s sales.
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Howard will absolutely just say something like ‘These characters are very important to us and really hope to release them so our Returns Batman can have some company.’

Just enough to sew the seeds of it being possibility and hurt JazzInc’s sales.
Today with how film is, they might just do it.
The biggest issue with that Obi-Wan sculpt is those aren’t his eyes, again all companies suffer from this when the eyes aren’t specifically made for each character, eyes will make or break a likeness almost every time. They tried to replicate just about everything else on his face. Mace was just lazy it appears, but I think that’s somewhat due to not really having much experience with sculpting and painting black actors, few and far between compared to what they’re used to making. Even the proto was lackluster at best.
The funny thing is they did great with the Nick Fury sculpts. Why couldn't they replicate that with Mace?
The funny thing is they did great with the Nick Fury sculpts. Why couldn't they replicate that with Mace?
Who sculpted the Nick Fury sculpts? Are they still around? I’m not very familiar with their Marvel releases.
Who sculpted the Nick Fury sculpts? Are they still around? I’m not very familiar with their Marvel releases.
I don't know. I have the Avengers one and that looks like SLJ. The one from Winter Soldier looks even better.
I don't know. I have the Avengers one and that looks like SLJ. The one from Winter Soldier looks even better
Not sure, but I do know unmasked HT Star Wars human sculpts haven’t always been capturing actor’s likenesses through out the years. They’re getting better though which is odd why that figure is suffering the most, the new Darth Maul looks insane and I know @DarthAlias is over the moon about it.
I actually agree with Nick. I feel like there’s a clear distinction between sculpts solicited before and after they introduced moving eyes. I feel like there was a weird transitional period between when the InArt Joker was *announced* and when it was released, where they were deciding what their response would be (that seems to be where you can see the end result in lower quality, subpar final products like SLJ and Tobey vs. figures like new blue & red Spidey that didn’t enter production until after HT were forced to give a ****).

Personally, I will look this guy up on the aftermarket and eat the cost for the deluxe like I did with Spidey, if it turns out they listened and improved the body with an accurate, plated fabric-based suit. That’s literally my only complaint about this figure and, without it, it would be grail status for me. I just don’t like, on principle, using the same inaccurate body from a 13 year old figure when you’ve continued to tweak and improve the TDK suit, like, 5 times between the first MMS TDK Bats, the DX 02, the DX12, Armory, DX19, etc. It’s irksome and cheap.

I really am curious how WB licensing works and if they still have access to Nicholson’s likeness rights after all these years or if they’d have to pay for it all over again.
Oh they would definitely have to repurchase the likeness rights from Nicholson’s camp. HT may have the most resources, but not enough to hold onto for a decade without producing anything, there’s a reason they made a big deal about it when they obtained it. I believe the only reason we’re getting a 2.0 Keaton at this moment is due to the Flash film and they had him re-sign off on 89 while signing off on The Flash figures.
My final payment was pushed to August. Be lucky to have it in hand by Christmas at this rate :(
My final payment was pushed to August. Be lucky to have it in hand by Christmas at this rate :(
August sounds about right to me.
It was teased in their "coming soon" post, so I would expect it to be released overseas sometime in July. The western release is typically 4–6 weeks afterwards. That puts it around Aug–Sept.
I was expecting this figure this past month, I think I saw a post showing this figure like a coming release and still nothing. Very weird they showed up this and more than a month ago and still nothing.
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Doesn't really have to do with factory but more so with what artist they put on certain figures. The ones that get outsourced to Yixie and Lu1yo314 have been great. Same for their one in-house artist that has been tackling the stand out sculpts released recently (Holland & Black Panther) and the Ashoka prototypes. Others get thrown onto their B Team without a second thought.

These two sculpts being released within 2 months of one another is crazy. It's a gamble on which character Hot Toys will put the proper time and attention to.

That's insane...

That's insane...
This shows how important rolling eyes are for licensed figures, without custom hand painted attention to detail, it’s practically impossible to make any attempt at realism, which the new Jazzinc Catwoman will suffer from unless his artists are hand painting every one. Which begs the question, if that’s a likely possibility first figure in, why double the work load with an additional sculpt, sounds more labor intensive than producing the tooling for rolling eyes.
I was expecting this figure this past month, I think I saw a post showing this figure like a coming release and still nothing. Very weird they showed up this and more than a month ago and still nothing.

HT have nearly released every figure on that coming soon image, with one lately being released weekly of late.

This will be released before the end of next month. I am confident of that.